《Unforgivable ✔️》Chapter 6


Shayne looked at me as if I had just shocked him. Everyone around us froze and looked between me and Jake. I looked at Jake who was giving me a cocky grin that I wanted to slap off of his face. Jake wasn't actually my brother but it was the only thing I could do to keep them from hurting him. I knew Shayne would probably want to kill him or keep him locked up.

"He is your brother?" Shayne asked.

"Yeah," I said slowly.

"He's a Rogue." Shayne stated.

I was really getting tired of them seeing that as a bad thing. I knew there were Rogues that should be locked up but that's only because they've done stupid crap that would get them locked up. I had come across many rogues and they had never been a threat to me. I didn't think people in packs understood that.

"Yeah, and so am I."

"You used to be a rogue, Sage." Shayne said shaking his head.

"Can you tell them to let him go, please?" I asked.

"I don't trust him."

"Then I guess you better lock me up with him." I said, moving away from Shayne.

"Take him away," Shayne said keeping his eyes on me. "I'll deal with him after I talk to my mate."

"Mate?" Jake asked surprised.

I turned to look at him and shrugged. I would get a chance to explain to him later but right now I needed to have him safe. I watched as they started dragging him away but this time he didn't fight. Jake was just giving me a smile that I had to return.

"Do you really need to lock him up?" I asked.

"He's a-"

"I know he's a Rogue and I am one too, or have you forgotten that part?" I snapped.

"You're not a Rogue anymore. You belong to me and you belong to this pack." Shayne said, circling his arms around my waist and pulling me close to him.

"I used to be a Rogue and not all of us are bad, okay?" I said. "What if that would have been me? What if I would have crossed into a different territory and they would have killed me?"

I looked down at my hands and tried not to let my emotions get the best of me. As a Rogue, a pack was the least of my worries. I had bigger problems but I wasn't ready to tell him that just yet.

"Sage," Shayne sighed. "I'm sorry."

He took a step towards me and reached out for me but I pulled away. I wasn't happy with him and neither was my wolf. We cared for Jake even if he wasn't my blood. He was a brother to me and one of the most important people in my life. Seeing him in potential danger sent panic coursing through me.

"Don't," I said. "I get you don't trust him and that means you do t trust me. I guess you have every reason not to."


I looked up at Shayne and he looked torn. His eyes softened when I looked up at him. People were still standing around probably waiting to see what Shayne would do. I could see they were looking at me with sad eyes.

"Please don't cry," Shayne pleaded.

I hadn't realized I was crying until he pointed it out. I knew it was because of Shayne not trusting me. I wanted him to, but after the way I acted I doubted he would ever trust me again.

Shayne took another step closer and this time he took me in his arms. One of them went around my waist and the other around my shoulders. I couldn't help but inhale his scent and give a little sigh of content. It felt good being in his arms like this. My wolf was purring at the close contact.

"Shayne, please let him go." I whispered as I placed my hands on his chest.

I nuzzled my nose against his neck and pressed myself closer to him. I could feel him shiver under my touch.

"He's my brother and I-I love him." I said. "He's all I have left."

"You have me." Shayne said, tightening his arms around me.

"He's all the family I have left." I said, pulling away and looking up at him.

Shayne looked at me for a long moment and then sighed. I could feel that he was giving in and needed another push. I looked at Shayne through my lashes and even went as far as pouting. It was a look I always have Jake whenever I wanted something he would say no to.

"Fine." Shayne finally said.

"Thank you!" I beamed.

I walked around him and ran to Sam so he could take me to see Jake. Sam led me to the prison cells where Jake was being held. When we walked down the dark halls I spotted Jake leaning against the brick wall casually. Shayne was right behind us but I noticed him hang behind to talk to the guards.

"Took you long enough," Jake said. "I was starting to wonder if you've lost your touch."

I rolled my eyes at him but grinned. I was so happy to see Jake and I was glad to have someone here that felt so much like home. Lately I've felt like I've been stuck in a dark whole that I wouldn't be able to get out of.

"I still got it!" I said confidently. "I'm here aren't I?"

"Yeah, you are." He said looking worried.

I knew he wasn't referring to being here in the same room as him. I'm here in a pack with an alpha who is my mate. Jake knew very well why I had been running away for years.

"How could you let this happen, Sage?" Jake asked.

"I-I don't know what happened." I said looking down. "I just went to get something to eat and the next thing I know I'm here."


