《Unforgivable ✔️》Chapter 25


Gross, gross, gross.

The thought kept running through my mind as I spilled whatever I had in my stomach into the garbage can. This had been the fourth time today that I had thrown up. I was sitting on the edge of the bed with the trash can on my lap. I poured mouth wash into my mouth and spit it out into the can.

I had been feeling sick for the past five days now. We had been locked up for almost a week and it was a long agonizing week. Some guards brought us food three times a day and brought us some essentials we might need. The guards had to constantly move me around to different cells because I kept trashing things.

I was now back in my original cell and Jake was across from me making a disgusted face. He had been worried about me all week and every time someone tried to touch me he went wild. Jake didn't want anyone hurting me and I know he felt bad because he was stuck in a cell as well. Jake couldn't do anything being in a cell and that only upset him more.

Bre would spend most of her time in silence. Sometimes I felt like she was mad at me for dragging her into this. Bre assured me that she wasn't mad but I thought she was just trying to make me feel better. Rider hadn't shown his face here and I was almost positive that Shayne hadn't talked to him yet. My guess is that Eric and Rider are trying to figure out what they should suggest to Shayne about my 'punishment'.

I placed the can by the foot of the bed and laid back. I hugged the pillow close to me and I tried to get a hold of my breathing. I hated puking and it always freaked me out. I had closed my eyes and tried to sleep it off but Jake started speaking.

"You don't look too good, Sage." Jake said.

"Is that an insult?" I asked playfully.

My eyes were still closed but I could practically see the smile and the roll of his eyes. I had been trying to keep a calm mood through this whole thing.

"I'm being serious." Jake said.

"He's right," Bre added. "you don't look good."

"I'm fine." I said. "It was probably something I ate."

"Maybe you're-"

We all went quiet when we heard footsteps approaching. I opened my eyes and rolled over to my side. My wolf whimpered whens she caught sent of Shayne. He stepped in front of my cell and looked at me. Shayne was alone.

"If you're here to bother her then you can leave." Jake said. "She isn't in the mood."

"I'm not here to speak to you." Shayne snapped at Jake.

"Then why are you here?"

I was glad Jake was talking because I really didn't feel like doing much of that. My wolf was crying out to Shayne and it was hurting. I missed being with him and being at his side. It made me extremely upset and emotional not being connected to him.

"I'm here to take Sage." Shayne said.

"You're not taking her anywhere." Jake growled.

"You're all being let out to shift. If you run away then my men have orders to kill you."

I sat up in the bed and I felt my stomach turn. I groaned and laid back down before I threw up again. I reached for the bottle of water and took big swings. I slowly sat back up again and sighed when I felt fine. Shayne's eyes were on me and I saw the worry he had in them even though he was trying to hide it.


"I don't want to go anywhere." I said weakly.

"I don't care what you want." Shayne said in a distant voice.

He reached in his pocket and pulled out a key. He opened the gate and stepped into the cell. He grabbed me a little too roughly and brought me up to my feet. He was gripping my upper arm and he started dragging me out of the cell. My stomach turned and I felt everything around me spinning.

"Stop," I said weakly as he closed the cell gate behind me.

"She's sick!" Jake growled.

"She's been throwing up all week." Bre added.

Shayne looked at me and his eyes roamed my face. He was still gripping my upper arm but his hold on me loosened.

"Maybe you should get her to a pack doctor." Bre suggested.

"I'm fine." I said. "It was the food I ate."

"Guards will be here to take the both of you out." Shayne said ignoring them.

I struggled to keep up with Shayne as we walked down the hall. I could see his claws digging into my upper arm. They didn't pierce my skin but they were digging in deep. A few people were around but whenever we passed them they turned to look the other way. It shouldn't have bothered much but it did. I recognized some of these people when we had the pack gathering to present me to the pack.

We headed to the cover of the woods. I was barefoot but Shayne didn't seem to care about that. I kept stepping on small twigs and sticks that were stuck to the ground. I would have thought that Shayne had brought me through here on purpose. He kept pulling on my am with a look of annoyance. I grimaced at him when he turned to look at me with a frown.

We had walked for a while now until we were far enough into the woods. He had dropped my arm and I felt lonely at the loss of contact. We were both alone and I didn't sense any other wolf close by. Shayne started taking off his shirt but left his jeans on. He looked at me expectantly as if waiting for me to strip down.

"Take off your clothes." Shayne ordered me.

I raised a brow at him and didn't make a move to strip. Shayne waited for me and when I didn't make a move to take off my clothes he stepped forward. He reached for my shirt and started pulling on it but I smacked his hand away.

"Don't touch me!" I snapped.

"Take off your clothes." Shayne growled.

"I'm not taking off my clothes while you're watching me like a pervert." I snapped.

