《Politically Incorrect》Politically Incorrect - Chapter 12
Okie dokes, the reason this is dedicated to Heather, is because she
1. is awesome
2. created the character Juliet, who is from her story Royal Pain in the Ass (which you should go read since Ian, Christine, and Lana are all in it!
I hope this chapter is enjoyable and long enough, lol :) Please be sure to VOTE and comment :)
Chapter 12
The phone call the next morning was confusing and vague to say the least. I was sitting in the office I now shared with my aunt. I had to say I liked my new workspace as I had personalized it with pictures such as my mother and myself on vacation in Italy, and some of my aunt and me. There also were some pictures of my graduation with friends. I had to remind myself to get back in touch; I had been a terrible friend as of late.
I had been sitting at my desk, trying not to think of last night’s events, going through some papers and letters. There were a lot of functions coming up soon, and I was putting everything in order and recording dates, sending replies and RSVPs. I was busier than usual to say the least, but the phone call changed everything. My aunt was the one who had answered the phone, sitting at her desk on the other side of the room. The second she answered I could see something was wrong. She looked confused and worried.
“Carolynn…stop speaking so quickly, yes…yes of course. I’ll speak to her right away. I’ll call you as soon as I get back to my office. It’s really not a problem, just calm down. You sound like you’re having a heart attack. Goodbye Carolynn.” My aunt hung up and gave me a wide-eyed stressed look before she stood to leave the room. Before opening the door she turned to me.
“I need you to go make sure both Ian and Christine are ready to go out.” I nodded and she left without another word. I went to do what she asked immediately. Whatever had just happened, I didn’t think it was good.
Normally I would have asked if she wanted me to have Alex ready, but I had spent the entire morning getting him ready to leave. He was spending the next month over in Scotland with the king’s brother’s family. They didn’t want him in the palace during all the coming events. I suppose it relived me of a lot of extra stress, but then again Alex was never the one causing problems…
I headed up the stairs to the hallway where our rooms were. I knocked on Christine’s door before opening it slowly. “Christine?” She was sitting by her vanity brushing her hair. She looked up to me.
“What is it?” She looked at my face questioningly. “Is it about last night? Are you ready to talk to me about it? You were very quiet this morning at breakfast. Chad was also wondering what was wrong.”
“No, this isn’t about last night. And no, I don’t want to talk about it just yet. I’ll go and speak to Chad. I don’t want him on my case about Ian again.”
“Ooh, so he asked you about it? How did that one go?”
“I said not now, Christine!” I laughed. She was always on top of everything and unwittingly had a love for gossip. “I’ll tell you everything later, I promise. Right now, I need you to get ready to go out. I’m guessing something very important has come up and we need to leave soon.”
“Yes, I’ll be down soon.” She winked at me and I kept laughing as I left her room. I was really happy to have Christine. Despite the fact that I was her political advisor, I had come to love her as a sister and a best friend. Though, I couldn’t help but think that was what my aunt and the queen seemed to share. They were so close despite their positions; it was very heartening to witness.
I walked over to Ian’s room and did the same with a short knock and opening the door slowly. My expression suddenly went flat. “Really?” I asked, looking at the sleeping prince. Ian looked as if he had just fallen onto his bed after breakfast and passed out. “Oh your highness, it’s time to wake up…” I sang in his ear.
“Mm, Lana, five more minutes.” He groaned. The way he said my name made my heart flutter, but I quickly shoved that away. I smacked his head and he jumped awake at that. “Wh-what?” He yelped, leaping up from the bed so quickly that I had to move back not to be assaulted.
“It’s almost noon. Get up.” I said trying to be serious, but it was hard to fight the smile trying to form on my lips. He looked pretty adorable with his hair all mussed and his expression so confused.
“I guess I fell back asleep…”
“You were up pretty late last night, it’s no wonder you were exhausted.” I explained, looking over at his dresser and absentmindedly messing with his cologne bottles. I was doing anything to avoid eye contact with him now.
“You were up just as late as me. Why aren’t you dead on your feet?” He asked, going over into his bathroom to throw some water on his face.
“Because I don’t have time to be tired. I always have work to do.” I enlightened him, rolling my eyes. I heard him come up behind me and I secretly wished his arms would wrap around my waist, pulling me close as he whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek gently. I shook my head from my fantasy and cleared my throat.
