《Katniss and Peeta; Time of Their Lives》CHAPTER 1



I wake in Peeta's arms, my head resting on his chest, right over his heart. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. My hair is sprawled out on the bed and my legs are touching Peeta's legs. We take up about half the bed, sleeping together. I swear, the bed is so big that it could fit 4 people. The sheets rest on our lower stomachs and their brown color makes this feel like home. But the trick was that it wasn't home. We were in the capitol again. His heart and mine beat one and I somehow like this. For some reason, it makes me feel even more comfortable. I close my sleepy eyes and smile, resting and cuddling with Peeta. About 30 minutes later, people noisily come into our room.

"Awweee! Look at them! So cute!" Octavia shrieks.

I pretend not to notice and keep my eyes closed. To impress them even more, I move my position so my lips touch his chest. The prep team tries to shield their excitement, but the feelings overcome them.

"Awwwhhhh! AWWHH! Look it! She just moved! Look at them!" Venia says.

"Why aren't they married yet?"

I can't help but smile at their wishes for MY life. Just then, Peeta moves a bit.

"Shh! Peeta's waking up!"

I assume he opened his eyes because he jerks back and the prep team giggles. I pretend to wake up just then. I open my eyes and expect them to be sneakily watching but I was wrong. Octavia, Venia, Cinna, Portia and Flavuis are smiling at the foot of our bed. I act surprised also and bump Peeta's head against the back board of the bed.

"Sorry! Sorry!" I say. He smiles and lets out a silent laugh. The prep team laughs full-heatedly. Just then, Effie walks in. She sees Peeta and I sleeping together and gasps.

"What is happening? Why is Katniss in Peeta's room? Why are they sleeping together!? Gosh, I hope Peeta's being careful, we don't need Katniss getting knocked up yet! She's too young!" She mummers loudly. I blush as soon as I hear the last part and all eyes are locked on Peeta and I, waiting for an answer to an unspoken question. Peeta manages to smile and laugh a bit before he confirms that I'm not pregnant nor getting pregnant anytime soon, if at all. Effie smiles and decides to keep giving us outrageous advice.

"Well, if you guys do happen to .... you know .... Peeta make sure you use p-" Effie starts. I interrupt her, screaming.

"I'm NOT getting pregnant! Effie!!!!" I say surprised. Then everyone laughs but me. I feel as red as a tomato. How could Effie even think that? When the laughing dies down, Effie just has to add more into her small "speach".


"Just be careful. Otherwise, be happy together .... but not too happy." With that, the prances out of the room in her outrageously high heels and walks down the corridor to the stairs. I bend over and whisper in Peeta's ear.

"Can you believe Effie? She thought that .... that .... that!"

Peeta laughs so hard and everyone looks at me questioningly. I still blush and shrug my shoulders.

"Come on you two love birds, time to get ready for the interviews. Peeta, I suppose you still have a little longer to rest since it takes less time working on you than Katniss." Cinna says and Portia nods.

The interviews are for after the rebellion when we won. Caesar still enjoys us and our romance. The capitol people are grateful they aren't under President Snow's hands anymore, and they are happy and kind, back to what it used to be. Everyone is nice to everyone. Capitol people thank Peeta and I all the time for regaining peace to Panem. I climb out of bed and Peeta watches me do so. Cinna and the prep team, not including Portia, lead me to the bathroom door. We all walk inside, Portia and Peeta still looking at us. Cinna tells the prep team instructions and goes downstairs to get my outfit ready. Curiosity comes over me. How did they know I was with Peeta?

"How did you find me?" I ask

"We figured that since you weren't in your room, you might be in Peeta's. Now strip."

"Oh." I slowly begin to take off my pajamas until only my bra and underwear is left.

"Ummm can you close the door?" I ask sweetly and shyly. Peeta still looks at me and i really wasn't comfortable with him seeing me naked yet.

"It's not like he hasn't seen you before!" Flavuis says, then rolls his eyes like something was obvious.

"Uhhh actually we haven't-" Peeta begins.

"You don't have to lie to us, we can keep secrets." Octavia says to us. She glances at both of us as she speaks.

"Peeta's right. We haven't .... uh .... We haven't like ummm .... we haven't seen each other." I say hesitantly.

"I doubt that, but if that's what makes you comfortable" We both nod yes. ".... but by now you guys should have seen each other."

