《Anime Imagines》Levi Ackerman


Y/n's POV

"You call that clean? Titans could clean better," Levi yelled at us.

"All you cadets are going to redo this bathroom right now. I'm going to supervise this time since the first time you couldn't do it properly. Don't waste my time," he shouted and we all went to scrubbing the bathroom.

It was a really nice day out and we were stuck in the awful bathroom cleaning. It had stains everywhere. It wasn't our fault that the stains were permanent.

I sighed while I wiped down a mirror.

"Don't breath on the mirror. You just cleaned it!" I heard Levi say behind me. I turned around and he grabbed the rag and cleaner from my hands.

He set them on the counter and took his white bandana off. He tied the bandana behind my head so it covered my mouth and nose.

"There," he said and brushed some "dust" off my shoulder. He then looked at the hand he brushed my shoulder with, then wiped it on my sleeve.

He scoffed and walked off.

When he was out of ear shot I scoffed and went back to cleaning.

I wore the bandana for the rest of time we spent cleaning. I was scrubbing a toilet when Levi came and scoffed again.

I turned around. He scowled at me and I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

I pulled down the bandana. "What now Corporal?" I asked.

"That not how you scrub," he said annoyed. I gestured to the toilet and he kneeled next to me.

I looked at his face. I hadn't ever been that close to his face.

"Stop looking at me," he said bluntly.

"Sorry Corporal, I never noticed you had grey eyes," I said and ducked my head down. I pulled up the bandana and looked at the toilet.


"This is how you scrub. Now pay attention because I don't want to have to explain it again," he said and I nodded.

He put the toilet scrub in my hand and then put his hand over mine. He moved my hand and the scrub around the toilet bowl.

"You do it like this. If you do it like you were before there's going to be spots," he said. I nodded again.

He left me to finish and I did them how he wanted them.

Once we were finished he walked though and examined our work.

"Tch," was all he said and waved us off. At least we had the rest of the day to ourselves.

"Hey y/n! There's a sack full of potatoes we're gonna throw at each other! Wanna come?" Armin asked me.

I laughed and agreed. I was about to put my hair up when I noticed I still had Levi's bandana loosely around my neck.

"Hold on Armin I'll catch up!" I said and ran in the opposite direction the other cadets were heading.

When I got to Levi's office I knocked briefly.

"Come in," I heard his voice call.

I opened the door, slid inside, and closed it behind me.

I untied the bandana and held it.

"Umm.. I didn't know if you wanted this back or not," I said and held it up.

He looked up and then looked at the bandana. He held out his hand. I stepped forward and placed it in his hand.

He looked at it, unfolded it, and then handed it back.

I took it and looked at it.

"I have plenty," he said and looked back at whatever he was working on. I nodded and started for the door.

"Wait, what are you doing the rest of the day?" He asked even though it sounded like he didn't care.


"Throwing around potatoes... why?" I asked back.

"I was going to clean my office this afternoon. Would you like to help?" He looked down and then shifted his eyes away from me.

I had spent all day cleaning and now he wants me to clean more? I mean I can't say no to Corporal or he'd think I was asking to do laps.

I smiled and agreed.

"Meet me back here in an hour. Go throw around potatoes or whatever," he said and waved me off.

I went and threw the potatoes around for an hour and then went to return to Levi's office.

I started to leave when Connie stopped me.

"Why so soon? We still have more potatoes," he said and gestured to the sad pile on the ground.

"I would but-" I started.

"But she's going to clean with Levi," Jean said while emphasizing the clean part and making it sexual.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh please Jean you just wish it was you I was cleaning with," I stuck out my tongue and smiled.

When I got to Levi's office he let me in and handed me cleaning supplies.

We cleaned in silence for most of the time, but when I was cleaning a window he came up to me. He turned his back to the window and leaned on the window sill.

"Y/n," he started. "Whenever I'm around you I feel this sense of pity. I don't pity you, but you don't deserve this life. You deserve to be happy."

"I am happy-" I started.

"How? You could die any day," he brought his hand up to his face and laid it over his forehead. His hand slowly slid down his face so it rested under his chin.

"I'm dying so my family won't," I said and scoffed. "So why'd you invite me to clean with you? So you could pity me for another hour?"

He shook his head. "Because.. I just wanted to spend a little more time with you," he said.

I blinked at him confused. I guess tomorrow we had an expedition, but I never thought much of those. Killing a titan was normal now. Sickeningly normal.

"I'm not going to die tomorrow Corporal. At least I don't intend to," I replied and stood confidently.

"No you won't, because I'll be there," he said to me and looked me dead in the eye.

I stopped breathing for a second and looked down. I don't understand. Why was he acting like this?

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