"I'm your mate and I can see you naked if I want."

"Oh, so now I'm your mate?" I challenged.

Shayne gave me a flat look and I didn't feel bad about wanting to laugh. I knew his wolf was reaching out to mine and he wanted me. Even if he hated me I knew he still wanted me.

"Take them off, now." Shayne said threateningly.

"I don't have a problem if these clothes get shredded and I don't care if I have to walk back naked." I said.

Shayne's eyes darkened and he growled at me. Before he could reach out to take my shirt off I jumped back and shifted into my wolf. I could see that Shayne was beyond pissed. I turned my head when he started slipping off his jeans. When I looked back at Shayne he was already in his jet black wolf. I could feel the power radiating off of his wolf.


Shayne's hand ran through my mind.

"It will keep me away from you." I said and took off running.

I wasn't trying to run away but Shayne seemed to think so since he snapped his canines at me to steer me away from the direction I was running it. I did as he wished and continued at my own paste. It felt good being in my wolf form.

I felt the wind brushing against my grey fur. My coat had become a bit lighter and I had little patches of white on my paws. The white patches hadn't been there before and I was curious to know if I had them anywhere else.

Shayne said.

"We've only been out for ten minutes." I said whining.

I could hear the sharpness and the anger in his voice.

I hung my head down and we started running back the way we came from. When we got back Shayne shifted back into his human form and slipped on his jeans. Without caring I shifted back and started walking away from Shayne.

I heard a loud growl and I was pulled back with so much force I crashed into Shayne's bare chest. I looked up at him with narrowed eyes. For someone who didn't like me so much right now he sure was possessive over me. I get that I'm his mate but he acted like we were nothing now. That hurt and I wanted him to hurt too.

"Where do you think you're going?" Shayne asked in a growl.

"Walking back. You didn't want to look away so now you can look at me all you want, just like every one else."

I was taunting him and he knew it. Shayne's eyes were swirls of black and brown. His claws dug into my upper arm and this time he cut through my skin.

"You aren't going anywhere like that." He growled.


I tried to pull away but he didn't let me go. I looked up at him and he just continued to frown at me. His eyes roamed my face and finally openly started checking me out. His eyes roamed over my naked body and it made my cheeks heat up.

"You smell different." He said out if the blue.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Your scent is different. Why is it different?"

His hold in my arm tightened and I could hear the rumble in his chest. Honestly I had no idea what he was talking about. Maybe it was because I had been sick but other than that there shouldn't have been a reason why my scent was different.

"Maybe you don't recognize it anymore." I shrugged.

"Don't play with me, Sage." Shayne growled. "Who have you been with?"

"Are you serious? I've been locked in a cell for a week, a week! And you're asking me if I've been with anyone else?"

Shayne's words seemed to have registered in his mind because he relaxed a bit. Honestly, he was just so stupid.

"Are you really sick?" He asked.

"I'm fine." I grumbled.

I had become annoyed with Jake and Bre asking me if I was okay. I told them I was fine numerous time but that didn't keep them from shutting up. Jake kept insisting the guards bring me a pack doctor but I refused. Every time a guard came by to check on us he looked at me with concern. Even if I was locked and signaled as traitor, I was still their Luna. One word from me and the guards would simply nod and walk away.

"You're body feels warm." Shayne said placing his hand in my cheek.

I looked in his eyes and felt surprised by the sudden action. His eyes were now soft and he continued to press his hand to my forehead and my cheeks. Unintentionally, I leaned into his touch and he immediately pulled away.

"I'll get the pack doctor to take a look at you." Shayne said.

"I don't need a doctor." I tried to make him understand. "I'm fine. I just hate the food the guards are bringing me. It's dry and it taste like rotten food."

"I'll change that." Shayne said.

He let go if me and threw me his shirt and his boxers. I didn't argue with him on putting it on.

"Shayne, can you-"


"You don't even know what in going to say!" I said when he cut me off.

"You want me to let you out."

I shook my head. "I don't want you to let me go. Keep me locked up if you want. But not them."

"They knew-"

"No, they didn't know anything. I lied to you about them too."

"Is there anything you didn't lie about?" He said giving me a disgusted look.

I probably deserved that. I felt like all I had been doing was lie to him. I didn't want to but I also didn't want to hurt him.

"Jake knew what I had done but he wasn't the one who did it. He didn't even know me back then. Bre didn't know either and they have no part in this."

"They broke the Law. They're Rogues and they didn't turn you in." He said as if that served as an explanation for them being locked up.

"Is that what you would have wanted?" I asked.

"I'm not letting them go." He said.

"Shayne, please," I begged. "Bre is going to die because if me."

"She will be punished. As for you, I'll let Eric and Rider decide." He said.

He was going to let then decide my punishment? They were going to kill me!

