《PSYCHO [COMPLETED]》What's hiding?


"That's none of your business, Lay!" Anger bursts in Mrs. Oh's eyes, "I told you to stay out of this!"

"I'm so sorry.."

She notices Lay's face get dull, his puppy eyes full of guilt. Her expression softens..

"Why couldn't you just listen?" she whimpers.

"He wanted to help you.. and himself!" Luhan says.

"Who are you, anyway?"

"He is Luhan. Your nephew's bestfriend."

Mrs. Oh freezes for a solid moment.

"You don't know my-"

"I do. He is Oh Sehun. Why are you lying? It is not nice, unless you have a reason."

Mrs. Oh glares at Luhan for a second and looks away.

"He's Sehun's ultimate mental support. He took care of him all this time and healed him."

"Thank you, dear one." Mrs. Oh mumbles. Her voice stuck on throat.

"Don't thank me. He's my lifeline. And I want to help you too. It hurts me to see you like this." Luhan says.

"We're beyond help. I wanted to protect Yusi. But I've only succeeded in dooming us all."

"What were you protecting me from?" Yusi asks.

"And why I don't know about this?" Sulli asks.

"I.. I can't tell you. I just can't!"

"Why?" Yusi asks.

"I can't say a single word unless.. my nephew and that girl who protected your brother confesses the secrets."

The parlor door shudders as something slams against it, the wood splintering at the hinges!

"He's trying to enter!"

"34 minutes left, Luhan's probably gonna die first," Kris says.

"Shut up. He can't die." Sehun growls.

"Your silence is what's pushing him to death.. and making your aunt suffer."

Irene frowns, "Aunt? So that old woman is-"

"Yes." Kris answers before she finishes.


"You knew? Then why didn't you tell us before?" Joy asks.

"I didn't know. I just got to know. I read minds, not dig into past," Kris rolls his eyes, "Now enough with this. Sehun? Wendy?"

Sehun takes a deep breath. "Wendy.."

"Y-yes?" Wendy mumbles.

"We.. we've both held onto our secrets for too long. We can't go like this any longer."

"But.. I just.. ! Sehun, don't you understand?"

"I can't watch Luhan die infront of my eyes, don't understand?"

Wendy tries to answer, but surely she doesn't have a reply to that.

"You realize? This secret can cause a sure destroyal that no one can help? End of us, end of everything!" Sehun's voice growling.

Sehun takes Wendy's hands in his, staring into her eyes with a fierce determination.

"We are connected. We all are, Wendy!"


"You have to! Or lay and luhan is gonna be killed in the same way. And so will all of the people here."

Wendy looks down, her eyes filling with tears.

"I'm not sure I'll be able to do it-"

Sehun takes a deep breath. Steeling himself for what he's about to say.

"If it'll make things easier. I'll step in first and tell my greatest secret..

..The one I've never told anyone..

..The one that kept me trapped between worlds all this time."

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