《Hail to the King (RE8 Harem/fanfic)》Chapter 11 - Saviors or Suffering?


Y/n was sitting in a common room that overlooked the village, there hadn't been any movement for awhile besides lycans.

The lycan life seemed to be searching the area for something or someone.

{Thoughts} Someone down there was moving people to a safe house... But where and who? Not Travis, he lacks the basic training and empathy to do that same could be said for Heisenberg.... They evaded conflict this long so either they scoped this place out to know all the safe paths or they have a greater deal of discretion... All of this is hypothetical sadly...

Y/n was shaken from his thoughts as the door to the room opened and Alcina walked in.

Hello Darling, I was wonder where you wondered off too this morning.

No need to concern over me love just observing... Say am I the only one to wonder into town recently.

Hm? Well not long ago Moreau found the corpse of an outsider in the reservoir, eaten from the waist down... Couldn't care less but the insignia on his back peaked Mother Miranda's interest... Its hard to remember though...

Maybe I can help spark that memory~

He gives her a sly smiles as he stands on chair to meet her eye to eye, he kisses her deeply, she letting his tongue in to explore her mouth as the two embrace passionately.

Soft muffled moans pass Alcina's lips as Y/n runs his fingers through her long silky black hair. She rests her hands on his shoulders as she reluctantly pulls away from her lover.

Sadly no luck, all I remember is Monreau standing beside Mother Miranda all giddy about a new test he'd been running with the cadou...


The one time i wish Heisenberg or Moreau was here, god forgive, a parasitic anomaly that transforms the host much like myself... It gives us our unique qualities, but were only as powerful as Miranda let's us...

Y/n was silent for a moment, he stepped off the chair and looked over the village.

Well leaves me no choice then... I need to pay Moreau a visit.

My dear I protest! Moreau is a cretin who desires Mother Miranda's love over all else... With no shadow of a doubt he'd sooner devour you without a second thought let alone negotiate his projects with you.

is that right?... Keep the bed warm for me gorgeous and tell the girls to guard the castle, only I come in and out.

He reaches up caressing Alcina's cheek, she blushes and signs understanding his determination will not fault here.


And am I to wait for what?

Your going to call Miranda and spin a web for me, specifically that I am in the village... Gathering survivors~

Y/n and Alcina shared a mischievous grin.

[ A few minutes later ] - - - - -

Y/n enters a small room off the side of the where the Duke sat and when he saw Y/n he smiled gave him a round of applause.

Ah Bravo Bravo Mr. Callahan~ you have achieved something no man nor woman has ever achieved what you did... But I must ask, what of Miranda?

Sow the seeds of discord Duke, im gonna have Alcina talk with Miranda BUT Miranda won't believe most of what she said and when Travis runs to her claiming she's fallen under my thumb she'll spend so much time separating truth from false I'll have free range to find Moreau.

You think you could persuade Moreau? I respect your charm Mr. Callahan but well... Moreau isn't exactly the type id want to fornicate with...

Duke... Jesus, no... I have no intention of finding Moreau specifically, I just need to find out whose tracing around the village...

Ah i see and what will you do if he attacks?

I'll do what I do best... Make problems disappear...

Hahaha well spoken, like a true lord, but you can't do it dressed like that.

Y/n and Duke looked over his semi naked exterior, no shirt scuffed up jeans.

The only men closes are in the blood sink aka the dungeon.

You insult me sir~ I am the master of trade in these parts.

: Duke I have no money.

I do though.

Behind him Alcina ducks under the doorway, she handed Duke a bag of coins.


Shush. If we are to succeed in this crusade, no shortcuts.

Alcina chose out an array of clothes from the Duke's market and handed them to Y/n. He dressed himself, Duke didn't care but he was unaware of how much Alcina was watching.

Y/n turned and looked in a mirror to look himself over.

Y/n smiled and straighted the edges out, he paused and looked deeper into the mirror.

{Thoughts} That's new...