"She didn't do anything. Bre is-"

"I don't care who or what she is." Shayne snapped. "I've made up my mind."

"They're going to sentence us to death! Are you going to let them do that?"

Shayne looked pained but he didn't speak. His silence said it all and it was enough to send me crashing down. He was going to let them kill me. He didn't care about what would happen to me.

I felt my stomach turn and I ran behind a tree. I could see Shayne quickly coming to my side. He was about to reach for me but I hunched over and puked. He stepped away and a moment later I felt him holding my hair. I tried to push him away but my attempts were weak.

When I was done spilling the contains of my stomach I wiped my mouth. I felt gross now and I needed to brush my teeth. I still felt the after taste in my mouth and it was making me ever more sick than what I felt.

"I'm taking you to the doctor." Shayne said.

"Why waste his time when I'm going to die?" I shot at him.

"You killed my sister."

"I was ordered to do it! Have you ever stopped to ask what happened that day? You think I wanted to do it? I was fifteen! I was scared and I didn't know what to do!"

"So you killed my sister?!"

"I didn't know! How was I supposed to know she was your sister? I didn't know you were my mate. I hadn't reached that age yet."

"You're lying. I don't care what you have to say."

"Keep in mind that I was part of Imperial and the orders had to come from someone."

With that I walked back to the prison. When I got in my cell I noticed Jake and Bre were still gone. I sat on the edge of the bed and quietly cried to myself.

Moments later Sam came down to bring me some medicine. He stood there looking at me for a long time before he told me to take the bag if medicine. I didn't make a move to get up from the bed. I didn't want him to see me like a mess.

"Sage, just take the damn bag." He said.

"I don't need anything," was my reply. "especially not from Shayne."

"What he's doing is right." Sam said.

"I get it, really I do. I understand why he is beyond upset. I did something bad and I don't mind being punished for it."

"You deserve it."

It was quiet for a moment and I had started crying again. Yes, I deserved everything I was getting. I deserved being kicked out of Imperial, I deserved everything that happened before Jake rescued me, I deserved being locked in here and I knew I deserve to die. It only seemed fair.

But haven't I suffered enough? No one seemed to care or ask what I had to go through. The emotional torture I had to go through. The years of hating who I was. I've suffered like no other persona had and they didn't seem to care.

"I was fifteen when it happened." I said speaking quietly.

Sam was still there and he was still looking at me. I knew he could hear the whispered sobs escaping me. He still stayed and didn't make a move to leave.

"We were told we had to attack Silver Light. Rider told me I had to kill a girl who had betrayed us to Silver Light. I didn't know she was the Luna until the Alpha came charging at me. Rider was there and he was there to keep the Alpha away so I could kill the girl. So I did."

"He told you to kill her?"

"He ordered me to do it." I said. "I didn't want to do it and I refused to do it and then he gave me the order. I had no choice."

"Shayne doesn't know, does he?"

"No one wants to listen to a traitor. Rider told the pack I was a traitor too and that I had acted alone. He humiliated me and I got kicked out. My family disowned me when I tried to go back home. I had to become a rogue and learn how to survive on my own." My voice came out weak and it cracked. "I was attacked so many times and so many rogues tried to take advantage of me. I saw people get killed and I've had to kill more people. I was alone and I was scared. Eric and Rider were each hunting me down and had trackers sent after me. They started recruiting rogues and they too were trying to hunt me down."

"But Jake-"

"Jake hadn't always been there, you know that. After I met him some rogues backed off because they respected him. They saw I wasn't so bad but others didn't stop. Sam, I've been running all of my life. I didn't mean to hurt anyone and I didn't want to hurt Shayne."

"Why didn't you tell him?"

"I was scared! People abandoned me and I didn't want him to be one of them. I didn't want my mate to leave me." I cried. "In the end he did just that."

"You have to tell him Rider gave you the order to kill her. He must have known who she was if he wanted her dead."

"I already tried to tell Shayne but he wouldn't let me explain." I said.

I was able to calm myself enough to stop my crying. I finally stood up and walked over to Sam.

"You don't look too good." Sam said with a sad look in his eyes.

"I've had a little nausea but that's pretty much it." I said.

"If it weren't for Eric attacking you the other day, I'd say you were pregnant." Sand said handing me the bag of medicine.

I shook my head. The pack doctor had said I wasn't carrying. I had dismissed that thought as soon as it had came through.

"That can't be possible. You heard what the pack doctor said."

"Shayne was disappointed." Sam said looking down.

"So was I."

"That would only have made things worse."

I nodded in agreement. It would have only created a mess carrying a pup. I was going to ask Sam about talking to Shayne into letting Bre and Jake go when I noticed his body go rigid.

"Sam, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Alpha Rider is here."

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