《Like Sunshine On Snow | p.jm ✔》일: creepy smiles


Sera could compile a whole list filled with all the bad decisions that she had made throughout her life, if she was asked to. To be honest, her lack of trust in her own self was the sole reason why she had always been so keen to deem her actions wrong, completely disregarding the little amount of right that must be there somewhere too. Sitting in the taxi, heading towards her apparent new home, she was once again on the verge of resorting to her same old habit— self-contempt.

"Maybe I should've just stuck to my job back in Canada. Good heavens Mom, you surely have a way with words." Sera begrudgingly muttered under her breath, unintentionally making the taxi driver sneak a peek at her through the back-view mirror.

"Is everything alright, miss?" The middle-aged man could not refrain from asking, as a response to which Sera sheepishly nodded with an awkward grin.

Bumping her head listlessly onto the rolled-up windows to rest for a moment, Sera did not quite realize when her gaze began to wander off to the tedious yet strangely alive surroundings. The roads looked lustrous, due to the downpour that must have occurred a few hours ago. Even the trees planted on the road-sides appeared jubilant, causing Sera to zone out at the view before her. Wearing an involuntary smirk on her face— which was not as malevolent as it seemed for her reaction purely rooted from her amusement— she swung her neck to adjust herself to a wider panorama.

Everyone looked so happy, so carefree. If it had been an ordinary day, she would have considered them and their glee as ridiculous. However not so surprisingly, it was her own self whom she had been tirelessly targeting today.

An uncertain kind of anxiety clung onto her, resultingly leading her to regret her decision of flying back to Seoul— away from her parents, and the minimal amount of acquaintances that she had managed to accumulate in all those years.


"Is there a single thing that I can get right?" Sera gasped once again, concerning her unknown companion as well.

Truthfully, the taxi driver could feel another level of ecstasy when he had finally happened to discern the massive gates that guarded Sera's destination. The woman, whom he barely knew, relentlessly troubled him with her alternate huffing, and creepy smiles. The entire time they were enroute to their common destination, he only prayed that he could have dinner with his family that night, for his customer definitely looked so out of it— to the extent of having her effect on the poor man as well.

"We can part our ways from here, miss." The driver said, his eyes crinkling as he pulled off an eerily huge smile. Sera paid him the required amount of fee, followed by stepping out of his car as she miserably hauled her luggage along. The man opened and shut his mouth repeatedly until he ultimately found the incentive to lean out of his side of the window, uttering a small, "Miss!"

Turning back due to the reflex that her name being called out had caused her, Sera raised her brow, making it clear how unanticipated of a move that was. The man cheekily beamed once again, "I know that I'm not in the place to say it but, none of the choices you make are bad. It's just that some of them take more time than the other ones to produce results. Have faith in yourself, miss! You've got this."

Finishing his little piece of advice, the taxi driver abruptly squished himself back into his car and sped out of the scene, leaving a baffled yet mildly cheerful Sera behind.

However, when she resumed to peering into the direction parallel to her front-profile, her jaw hung low and her eyes almost turned lifeless. In front of her stood a vast stretch of green field. The only structure that she could find within the proximity of her location were the university's entrance gates themselves, the unbelievable making her snicker like a lunatic.


"Just what on this earth have I gotten myself into!" She screeched, her voice sounding like a worthy opponent of a dolphin's.

Shaking her head to get a grip of herself, she let out a puff again, though this time it was not as futile. She had begun striding towards the buildings that already seemed faraway to begin with, and were even more distant in reality— something she got aware of when she had to walk a mile on foot, and that too all alone.

After struggling for an hour and a half like a sloth— watching whom even hours felt like aeons— Sera was at last in front of her tangible, and indeed very woody, apartment door.

Simpering again like a psycho as she slid against the door and crumbled onto the floor, little did Sera know that someone had been watching her for quite a while. That someone could have even grabbed a packet of snacks had she been informed beforehand of the circus show that Sera was technically running single-handedly.

"Is something wrong, woman?" A vividly cool feminine voice grumbled, and it was pretty obvious that Sera was the one being addressed here.

Lifting her head up to have a quick glance at the owner of the voice, Sera was instead met with a stretched out hand, probably meant for her to hold on to and get up on her feet once again. And so, she did. She stood up, dusting off her clothes swiftly but immaculately.

"Are you new here, by any chance?" The stranger female asked yet again, tilting her head every now and then to have a clearer sight of the lady whom she was talking to. Sera bobbed her head in embarrassment, mentally facepalming herself for letting a person have such a weird first impression of hers.

"I see. I know you must be tired but nor did my higher-ups show any mercy to me on my first day. I don't wanna discontinue their legacy— must've looked obvious to you by now. So gear up, we have got some work to do for tomorrow." The woman, whose name Sera was not even familiar with yet, locked her arms in the latter's and towed her inside her apartment.

"Wait, I don't even know you what are you doing what's your name—"

"Oh love, if I were you I would've kept shush to escape extra loads of work. Seems like you won't mind it though, judging by your incessant yapping." The slightly taller woman remarked, and Sera was left with no choice but to comply with her.


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