《Haurutsuki: Beautiful Snow》12. The Future Chidori
“Rin, you’re on your feet!” Miyuki grinned. Rin was the first person she greeted when they walked in the door. Rin raced at her, and the two girls twirled into a hug full of giggles before pulling away, “It’s all thanks to you. When I had enough strength, I used Medical Ninjutsu to heal the rest of my wound. You’re the best friend ever!” She was surprised at her wording and averted her gaze, “I don’t think I ever really had a friend before.” Rin grabbed her hands and brought it to her chest, “Well, you do now.” Miyuki stared at her in awe, ‘She’s so nice… No wonder Obito likes her.’ She sadly concluded.
“Glad you’re back Rin.” Ryuu said, grabbing her shoulder from beside his sister. Rin nodded in delight and let Miyuki go. “I could say the same to you three.” Minato interrupted, walking over. “Yeah. I didn’t think I’d see you guys again.” Obito grinned. “Oh. G-good morning, Obito.” Miyuki stuttered. “Hmm? Hey, why so shy? It’s just me.” He said, poking at her sides and trying to get her to lighten up. But her face only reddened, her body stiffening in place. Her brothers noticed this, but chose to shrug it off, “Anyway, where’s Kakashi?” Ryuu inquired.
Rin’s face sunk, and Obito frowned at the mention of his name. “What’s wrong Rin?” Miyuki asked. “That Jerkhead’s been gone all morning. He hasn’t even seen Rin yet.” Minato rubbed the back of his neck with a nervous chuckle, “He had the last watch for our mission. When I clocked in to take his place just now, he told me he could handle a few more hours. He can be pretty stubborn sometimes.” Obito pouted, “More like all the time.” He mumbled. “Haa… It’s too bad he’s not here now.” Rin sighed. Minato patted her head, “I’ll go check on him after breakfast, alright?”
Rin didn’t feel much better though. For some reason, she felt he didn’t want to come back and see her. “Well, that simply won’t do. Katsu, mind fetching him with me?” Miyuki inquired. “Really? You think you could?” She nodded, “Of course. If him being here makes you happy, then that’s what I’ll do. You’re my new friend after all.” Rin lit up. “What about their mission?” Katsu inquired. “That’s where your Scouting Orbs come in.” She winked. “Scouting Orbs?” Minato wondered. Katsu nodded, “I can leave one there and another here, and you’ll be able to view the Neutral Grounds without needing to physically be there. It’s only good for about an hour, but it’ll do.”
“Amazing...” Obito thought aloud. “Hehe. Yep, that’s us.” Ryuu smugly grinned. “Besides, we already ate. We’ll be back before you know it. Even if I have to drag him all the way here myself.” She half-joked.
“Hey, Mask boy!” Miyuki called out to a tree in the Neutral Grounds. Kakashi leaped down in front of them, “You came back.” He bluntly stated. “Well, you did say you wanted to see us again, right?” she teasingly pointed out. He rolled his eyes, “How’d you find me?” he asked the red hooded girl. She gestured to her brother beside her, “Katsu scouted you out.” She then explained their Scouting Orb tactic and reason for being there. “No, thanks.” He shrugged, his hands still in pockets. “Excuse me?” She inquired, slightly annoyed. “I said no thanks.” She deadpanned before growling out, “Why you… You’re coming with us even if I have to knock you out and drag you there myself!” Kakashi removed a hand from his pocket to grab hold of the arm remaining in his other's side. It immediately flagged Katsu’s attention. “You can try… Not that you could.” he taunted. She scoffed, “Jerk!”
“Why are you hiding your hand?” Katsu interrupted.
“Hmm?” Miyuki turned to him, and he gestured for her to look at his clutching arm. “I’m not.” He flatly replied. When she took a step forward, he backed up, “Yes, you are.” She realised. “No, I’m not.” He countered. She took more steps and he ended up backing into the tree, “But you are though.” She chuckled out at his ridiculousness. “I’m not!” He frowned. “Show us your hand then.” She smirked. “I don’t need to.” He flatly countered. She rolled her eyes and grabbed his arm, yanking it out as she said, “Just show us your-” She gasped, Katsu’s eyes widening.
“Those marks…” Katsu trailed off. “You’re trying to create lightning, aren’t you!?” Miyuki exclaimed in disbelief. “Hai.” He nodded. She frowned and examined his hand before grabbing her tiny pyramid tube of water and healing the scratches and scorch marks covering his palm, “Arigato.” He plainly stated. “Mm-hmm.” She sarcastically responded before finishing the healing process. “You’re lucky I dealt with the same type of problem when I first started.” Kakashi took his glove from his pocket and put it back on.