"She trespassed in our territory." Sam piped in.

I had forgotten that Sam was right behind me. I looked at him and he looked emotionless. I sighed and stepped closer to the metal bars that were holding Jake captive.

"Your mate is the Alpha?" He asked in a whisper.

"Yeah, crazy huh?"

"I'm so sorry, Sage," Jake said giving me a sad look. "I said I'd be here sooner but the place was surrounded by wolves. I had to wait for an opening."

"It's okay, Jake. Shayne is letting you go." I said. "When he lets you go I want you to run."

Sam growled behind me but I tried to ignore him. Jake was going to leave whither they liked it or not.

"He can't go." Sam said.

"Sam, I'll explain everything later but Jake has to leave." I said.

"No way, even if he is your brother he's still a Rogue." He said.

"Brother?" Jake laughed. "Ah, right. I'm supposed to be your brother."

"Supposed to be?" Sam asked narrowing his eyes.

My heart was staring to pick up speed and I was starting to get a headache. Having Jake here was a good thing but could be very bad.

"Sam, if you really want to keep me safe then you won't say a word to Shayne." I pleaded. We were all talking in hushed tones and I didn't think either of us realized it. "I promise I will explain later but this is very important."

"What's important?"

I jumped when I heard Shayne behind me. I placed my hand over my startled heart as if somehow it would slow its fast beating. I turned around and pressed my back to the metal bars and looked at Shayne. Jake had stepped closer to me and I knew he was probably standing in a protective stance.

"That we get her brother out." Sam offered when o failed to explain.

"I have the keys." Shayne said.

I stepped away from the metal bars and let Shayne unlock it. Sam was still looking at me and he had a disapproving look. For some reason it really bothered me that he was looking at me that way. I wasn't trying to do anything bad and I was trying not to put anyone in danger.

As soon as Jake stepped out of the cell I wrapped my arms around his neck. Jake wrapped his arms tightly around my waist and kissed the top of my head. I clung to Jake as if my life depended on it and by this point I wanted to break out in tears. I missed something that felt like home to me and now that I had Jake I didn't want him to go.

"That's enough." Shayne said.

Jake reluctantly let go of me and Shayne wrapped a protective arm around my waist. Jake frowned at Shayne and I could actually feel the tension in the room. We all started heading out of the prison cells and made our way outside. Jake stuck close by me and I held on to his hand. Sam didn't seem too happy with the whole hand holding thing but didn't comment on it either.

"We'll have a guest room set up for you at the pack house." Shayne said to Jake as we walked towards the pack house.

"What, no." I said. "I mean, I think Jake should go home."

"I think he should stray." Sam said.

I turned to look at Sam and glared at him.

"I think a guest room would be fine." Jake said casually.

"Jake, you need to go home." I said.

"Anywhere you are is home." Jake said smiling at me.

I knew he meant it literally. Jake had always been by my side from the beginning. He knew everything and all of my secrets.

"Jake, you don't have to stay here if you don't want to."

"I want to." He said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes and had to smile back at him. I missed seeing his face and my wolf was also happy to see Jake here too.

"Sam, go get him settled in the pack house." Shayne said.

Sam nodded and walked ahead with Jake behind him. I was really hoping that Jake wouldn't say something stupid to make Sam angry. I really would hate to explain the whole thing to Shayne. It was clear to me that Sam didn't approve of Jake being here.

Before I was able to follow after them Shayne stopped me. I looked at him questioningly and made sure to keep an eye on both boys. It was really starting to give me a bit of a panic attack having them together.

"You look nice like this." Shayne said smiling.

"Covered in mud and barefoot?" I asked, confused.

"No." Shayne laughed. "You look nice when you smile."

"I'm happy to see Jake," I shrugged. "but he can't be here."

"I thought you would want him here." Shayne said confused.

"It's too dangerous." I said shaking my head and walking away.

Before I could get any further Shayne caught my arm.

"What do you mean it's too dangerous?"

My eyes widened. I didn't realize I had said that out loud.

"No reason."

"Sage, what are you hiding? Ever since you've been here you act so distant with everyone. With me. What's going on?"

"I want to be here, Shayne." I said. "I really do but I can't. There's a lot of things that you don't know and it's only a matter of time now before..." I broke off not being able to continue.

"Before?" He prompted.

"Before things start to fall apart because of me."

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