《I wish I was Her》chapter-7


What just happened you might ask well Kaido just confessed his love for me and after that he ran away me and heather broke up because she said that I should be with him plus she is moving again and she doesn't like long distance relationships. so I'm just walking looking for Kaido to be honest I like him too. I know I know why date heather if you don't have feelings for her, see I thought I could get over my feelings because I thought he liked girls but after he confessed his feelings for me he ran off so I need to find him.

After a long time of walking I found him sitting on the sand at the beach.

"Hey" I said looking at him he got up about to run but I stopped him.

"W-what do you w-want?" He stuttered that is when I realized he was crying. It hurts me to see him like this all sad and shit I hate it.

"Please let me talk to you I beg you" I said looking down at him.

"Fine but only for 40 minutes" he said and with that I took him to a cafe and I ordered us something to drank.

"Okay before you say anything I'm sorry I know what I did was wrong but I- i like you too I really do" I said looking into the knoe surprized eyes of the blues hair boy.

"But if you like me then why would you date heather?" He asked looking into my eyes.

"Because I thought you liked girls so I thought I could loose this feelings by dating her"

"Okay makes more sense but you need to do something and I'll forgive you"

"What's that I'll do anything" I said looking at the blue hair boy again.


"Buy me icecream" he said.

"Okay let's get you some ice cream" I said standing up and going to the cashier to pay.

"So like what about you and h-heather" Kaido said looking down at at his cookies and cream ice cream.

"Me and her broke up"

" Wait you guys broke up"

"Yeah she is moving plus "

"Oh is she moving because of me I shouldn't have yelled at her"

"You shouldn't but there is something I need to tell you but I don't want to tell you it here"

"Okay then let's go somewhere else so you can tell me I don't like guessing what your going to tell me"

"Fine I have the perfect place" after I said that I paid for the coffee and started walking to the special spot.

"Where are we going?"

"You will see when we get there"

"I hate surprises" when Kaido said that he smiled it's been forever since I seen him smile not gonna lie I missed seeing his smile.

About 20 mins later I made it to the spot it was a garden but the thing about the garden is that it was by the ocean and it was on a hill so there is a view of the ocean plus the sun was setting so it was the perfect scene. It's almost like a movie scene.

"Kaido there is something I need to tell you"

"Yes?" He looked up at me and I made contact with his beautiful red eyes.

"So ever since I met you there was something different about you something special. You have been my best friend for awhile now but I started feeling something different for you a couple months ago. I started dating Heather so I could get over this feeling but that didn't work. That is when I realized that well that I love you"


"I-" he started cry.

"Did I do something wrong"

"No see I've been waiting to hear those words from you" I looked into his teary red eyes and I kissed him it was a soft gentle kiss filled with love.

"So will you be my boyfriend?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Of course" he said and smiled again except the smile was brighter.

"I love you you know that right idiot" he said and kissed me on my cheek

"Yeah" I said before grabbing his hand and walking to the beach with my Kaido.

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