“So, what’s going on? You obviously came in here to tell me something.” He asked. Feeling him so close was like electricity, I had to get away before I shocked myself. I turned and backed away a little toward the door.
“I just came to tell you that we have something to go to. Don’t ask me what, because I don’t have details. I just know I needed to tell you to get ready.” I was looking everywhere but his eyes, and he noticed.
“What’s wrong, Lana?” He walked closer and I stepped back unintentionally. “Why won’t you look at me?”
“I really don’t know what you’re talking about. Just get ready. We’ll be waiting downstairs.” I left before I said anything stupid and shut the door behind me. I headed back to my office to see my aunt speaking to the queen. I didn’t want to intrude but when Aunt Patty saw me, she gestured me inside. I stopped myself mid curtsy; I didn’t curtsy for the queen merely because the last time I did she had told me to stop wasting time when she already knew I respected her. I hadn’t known how to take that at the time, but it was a pretty hard habit to shake.
“What exactly is going on? Why is there so much fuss over that phone call?” I asked. Aunt Patty shrugged.
“Carolynn didn’t give me much information. She just said that James wanted Cassie, along with Ian and Christine to come over for something. We’re guessing it’s urgent seeing as he didn’t want us to waste any time in doing so.”
I nodded, but still felt very confused. James was Queen Cassandra’s little brother, a duke from what I could remember. I knew he had a wife who was very involved in charity work. He also had a daughter named Angelica who I had never met, but heard she was just as snobbish as my favorite person in the world, Lady Amelia Hardcastle.
“Well, I’m sure both Ian and Christine are ready now. I guess we shouldn’t waste any time then.” I urged, and Cassandra nodded.
“Of course, lead the way.”
Whenever going anywhere with the queen, it was always a hassle, but I did feel safe. We headed down t Eastgate manor where James resided with his family. Sitting in the car with everyone was awkwardly silent. Ian kept watching me for some kind of sign of what was bothering me. The idiot was so clueless; he’d never figure it out. Christine also kept watching me, trying to figure out what I wasn’t telling her. She wasn’t clueless, but she’d wait for all the details before assuming. Queen Cassandra was gazing out the window, probably worrying about what news her brother had for her. As for my Aunt Patty, she was as calm as ever: humming some tune as we drove along. I must’ve looked uncomfortable, because I definitely felt it. First of all, I was being stared at like some attraction at the circus. Secondly, I had the strangest feeling that whatever we were going into didn’t bode well for me…
We waited in the parlor patiently as the Queen went to speak to her brother alone at first. The tension in the room was palpable and the suspense was nerve-wracking. I sat with Christine on the couch and she whispered to me.
“Okay, please tell me what happened between you and Chad at least.” She begged. I could tell by her eyes that she had been holding it in for a while. She was dying not knowing what had happened. I smiled and gave in.
“All right. Well, Chad heard me say Ian’s name in my sleep.” I whispered back. I didn’t want Ian or my aunt to hear, who were both on separate sides of the room, looking bored. There was some music playing in the room and we were served tea while we waited. I hoped that was enough for them not to eavesdrop.
“Yeah, I know. I was there when you said it. I told him you say lots of weird things in your sleep and not to dwell on it.” Christine replied, looking nervous.
“Well, he did dwell on it. But I just explained to him it was just a silly crush and nothing to worry about.”
“So you lied to him…”
“Well, no…” Christine gave me a flat look and I sighed. “Listen, I have to get over this thing. It’s not like he feels the same way. And even if he did, it wouldn’t matter.”
“I don’t see why not. You’re beautiful, you’re accomplished and intelligent. You have no problems in politics, and keeping your image would never be a problem for you. In my opinion, you’re the perfect person for Ian to end up with.” I slapped her arm because she was starting to speak too loud and Ian had looked over at the sound of his name. When I looked over I caught his eye, and he came over to join us.
“What are you two talking about?”
“How awful that haircut you got is. I think you should rethink your look…” Christine teased and Ian scowled at her.
“Amelia likes it…” He said, defensively.
