《Haurutsuki: Beautiful Snow》19. Civil War
Meanwhile, Kaguya Shinobi had heard the commotions coming from Ryuu’s earlier battle. When their men were nowhere in sight, they headed back to the Compound to find out why.
Ryuu whizzed by, from tree to roof tops, trying his best not to lose focus and get to the frontlines of this war. He stopped midway, feeling a sudden tug at his chest. A gut feeling overwhelmed him, and his heart whispered that something had gone terribly wrong. He looked back at the direction he came, and narrowed his eyes, “I don’t care what they say. No one should get left behind.” And with that, he burst forth in white-lightning speed, ‘Hang in there, Sis. I’m coming!’
As Miyuki continued to cry over Akio’s dead body, ten Kaguya men approached, “Well, what do we have here...” One said. “A Hidden Mist brat.” Another grinned. She ignored them, continuing her silent sobs as they neared. “Aww, looks like she’s crying over the dead.” Another teased. Her sobs halted, and her grip tightened on Akio’s chest. “Serves her right after what she’s done to those men.” Another snarled. “You really think this peony brat did all this?” One inquired. “Go away.” She firmly said, still muffled in his chest. “Yeah, right. That dead guy must’ve done all the dirty work.” Another answered. They began chuckling as they surround her. She growled, clenching her teeth harsh in anger. “Poor girl thinks she’s a ninja?” One chuckled out. “This sucker died protecting her for nothing!” And they all burst out in laughter. She snapped, “I said go away!” Suddenly, blood burst out and sprayed all over…
Meanwhile, Ryuu hopped from one spot to the next. Pursuing his gut feeling at such a speed, that he seemed like sparks of white lightning. He arrived back at the Compound to see the burnt and electrocuted remains of Kaguya corpses. He heard nothing, but the swirling wind of a ghost town. Lightning flashed from the dark clouds above, and he felt a sudden chill. As he slightly shivered from the cold, he realised something. ‘Wait… It’s summer and the air’s this cold??’ With that thought, he ran on, only to slow to a stop. He snarled in disgust.
There was a silhouette breathing heavily through what looked like a large, spikey sphere. The wind brushed passed his face again, “Ice?” He cautiously approached it. Taking a closer look, he became mortified! Frozen bodies were littering it's surroundings. All of them, pierced and torn up some way, shape or form. The figure crawled out the large volume of ice. Ryuu deadpanned, paralyzed with fear. The figure slid out the gaps of ice, and disappeared from its reflection. Ryuu regained his compusure and drew out his sword, ready for a fight. When the figure round the ice, and tried to stand tall, they fell back. They leaned against the spikey ice pillar in exhaustion. “Miyuki...” He lowered his guard. “R… Ryuu.” She hoarsely managed. She collapsed to her knees, an ice spike holding her up under her arms. She panted heavily from the tiredness.
Ryuu ran up and knelt in front of her, “What happened to you!??” He anxiously inquired. Her eyes were red and puffy. She shook her head, unable to answer him. Suddenly, ‘Miyuki. The Sabotage Squad are almost there. Ryuu’s combat skills are needed to hold off the enemy while our team boxes them in. Now!’ Katsu commanded from inside her head.
She flinched and held a hand to her aching head. 'Alright, Katsu. I have Ryuu secured. We’ll be ready for you.' Even her mental communication was weary. ‘What’s wrong? You sound terrible.’ Katsu insensitively inquired. 'Katsu, not now.' She replied, firm with irritation. ‘Alright. I’ll have Kaiyo-Sensei inform the Assault Squad. Hurry!’ And with that, the channel died down. Miyuki sighed and looked to Ryuu, “Was it Katsu?” He asked, concerned for her well-being. She muffled her groans of pain and forced herself to her feet, “Sis, what’s going on? Are you alright?” He asked, slinging his arm beneath her. “I’m fine. But you need to get to the frontlines. They’re struggling to keep the situation contained in the perimeter. Get me to the roof rendezvous for my squad, and you can continue on from there.” She calmly explained. “And Akio?” She snarled, looking away in regret. “Miyuki…” Ryuu trailed off. “Let’s just go. We have a war to fight.” With a worried look and reluctant nod, Ryuu agreed and helped her leap off to the rendezvous point. It was a high rooftop, at the edge of the Kaguya District.