“Why are you trying to create lighting?” Katsu suspiciously inquired. “It’s efficient in battles, I guess.” He shrugged. “Idiot… You can’t just go around creating it when you see someone else do it. It requires the same chakra control and manipulation necessary in a Medical Ninja. And the same power a Fire Ninjutsu has. You’re lucky your arm didn’t explode trying to concentrate that much power into one hand.” She scolded. “She’s right. You need to be trained by someone if you have any hopes of creating the kind of lighting she uses. It’s a delicate balance between massive chakra fuelling and chakra control. Lightning is chakra in its purist form. It can only be achieved by those with an affinity for Lightning nature. Though, judging from the damage done to your arm, you have it.” Katsu evaluated.
“Then teach me.”
The two were taken a back. “Sorry, only Miyuki has been taught Lightning Techniques. We are only trained in it from age 12 like she is.” He explained. Kakashi then turned to her, frowning expectantly. She stared at him for a moment, and then let out a heavy sigh, “You’re not going to let go of this, are you?” He shook his head. She then pouted, “Fine. Come say ‘Hi’ to Rin and we can talk about Lightning Natures after your nap.” She instructed. “Nap?” He frowned. “You’ve been up since last night, haven’t you? You’ll need to be at full strength for the practical part of your training... Deal?” He sighed before straightening up, “Deal.” He nodded. Then she sighed to herself, “It’s going to be a long day… Katsu. Set up the Scouting Orbs.” He nodded and did so, and with that, the three headed back to the inn. Rin was more than overjoyed by their accomplishment. While Kakashi frowned at receiving her hug. Miyuki giggled at seeing his expression.
True to his word, he ate breakfast, sat in his teammates company, and then took a nap.
He woke up. Surprisingly, to find it was lunchtime. Miyuki couldn’t help but tease him about how much rest he needed. After lunch, she took him to the kitchen, where they could speak without any distractions. Rin was puzzled by the two’s disappearance, but kept it to herself. Miyuki told him all about the history of Lightning Techniques, and where it’s commonly found in other Shinobi villages. “My Clan specialises in wolf-shaped Lightning Techniques. It’s pretty advanced, and it takes years to build on from what I’m able to do now. So, I’ll only be teaching you how to create and control a basic lighting form.” She finished, mentioning her Clan for the first time. “And what’s that?” She giggled, “I’m afraid you’ll just have to wait and see.” He rolled his eyes, “I meant your Clan name.” He said. “Oh, well you’ll report everything I tell you to the Hokage of your Village. So, that’s classified. I hope you understand.” She explained with a closed-eyes smile. He nodded, “Hai.”
That night, back at home, the Haurutsuki Team’s parents where still nowhere to be scene. However, instead of worrying about it, the trio woke up with a spring in their step, devouring breakfast before heading to the inn. After having spent half the previous day lecturing Kakashi about the theory of Lightning Jutsu, she found herself excited to do the more practical work. When they arrived and greeted everyone, she wasted no time, “I’m going to go find Kakashi!” She called out as she rushed back to the door. “Don’t wait up!” She added as opened it. Only Katsu knew why she had to go see him out on patrol, so the jaw-drop present on Ryuu and Obito’s faces were understandable.
Rin couldn’t turn a blind eye this time, and found herself running towards her, “Wait, Miyuki!” She halted in the doorway and waited for Rin, “Is everything okay?” she asked. “Do you-! Uhm… Do you... like Kakashi?” Rin hesitantly asked, turning pink in embarrassment. The boys’ jaws all dropped from their seats on the couch. Miyuki stood there completely baffled. She blinked as Rin stared at her, anxiously awaiting for an answer. Then she burst out laughing, “Pfft! Hahaha! Me? Like Kakashi? Hahaha!” It was the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard! She liked Obito. The realisation that she was caught in the middle of a love triangle made her laugh like being tickled to no end. “Uhm… Miyuki?” Rin asked in slight concern. She tried her best to calm herself as she responded, “Oh, sorry. I just couldn’t help it! No, I don’t. I’m not even sure what you see in him. Uhr! Not that I didn’t! I mean… Never mind.” She panicked and fell silent.