“Oh, well, if Amelia likes it…” I mumbled sarcastically. He gave me a questioning look and I was saved by the sound of Cassandra’s voice in the next room calling for Ian and Christine.
I instantly was put on guard. She was very pretty. I suppose it’s just something most girls do when faced with someone attractive. She had long dark hair paired with a pale complexion and she was studying us with her stunning grey eyes. Her dress wasn’t something I would’ve suggested to meet the queen in, but from her uncomfortable expression, I’m guessing this wasn’t something she was used to.
“Here they are, Cassie.” Aunt Patty said, leading us in.
“Thank you Patricia.” Cassandra started, introducing us to the girl. “Juliet, this is Ian, my son, Christine, my daughter, their advisor, Lana and my advisor, Patricia. Everyone, this is Juliet, my newest niece.” I had to hide the shock on my face. Great, just what we needed: a scandal. The press was going to have a field day when they found out this one.
Juliet turned to us, smiling coyly. “It’s a pleasure.” She said, awkwardly. I had to hide my surprise at the American accent I heard. Cassandra was watching James like she wanted to talk more. I could tell there was a lot more to this than I could even begin to guess.
“Children, the adults need to speak.” Cassandra said. “Lana, would you take Juliet into the city with Ian and Christine? I believe some shopping was promised to her.”
I felt the color leave my cheeks. An outing, where I was responsible for this girl I knew nothing about? I didn’t like this, but I had no choice but to do as she asked. “Of course.” I managed to answer. I looked over to Ian and Christine. “And we’re all going to behave ourselves?”
Ian gave me a teasing look. “I believe the latest negative tabloid of us featured me carrying you out of a club, drunk.” He replied with a shrug. I felt the anger boil up and my face heat in embarrassment.
“I thought we agreed not to talk about this again!”
“Sounds like you guys know how to have a good time.” Juliet said, with a smirk. It seemed her earlier shyness and awkwardness had managed to melt away. I’m not sure that boded well. “If we’re going out, can I change?”
I was confused as to why she wanted to change. She looked fine to me, but the uncomfortable expression gave me my answer. “I suppose so, but please hurry.” I urged and Christine jumped at the chance with a smile.
“I’m coming.” She said, following after Juliet.
“Sure, if you want to.” She said with a shrug.
There was a while of us awkwardly waiting downstairs by the cars for them both to return. They returned with Juliet dressed a lot more casually, but looking drastically more comfortable. “We’re ready.” Christine said, beaming. I instantly felt jealous that Christine suddenly had someone new to dress up and chat with. I shook that away though. That was her cousin, I had no business being jealous of her.
We headed out to the car to head out to town along with her father’s advisor Carolynn. This was going to be a longer day than I had originally planned for. I let out an exhausted sigh. This job was never going to seem easy.
“So you guys are the prince and princess?” Juliet asked.
“Yes.” Ian replied to her, looking at her like she was an idiot.
“Hey! I’m new to the idea that I have a father let alone that I’m related to anyone important, let alone a queen. My cousins are the prince and princess…nope, still sounds weird even if I say it out loud.”
I couldn’t be sure if this girl irritated me, or amused me. I suppose the smile forming on my lips pointed to the latter. Christine let out a laugh. “Relax, we’re just like any other family.” Christine assured her.
“Except that my aunt and uncle rule a country, yeah.” Juliet replied with a shake of her head.
“It’s only a big deal if you make it one.” Ian chided and Juliet frowned. I felt Christine grab my arm and pull me to the car faster.
“Let’s go! Lana, are you coming? Let’s go! I need some new shoes anyway!”
“Wait, Christine! These shoes aren’t meant to run in!” I gasped, struggling not to trip over my own feet.
“Why did I have to come?” I heard Ian groan and I rolled my eyes.
“Because I can’t leave you alone.” I answered. Then I added quietly, and more to myself, “Especially with that Amelia.” Ian didn’t hear me as we got into the car, which I was thankful for. Juliet slid into the car beside me and nudged my side.
“Who’s Amelia?” She asked. I was caught off guard.
“Who’s Amelia?” She repeated. I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t believe she had heard me. In my head I started to panic. I barely wanted to relay everything about my feelings to Christine, and my big mouth and stupidity already revealed part of it to Juliet. I can be such an idiot.