When the pair arrived, they landed right in the middle of Miyuki’s already assembled squad, “Lord Ryuu, what’s happened to the Princess?” Osamu asked, seeing him hold her tired form. She snapped, remembering how Akio would call her Ice Princess, “If I were you, I’d be less concerned with my superiors and more concerned with their orders.” She coldly sneered. Her troops were taken aback. “Miyuki. Calm down.” She snapped her head at him, “Don’t tell me to-” She stopped herself. Seeing Ryuu’s concerned frown was enough. “I better get going. Can you stand?” He gently inquired. She gave a low nod. “Alright then. I’m off. Take care of her, Osamu.” Ryuu said, releasing her. “H-hai!” Osamu called back. But he was already gone with the wind, dashing up clouds of growing dust.
“Osamu, Status Report.” Miyuki instructed, being more in her calm, collected demeanour. He straightened up and gave a salute, “We’re gathering our chakra and awaiting your orders, Milady!” She put a hand on her lob-sided hip and nodded, “Good. We need all the chakra we can get. Wait for the signal. We’ll release this flood on my command.” The rest of the troops saluted, “Hai!” They formed a line along the high roof and closed their eyes. They began meditating, gathering chakra from the Basic Water Hand Sign at their chest.
When Ryuu finally arrived, it was to absolute chaos! Fires burned from homes. Dead bodies laid everywhere. Suddenly, the Earth shook. He looked back to see a rock wall, rising from behind him. He narrowed his eyes, “Just made it.” He then whipped his head to the sound of a woman and child screaming, only to see them be slit up the stomach by the Kaguya holding their hair. “Why you… HA!” Ryuu charged into battle, doing the same to them. He grabbed a sword off one of them, and began charging into the next battle. He joined his allies in defeating the Kaguya, trying to break through another part of the rocky wall now surrounding the district.
“Son, your six!” Ryuu turned his head just in time, narrowly avoiding a Bone Spear. A fresh cut slit his cheek, and his dad sigh in relief. “Thanks.” He said, grateful to him. Although too far to hear, Tadashi nodded before resuming the fight. Ryuu then narrowed his eyes at a new oncoming spear, dodging it with ease. Using his blade to pinpoint the line of fire, he determined where the spears where coming from. “You’re mine!” He declared, and in a burst of speed, jumped up from his crouched position. He began leaping off roof tops towards the Bone Sniper. He dodged a spear in mid-air. Just as he sprang in front of what would be a direct hit, “!” The Kaguya sniper exclaimed, covering his eyes from the blinding light. Ryuu then dove down, his dual blades in hand. He stabbed the enemy’s neck, and then continued to the next battle.
‘Miyuki, the walls are in place. Are you ready?’ Katsu asked from where he stood on a roof top with Kaiyo and the rest of the Defence Squad. They stared at the Earth Wall towering above them. She snapped her eyes open from where she and the rest of the Sabotage Squad stood, ‘Ready.’ Katsu nodded, ‘Then prepare for Phase Three. Katsu, over and out.’ And with that, the link ended. He turned his attention to Lady Kaiyo, “They’re ready.” She nodded, smiling with determination, “Then I’ll alert the Assault Squad.”
“Alright, Sabotage Squad. Prepare for Phase Three.” Miyuki instructed. As she changed her hand signs, the rest of her team followed suit, “Wait for my signal… Wait for my signal…” They held on to their second last sign.
‘Lord Tadashi. The Sabotage Squad is in place, and awaiting the final signal.’ Kaiyo’s sweet, gentle voice informed. Tadashi nodded, ‘Then alert the rest of the troops and head to the opening. Prepare to aid our retreat.’ He ordered. ‘Very well. Kaiyo, linking to all now.... All Assault Squad members. Make your way to the East gate immediately. This is not a drill. Retreat immediately to the Eastern Gate of the District. I repeat, this is not a drill.’ With that, everyone began falling back. Ryuu, along with the Medical Unit, began carrying as many injured people as possible, and headed for the Eastern gate.