Suddenly a black hand slapped the mirror from the other side, as if it was a window the whole time but looking back he only saw his reflected.

Everything alright Mr. Callahan?

Y/n looked over at Duke and Alcina, who looked back curiously.

.... It's perfect, thank you. Alright Alcina im off...


Be wary, you maybe safe from lycan here but out there they serve the whim of the Mother!

Alcina gives him a bow as he heads for the door. Cassandra, Bela, and Daniela all meet him at the door to give him a proper kiss before leaving.

Y/n walked into the village with his shotgun in hand, lycans standing on the roof tops peering down at him. Y/n made sure to keep a decisive stare at the beasts that watched back, it was clear they were at a stalemate.

Y/n turns to the direction of the scream, he sees a man ripped behind a building but when he broke eye contact with the lycans and he heard a loud thump behind him.

A lycan had pounced behind and swatted the gun away, the lycan bit Y/n on the left forearm as he managed to guard before possibly losing his face instead.

{Thoughts} Oh I royally fucked this!

Y/n kicks the lycan off him but it quickly charges back pushing him up against a wall.


Y/n brings his arms down in the lycans arms and headbutts the beast in the mouth, he follows up by delivering a right hook then a left.

The lycan takes a swing at him but he ducks it and returns the gesture with an uppercut, slipping behind the lycan he throws it in a headlock.

The two struggle for power before a loud snap is heard, Y/n snapped the lycans neck and let the corpse drop limp.

He panted as he looked at the lycan with darker hair and a slightly larger body.

These ones... They aren't just pups... She had bigger ones... Fuck this whole time ive been getting the scraps.... {Thoughts}..... Why didn't i get all veiny or... Feral?...

Y/n looked back to the direction of the man, he also noticed the prior group of roof lycans were missing.

He rushed off grabbing his shotgun, realizing this was all a waste of time. He found himself at the foot of a hill, spotting two dead lycans with heads missing at the start of the path.

{Thoughts} Old bodies... Burnt down house on the outskirts of town with a fresh set of footprints in the mud... They came back to the safe house but the safe house was no more?

Y/n pushed passed the red gates and stood in front of still dying fire, he looked around the flaming wreckage.

He heard a faint groaning which caused him to turn and aim, he saw a half burnt smoking man crawling towards him.

P... Pl... Please help me...

Y/n looked down at the villager, his pained expression and three remaining fingered hand gave him a flashback. Reality flickered as he tried to focus but the memory was forcing its way through as he saw the mangled body of Horatio reaching towards him.

Y/n kneeled down looked into the villagers eyes.

Hush now, lay down close your eyes...

The villager laid down, slowly closing his eyes as he wheezed pained breathes.

S... S... She said... Said she'd help us... Bu... But we were... Doomed from... From the beginning...

Who said she'd help you? Miranda? Donna?

The villager shook his head.

T... T... Terra...

The villager wheezed and coughed, in the distance Y/n heard a multitude of howling from the village. He sighed and took his shotgun in hand.

Pray for a new day my friend, when you wake this will all be a bad dream...

Y/n heard the pained whispers of the villager, uttering whatever prayers he could believe in as he came to terms with this.

Y/n stood there in silence, he preformed the bless thy soul gesture across his chest. He looked at the spent shells in his shot gun, with no more in his pocket this was dead weight so he tossed it aside and took the Samurai edge in its place.


Y/n looked down and saw a blinking light emitting from the villagers less charred side pocket. Pulling it out he found a standard issue short wave radio, short range but easier to maintain a private channel.

Connor! Connor? It's Jesse... Connor are you there? Dammit! Alright if you can hear me get to the reservoir and bring the transmitter -crackle- Open air -crackle- fungi -crackle- wait... Water -crackle- SUS FUCK! IT FLI -crackle- Red -crackle- AHHH

The transmission ended abruptly and probably violently, y/n turned the radio off before shoving it in his pocket.

End of Ch.11

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