“My girlfriend.” Ian answered before I could say anything. He was looking over at both Juliet and I questioningly and I continued to avoid his eyes. There was no way he was getting anything out of me.
“Oh, is she nice?” Juliet continued.
“I think so.” Ian said, looking around when no one else had answered. I had to hide my smirk when Christine made a face and added to Ian’s answer.
“When she’s not being a brat.” Christine smiled and I was thankful that she had said it so I wouldn’t.
“She’s meeting us there.” Ian grumbled, smacking Christine across the back of the head. I held in my giggle and Juliet suddenly looked confused.
“Cool…” was all she said at first. “So, I’m kind of new at this…what do I do?”
I gave her a confused look. “What do you mean?”
“How am I supposed to act?” I’m kind of used to just saying and doing whatever I feel like. I get the funny feeling that’s a bad idea.” She looked sheepish and I hid my expression. She really was clueless about this whole thing, wasn’t she?
“That would be because it is.” I told her. I really wanted to help her. Even I was confused at the start of this job. I couldn’t imagine how lost she was feeling. “You must be new at this. Just play it cool in the beginning. You don’t have to change yourself, but…you can be more discreet. And hold back a little bit.”
“Um, what if I haven’t done so yet?” She asked. I held back my sigh. I hope she didn’t tug at my patience like this all the time.
“Start.” I said shortly.
Shopping seemed to drag on as Christine treated Juliet like her new Barbie. I knew I had complained about her doing this to me…but I suddenly felt jealous again. I liked being Christine’s best friend, and I just didn’t want to be replaced. I sat outside the dressing room with Ian, neither of us talking as Christine and Juliet were in the dressing room. Carolynn was with us too, but she looked more stressed than I usually felt. I couldn’t imagine what she was feeling. She already had to deal with the entire family as their advisor. I think Juliet needed an advisor of her own to catch her up on exactly how she should behave.
“But, I hate it.” I heard Juliet groan from inside the dressing room.
“No one under fifty likes these kinds of clothes.” I heard Christine say, flippantly.
“Hey!” I took offense to that. I looked down at my outfit: a long grey striped pantsuit with black dress shoes.
“Except Lana of course.” I rolled my eyes and I felt Ian shove me. I gave him a scowl and he smiled, which made my heart flip.
“It’s okay Lana. I like the boring way you dress.” I smacked him.
“Is that an insult or a compliment?”
“Take it as you will…” He said, his smile widening.
“Carolynn, you’ll hardly recognize her!” Christine said excitedly, pushing Juliet out to us. She looked very presentable in her pastel purple dress.
“Oh my, you look like quite the young lady.” Carolynn commented with a smile.
We continued with our shopping. Amelia met us at the next shop we stopped at and I looked away as Ian kissed her. To distract myself, I talked with Carolynn.
“So, what do you think?” Carolynn asked me.
“What do you mean? The dress? I like it.”
“No, I mean. Will you help?” I cocked my head to the side questioningly. “With Juliet.” She clarified. My eyes widened and I shook my head.
“No, no, no! I already have Ian and Christine. I can’t take this on too. No way.”
“Please, Lana. I can’t handle her in addition either.”
“Listen, I’ll figure something out. Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ve dealt with enough as it is, right?” Another thing to add to my to-do list. She nodded, looking exhausted.
“Lana! Let’s get some lunch.” Ian practically shouted at me and I looked over to see him marching angrily away from Juliet over to Amelia. He gave her a long, passionate kiss and I quickly turned to look at the scarves. I swallowed back any emotion threatening to burst forth and then let out a sigh to calm myself.
We went out to lunch and I was more lost in thought than anything as Christine went to the restroom, and Ian was absorbed in Amelia’s story. I’d never heard anyone titter on so much about their cat’s claws. Juliet looked as if she was taking in the entire scene, but I was too tired to pay any real attention.
“Amelia, darling. Juliet here isn’t feeling well. I think I should take her home. Lana, make sure Christine buys lots of nice things!” Ian suddenly jumped up and grabbed Juliet’s arm pulling her away. I was in shock and looked from Ian to the direction of the bathroom where Christine had yet to return from. When I looked back, both Ian and Juliet had disappeared.
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