Across the district, on opposite roof tops, stood their parents with several injured ninja and civilians. Inside the wall, the Kaguya were either restricted, unconscious, or unsteadily in pursuit of an exit. Ryuu jumped, with two limp people in his grip, out into the opening. Using his Wind chakra, he managed to lift them up, where his mother helped him onto the roof. “Kaiyo, send the final broadcast!” Tadashi called out from nearby. She nodded, and put a hand sign to her chin, ‘Attention to all members still inside the wall. Evacuate to higher grounds immediately, and brace for impact. I repeat…’ As she sent her broadcast, Tadashi looked from her to his wife. “Ready, darling!?” Shizu smiled down at Ryuu, who was now looking over at her. She then raised her head to her husband and put a hand over her chest, “Ready, dear!” Tadashi then looked to his surroundings, “Everyone! Brace for impact!”
Everyone immediately clutched to with each other, or the roof tiles below them. Shizu and Tadashi took a firm stance and then nodded to each other, “!” They both declared. “-” Tadashi announced making hands signs, “-” Shizu called out, doing the same, “!” They declared, raising their hands into the air. Thunder boomed, and lightning erupted from their hands. The barking red shape of a full-bodied wolf came from Tadashi, while howling out in the form of a blue, pack of smaller wolves was Shizu's. Everyone screamed from the power they felt flying up, above them.
“Wait for my signal…” Miyuki continued, their chakras peaking. “Uhm, what is the signal, Milady?” A Kunoichi asked beside her. Just then, the thunder boomed. A red Alpha and blue pack of electrical wolves ran up into the sky, in the distance. “Is that the Red Alpha of the Rakurai!??” The woman gasped. “And the Ice Queen’s Lightning Pack Technique!?” A Shinobi beside the woman added. Miyuki glanced over to them, noting their awestruck expressions. “You were saying?” She flatly inquired. It immediately shut their gaping mouths.
She then faced ahead, “On my mark! 3! 2! Now!” Everyone performed the final hand sign and declared along with her, “” Showing their palms up, they thrust their arms forward. Water burst out of thin air! And merged into raging waves, rushing down towards the battlefield. Its force began to smash and tear away at the walls of homes, spreading across the area. The Sabotage Squad all stood with their palms out, trying to maintain the Jutsu, “Tch! Manipulate the river to hit the opening. And avoid demolishing anything except the stone wall further ahead!” She ordered. “Hai!” Her team replied, widening their stances.
The two remaining squads grew nervous, hearing the sounds of the incoming waves. The water smashed and crashed underneath them. It rose quickly, reaching seven feet as it entered the opening. Screams from the unsuspecting Kaguya troops were heard from inside, as the stone wall began to crack and cave in. Then Tadashi announced, “Now!” With that, he and Shizu flung their arms down, and their wolves descended inside the wall. “Defence Squad!” Tadashi yelled. Kaiyo and Katsu activated chakra walls of pink and green, while the rest of the defence team created a barrier rock around everyone near the water. The Red Alpha and Ice Queen of the Haurutsuki’s special lightning technique, hit the water and began electrocuting everyone. It was a gruesome chain of electric colour.
The water stopped coming, and subsided along with the screams. Katsu and Lady Kaiyo dispersed their chakra walls, while the rest of the stone wall crumbled down and soaked into the lake. Before long, most of it was gone. Tadashi and Shizu stopped their Jutsu, silence encasing everywhere at once. He then nodded to Katsu, and he, along with Lady Kaiyo and the other troops, lowered their rock barrier. Everyone waited as the sparks gave off their last flicker. Eventually, they began to climb down and away from the area. As the last few where helped down onto the wet soil, the Mizukage appeared before them. “Lord Yagura!” Tadashi was surprised, running over and kneeling in front of him. “Well done, Tadashi. Have your troops follow me back inside. We’ll make an example of these barbaric traitors to all of the Village Hidden in the Bloody Mist.” He formally instructed. “Yes, Lord Fourth.” He nodded, waiting for Lord Yagura to pass before getting up and giving the order. Once they arrived inside, it was to bodies laying soaked and fried. From ground to window and roof tops, corpses rested all over the place. Rubble and rock were smashed across the battlefield, even their bodies. The entire area was soaked from the former flood. “What do you want us to do, Lord Yagura?” Tadashi inquired. Yagura kicked the head of a corpse. It was one of the fallen Rakurai Shinobi. “Gather each, and every corpse. We're going to hold a celebratory bonfire.” Yagura darkly smirked to himself. Tadashi gave a reluctant bowed, and broke away to begin ordering his troops.