Again, I blush and shut the door. All of the prep team smiles at me and Octavia waggles her eyebrows. I swear, Peeta and I are just really close, but not in THAT way!

"Back to beauty base zero!" Flavuis says.

After a couple of hours, I was waxed, shaved, styled and shined until I felt like a Barbie doll. I felt fake and plastic. Cinna comes in and gives me a dress. It is a strapless red, orange and yellow dress with sequins near the breasts. I slip on the dress and love the look. The only problem is that it is strapless. I hate strapless dresses! Whenever I pull it up, the dress just slides back down, showing a bit of cleavage. I bet they did this for Peeta and I's relationship. I roll my eyes and they laugh, knowing I figured out their trick. It's not gonna happen.


"It's not gonna happen. Am I making myself clear? I am NOT having kids." I state flatly.

They nod and do my hair. They put my hair in my usual braid and then work on my makeup. Venia puts on a mixture of dark reds, light reds, oranges, pinks and more reds of lipstick onto my lips; Octavia does my eyes so it looks like it flames when I blink, and Flavuis does the braids. I totally feel like a rag doll at the moment. The first to finish is Venia and she shows me my lips. There are gold sparkles carelessly placed on my lips and the red reminds me of a red rose with a bit of blood. My lips feel soft and I squeeze them together blissfully. They feel like silk. Octavia shows me her masterpiece and i am stunned with what I see. I have long, dark, eyelashes and the colors behind the eye are carefully placed so it looks like a pinkish-red fire. I have cat eyes and a sequin is placed on the edge of them. The same sparkles that cover my lips, cover my eyes. I try batting my eyelashes and I must say that it would be hard for anyone not to fall for me at this moment. I feel like a pampered princess' Barbie doll. Soon enough, I am done and they force me to wear 6 inch heels. Luckily, I walk well in them now. Practice makes perfect for them. I look elegant walking down the stairs with my high heels gracefully clicking, my face looking amazingly perfect, my dress ((shorter in front, a train on the back)) dragging behind me and in front, most of my neatly shaven legs showing. I feel like I'm in a fairy tale. My heels click elegantly as I walk down the twisted staircase, into the kitchen area. I hold on to the railing in case I fall, but the chances are slim to none. As I reach the bottom of the stairwell, Portia turns and looks at me and Peeta doesn't notice until Portia speaks up.

"Katniss! You look ..... amazing! Beautiful! Just like a princess." She exclaims, giving me a smile ear-to-ear.

Peeta looks at the staircase and I walk down the last step to the floor. His face lights up instantly and he smiles the best smile he has ever shown to me. His eyes show pure delight, love, and interest as they scale over me. I hope the makeup hides my blushing. While Peeta examines me, I look over him. He wears simple black pants with fire on the end. His belt looks like fire and he has a simple buttoned down black shirt. The first 2 holes are unbuttoned and I see a necklace with fire, barely showing beneath his shirt. His hair is in distressed wavy curls and they fall just before his eyebrows. I love the natural look on him. His eyes and hair is the best thing I've laid eyes on. The dirty blonde curls are amazingly beautiful and the deep blue eyes are irresistible. The way those eyes look at me sometimes, makes me feel like falling into a trance. If I fall into that trance though, I know I will do something stupid, so i don't ever. Right now, his eyes give away all his feelings. I smile and look down at the ground, waiting for him to speak up. I moisten my lips and wait.

"..... Wow. Katniss you look .... stunning! Amazing! Beautiful! Gorgeous! And ... uhhh ...."

I swear I could feel him drooling all over me. I know he wants to call me sexy, but knowing him, he won't. Everyone is teasing us with being love birds and giving us kissy faces, but we ignore them.

"And the most pretty girl in the world. Is there really more I can say?" He asks jokingly.

I kiss him on the cheek and I still can feel him drool. I remember I had just wet my lips and they felt like satin. Now I'm just teasing him.

"What you said what perfect. I could say the same and a lot more about you, Peeta." I say sexily. It is pretty fun to play with him this way. I swear he is drooling a river now, but he is never at a loss for words.

"Thank you. Are you ready for the interviews?"

"As ready as I'll ever be!" I say.

With that, I entwine my fingers between his and we follow everyone to the hover craft, bringing us to the Capitol.


I hope you liked the first chapter! Fan me! Please? I only have one fan and it's my friend :3 FAN! VOTE! COMMENT!

Peace, Love and Hunger Games,


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