Rin sighed in relief, “That’s okay. I was just… wondering. I mean, you’ve been spending a lot of time together since I woke up.” She explained. “It’s really not like that. He just wants my help training.” Miyuki chuckled. “He… wants help?” Rin asked in greater surprise. “Besides, my parents will return through that territory, so I’ll be able to warn my brothers and get home ahead of time. Anyway, see ya!” Miyuki beamed, sprinting out the door. Rin ran out the door, “Say ‘Hi’ to Kakashi for me!” She called out. Miyuki looked back and waved, “Okay! Take care of Obito for me!” She smiled, before continuing into the mist. Leaving Rin to wonder, “Obito?”
As the day progressed, Miyuki sat on a branch facing Kakashi. He tried creating lightning in the form of a spark in his hand. So far, he was met with a tiny explosion of smoke that went Trkgh. Poof. Miyuki sighed, “It’s almost lunch. We should join the others.” She said. “No. I’ll get it this time. Haa…” He charged his hand with chakra when suddenly, Trkgh! Poof! The explosion happened on a larger scale.
The two blinked at each other, before Miyuki tried to stifle her laugh. Not only was his hand covered in black smoke, but so was his face. She ended up bursting out, "Suddenly I’m glad I agreed to do this! Hahaha!" Kakashi couldn't help but smirk to himself. Watching her childlike laughter was a side he not often sees in a war. He then wiped his masked face clean, "Why’d you agree to do this, anyway?" Her laughter subsided, “Hmm?” She giggled out. “We’re enemies in this war. But you’re teaching me what must be a secret Ninjutsu from your Village.” He explained. “Can’t be a secret if even you don’t know what it is, can it?” She winked. He rolled his eyes, “Seriously?” She giggled before looking to her lap in thought, “I guess… To protect them.” She smiled to herself.
“Who?” He raised a curious eyebrow. “From what I gather, Rin is your Medical Ninja and can’t fight for herself. My brother liked fighting Obito for his spirit, but he isn’t much of a fighter either. Your Sensei is constantly having to balance taking care of you all, and completing the mission, until you're able to handle it on your own.” She explained, and then looked up at him, “That leaves you, Kakashi. You inspire Obito to surpass you, and all Rin wants is to walk by your side. Until they can, it’s your job to protect them. No matter what.”
He was surprised by how much she had observed about his team, but that didn’t mean he agreed, “That’s not what it says in the Shinobi Rule book. The mission always takes priority.” He bluntly replied. Miyuki smirked, “Hn. Maybe you’re right. But without them your mission is sure to fail.” He looked at her, trying to decipher what she meant. She smiled and shrugged off his staring, “I guess teaching you is my way of protecting them too… Now whenever you use it… He’ll think of me.” She said more to herself in wishful thinking. He found himself leaning in, curious to hear more when suddenly, Wham! Miyuki slugged him in the gut, “Oomph! Ow!” he exclaimed, clutching to his stomach. “Don’t you ever tell anyone I said any of that!” He groaned, “You could’ve just said that, you know.” She huffed and looked away, ‘Why am I letting my guard down around some jerk!?’ Her eyebrows twitched at the thought. He sighed, “Shall we continue?” he inquired. She pouted in defiance before reluctantly sighing too, “Fine.” And so, they went back to training.
As he continued to gather the chakra, he couldn’t help but steal glances up at her. She remained fixated on the palm of his hand. And then it finally happened.
She gasped in shock, “Kakashi, you’re doing it! Keep the chakra stream steady.” She excitedly instructed. He stared at the palm of his hand in awe. A little blue spark floated above it. “Wow… It’s so pretty.” She said in nostalgia. An odd, sharp, chirping sound emitted from the spark. “It sounds like a bird.” He thought aloud. “Yeah, more like a thousand birds.” She chuckled half-jokingly. “Chidori.” He said. “What?” She asked, looking up to his face. “The sound of a thousand birds.” He explained. She slowly realised what he meant, and lit up, “Yeah… You’re right!” Kakashi nodded. And for the first time in a long time, he secretly smiled.
Just then, a hawk cried out from the sky above. Kakashi shook the blue spark off from his hand and jumped up above the tree, catching the scroll it released from its claws. She jumped up the branches to find him examining the scroll, “What is it?” She curiously inquired. “The Hokage’s response. I better get this to Minato-Sensei.” He then jumped down the tree to the misty soil. Miyuki followed, “Come on. I can get us back to the inn.” She said.
With a nod, Kakashi let her take lead, the pair rushing off and heading back for the inn.
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