Katsu and Ryuu dragged one of the final bodies together, and forced themselves to throw it onto one of the piles of corpses. Yagura jumped up on one, and then stomped his staff on top of a body, “Set them a light.” With that, he jumped down and stared at Ryuu expectantly. Ryuu averted his gaze, and reluctantly put a Tiger Seal to his chest. Using the Incretion Technique, alongside other Fire Ninjutsu Users, they cremated the bodies of not only the Kaguya Clan, but civilians and their fallen brethren. He had never been so disgusted in his life.
Miyuki watched in the distance, along with the other members of her squad. They sat exhausted on the roof, “What’s that?” Osamu asked beside her. “Smoke?” The Kunoichi questioned on her other side. “Why is it smoking?” The Shinobi beside her inquired. Miyuki stared at it, and waited as the first whiff of smoke hit her nose, “It’s the smoke of burning flesh.” Everyone turned to her, surprise by her cold response. Soon the smell hit them as well. It was foul, and left them covering their noses. Miyuki pulled up her pink scarf and got to her feet. She began walking in the opposite direction of the fire. “Wait! Lady Miyuki, where are you-” She cut off Osamu’s concerns, “The war is over. Go home to your loved ones.” She instructed, stepping off the roof, and gracefully landing on the ground. However, when she took her first step forward, she fell to her knee.
Osamu and some of her troops jumped down to check on her, “Lady Miyuki! Are you-” She cut him off again, “I’m fine. Now go. That’s an order.” She coldly demanded. He sighed through his nostrils in defeat, “I’ll send in your brothers.” He said, averting her harsh sneer. Suddenly, lightning flashed and the rain shower finally hit them. They all stared up at the rain, and she took that as her cue to get up. As she brushed passed Osamu, she said, “Don’t bother. I can take care myself.”
She walked through the rain, leaning and stumbling as she tiredly moved along. Finally, after what felt like forever, she reached it. She looked up, seeing the red puddles and impaled bodies surrounding the ice spikes. She watched them being hit by rain droplets, and was left unsure of how she did it all. She stumbled and fell, getting caught up between the ice spikes. “Akio.” She forced herself to say. It was the only thing motivating her to keep going. She weakly crawled and slide into the gaps between the spears, finally reaching the open space in its centre. In it, protected by the ice he laid on, was Akio’s lifeless body. She stretched out her trembling hands to him, and stepped forward, “Oh, Akio.”
Just then, her knees buckled, and she fell across his body. She winced from the pain of the fall, before shakily lifting her head to see his peacefully shut eyes. Her vision blurred, and the exhaustion kicked in. Her eyelids drooped with heaviness, “Akio…” She hoarsely croaked, reaching out to touch his cheek. But before she could, she collapsed, entering into a world of darkness. One of which, she would never escape from again.
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Following the unfortunate, or fortunate birth of a Dungeon, in the world Ilyeus where Dragons claim the skies. Titans wander the world. Drakes boast their majestic pride. Wyrms sleep beneath the earth. Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Beast-kin, and many other sapient races mingle amongst each other, for good or bad. Gods descend among mortals with their Divine Vessels. The Dungeon treads unrestricted by the links other Dungeons have. Down a path never walked by any other Dungeon in the world of Ilyeus. Down, A Path of Freedom! A Path of Dominance! A Path of a Savior! A Path that would make Spirits shudder in fear! But first, it must survive, expand, evolve, and create an army that would do its bidding. This is my first time writing something like this, so if you see any grammar or spelling errors, pointing them out would be appreciated. Any constructive criticism is also appreciated! My update schedule is currently as I write them. So that means every time I finish writing a chapter, I will post it after it gets edited. I also release a chapter of A Lone Automaton's Journey To Find Its Operator infrequently as a side thing.
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