《Katniss and Peeta; Time of Their Lives》CHAPTER 17



"I - I love you too." I manage to choke out.

Hi face lights up and he brings me in for a hug. I gladly accept it and we stay like that for a while. I hear roaring people outside and we both break apart to look down our windows. A couple people lie there clapping and then people come in our room which startles us. Johanna leads the few and comes over to us.

"I knew a room could come in handy!" She says.

"What are you talking about? What's happening?" Peeta asks.

"Well , we kinda stalked you back to your room and turned the security camera on so we could see what was happening. If we didn't see, we could figure out by the noises you made. You should try being quieter next time!"

"So what does that mean?" I say while Peeta is shocked and frozen.

"Katniss. It means that we have you guys on national television right now! Oh and we had your little encounters in here with Peeta on TV and caught on film also."

She followed us to the only spot we can feel safe from cameras! She saw EVERYTHING?!?!? I reach over to Johanna and flick her. I looked at the camera people coming in and I blush and become very timid.

"Johanna! Would you have stopped if we went further?"

"You wish! I would have stopped the film and said RATE R FOR SEXUAL CONTENT ... NOT ACTING! and then play it again."

"So you would catch us naked on film? Nice friend I have here." I say, looking at the cameras and pointing to Johanna.

"Nawwwh you know I love you!" Johanna says, extending her arms to give me a hug.


"And apparently Peeta love you too! Come join our hug!"

I laugh and Peeta comes up from behind me and hugs. Soon, Johanna is busy hugging me and Peeta is busy trying to choke me with hugs.

"Can't .... breathe .... guys .... Peeta! Tell her to get off!"

"Just when we were about to have fun! Come on, Jo, get off Kat."

They get off me and show us what they caught on tape.

"Uggh! We're acting like stupid love drunk teenagers!"

"Maybe it's because you are stupid, love drunk teenagers!" Johanna fires back.

"Oh ... yeah. Right. So can you get out now?"

"Eager to begin again, Everdeen?"

"Now that I know there are security cameras, no. Good try Mason."

She pouts and walks put with her crew of people. I eagerly shut and lock the door behind them.

"Umm well that was err..... annoying." Peeta says.

"I can't agree more."

I look at the security cameras, knowing Johanna is there. I make sure to say very loudly,

"WE'LL JUST HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL WE GET HOME!" I say, giving Peeta a look that I'm joking.

He is going to be the only one who knows my looks. He nods and I swear I can feel Johanna plotting her plan. Peeta and I smile a each other and pretend to get some fresh air on the balcony. Then we laugh our brains out.

"Well played, Katniss!" He says between fits of laughter.

"Now she'll be stalking us in 12 though! hahaha oh well!"

We go back inside after 10 minutes or so and find Johanna in our room with the window broken open.


"How did you get in here?!" Peeta asks.

"Through the window."

"On the 18th floor?!"


Then we all laugh again. Johanna seriously just climbed into the window 18 floors up.

"Dang it Johanna, leave us alone! You climbed 18 floors up to get through the window just to stalk us?!" I say.

"I just wanted a good show! Is that so wrong?"

"You just want a good show? Really, Johanna? Really? Go watch television then if you want a good show!"

"Nah, I like live entertainment."

I whisper in Peeta's ear;

"Why don't we give her a good show? We could um... umm...."

Peeta's head turns and his nose touches mine unexpectingly. This is the good show she wants. I lean in and kiss him slowly. We are as close as we can get to each other and then it all stops, Peeta giving me a kiss on my cheek.

"Was that a good show?"

"It's was okay, but not that amazing."

Finally, I decide to go into the bathroom with a cup. I leave Peeta in the bedroom with Johanna and I fill up the cup to the brim. When i exit, Johanna sees the cup and freaks. I come closer to her, walking like a zombie. I stare into her soul with the water in my hand. I slowly start to pour it over my head and pretend to double over in pain. My clothes are drenched by the time she flees the room, back into her own room.

"I'm wet, but it worked!"

"Yeah, it did work, but what if she is mad? What if she is terrified with her flash backs of the capitol? I know I have them all the time just thinking of tracker jackers .... you might have sparked a flashback."

"I- I didn't think of that. Sorry Peeta."

"It's alright. You should go tell Johanna you are sorry. First, I suggest you change into dry clothes. Wouldn't wanna catch a cold."

"Yeah, I'll change then see her. Thanks Peeta."


I hustle to my drawers and pick out a random short sleeve top and a pair of black skinny jeans. The top is a dark orange. I rush into the bathroom and change quickly. I grab a hairbrush to try to get out some of the wetness and brush through until I hit a huge knot. I can't reach the knot easily with my arms so i call out to Peeta.

"Peeta! Can you brush this knot for me?"

He comes into the bathroom.

"Of course, love."

He grabs the brush and gingerly brushes my hair until he hits the knot. After he finds it, he picks at it until it comes loose a minute later. Peeta combs it through multiple times to make sure the knots are out and then he begins kissing the back of my neck. He stops quickly and gingerly strokes again. I feel so calmed. Nothing in the world could break this moment.





Only the screaming of Johanna Mason.

I stand up, alert and Peeta drops the brush. I rush to her door and find it open. Peeta follows right by my right side as we enter her room. I see my pine needles gift on her side table. We find lots of things on the floor but the only thing that sticks out is the blood red on the floor and Johanna lying next to it, her hand bleeding and red.

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