《Katniss and Peeta: Real》Much I Do's


Everything is so tragically wonderful.

After all, after blood and loss, we are here.

We are damaged and we are beautiful.

I am ready to give myself up, after being only one for so long.

I do.

Much I do's.

In the crowd, my mother, sorrowful, sunken, smiling no matter what.

In the crowd, Gale, unforgiven, unforgotten, I'm glad to see your face again, old friend.

In the crowd, Annie and her son, forgiving, understanding, selfless, hauntingly familiar.

In the crowd, Effie, Johanna, Cressida, Pollux, Plutarch, Beetee.

Hello old friends. Hello.

By my side, my arm hooked through his. Haymitch. Giving away something no one ever had is a challenge, but if anyone should do it, it should be him.

The dress is beautiful, thanks to Effie's assistance. It cannot compare to my Capitol dress, but then, the person who wore that dress was not me. This is me, plain and simple, white lace, long trail. The hand holding the bouquet of flowers trembles. The closed door to the justice building is right in front of me, after it opens there will be no turning back. After it opens, I will be presented with my family and friends, the beautiful display of flowers that Effie created. And at the end of the room, Peeta.

"You okay, sweetheart?" Haymitch nudges me, reassuringly. I unhook my arm and turn to face him.

"I think so," I let out a long breath, "a little nervous."

"You don't say," laughs Haymitch. "You know, sweetheart...I think this could possibly be the best decision you've ever made." I smile, because he's probably right.

I sigh. "Any last advice?" I ask him, with a smirk.

"Don't run off." He says with a crooked smile, but then his eyes bore into mine, intensely. "I'm serious."

Should be easy enough. I won't run off. I hook my arm through Haymitch's once more. One, two, three. The door creaks open and we walk. Left, right, left right. I focus on my steps, I smile at my guests. At the end of the isle, my future, my love, my everything. It's okay to admit that. You'd be nothing without him, I tell myself.

Peeta smiles sheepishly from the end of the room. I keep walking, trying to avoid the eyes of Gale. I'm not quite sure what Gale's outlook on this situation is. Angry? Happy for me? Indifferent? Of course, it has been more than three years since I seen him last.

Haymitch lets me go. I'm walking on my own now. Only then do I realise how much I was relying on him. I can feel myself shaking. Don't run off. Then I'm standing in front of him. Peeta. His smile remains plastered on his lips, but he must sense my nerves. He leans forward to whisper in my ear. "You okay?"


"Yes. Never better." My voice comes out shaky and Peeta narrows his eyes. "That wasn't sarcasm." I clear up. Peeta smiles again.

"You look beautiful." Then he turns away.

Peeta looks wonderful. His suit, chosen by Effie, has a primrose in the pocket. His cheeks are rosy, his smile bright. He doesn't look like a man. He looks boyish and sweet, young, gentle. You could never see his past behind those bold, blue eyes. He looks happy, happier than what would seem possible. Then, I feel myself mirroring his giddiness.

This is it.

"Peeta Mellark, do you take Katniss Everdeen, to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." He says, immediately turning to me.

"And do you Katniss Everdeen, take Peeta Mellark, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." I say, without an air of hesitation.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Peeta moves into kiss me, I can hear the crowd cheering and awing as his lips meet mine.

Nothing has ever been so perfect.

Mrs Mellark. Katniss Mellark.


Of course, in old district twelve tradition, Peeta and I invite our guests home for our toasting. The toasting is a marriage tradition that goes generations back. It is the literal meeting of bread and fire.

Peeta and I sit by the cosy, coal fire in our living room, our guests sit around us, silently. Peeta holds a slice of bread on the end of a large fork, he takes my hand and places it over his. We lead the bread into the flames together. The bread burns into a toast. We slip the toast out of the fire, before blowing on it and splitting it to share. Our guests cheer and my mother cries.

I kiss Peeta gently. I feel uncomfortable with our guests here, watching. I wish I could take his hand and lead him away from all eyes. We could lay in bed and I could kiss him as much as I want. Perhaps it's a selfish thought, but I can't wait for my guests to leave. I make eye contact with Peeta, I can tell he feels the same.

Haymitch serves drinks, and Peeta offers cookies and cakes. I mingle, best I can. Gale crosses the room to meet me, my heart sinks at the sight of him. Life was easier when I cut him out completely, I don't want him to slither his way back in. "Congratulations." Gale says.

"Thank you. It's...uh, it's been a while." I say, this formal talk is not our way. But I cannot act the way we did as hunting partners. Three years has gone without a word from my former best friend. How can I ignore that?


"Katniss...I'm sorry, for everything. For breaking what we had, whatever that was." His eyes are soft and I almost accept it. But I just can't.

"Do you really think now is a good time?" I ask, scanning his eyes.

"When is a good time?" He asks.

"It doesn't seem like there ever will be, Gale. I can't be your friend. I will be your acquaintance and I will be forever part of your past. But I can't be your friend. Don't you see that?" I plead. He shakes his head.

"I don't know what you want me to do." Says Gale.

"I want you to go back to district two, and I want you to fall in love and be married, be happy. I just want to leave the past alone and move one. I'm happy, now, with Peeta. I want you to find that too." I say.

"Alright. Just...know how sorry I am." He says.

"I do."

I focus on the orange glow that has illuminated the room. I focus on Haymitch's words as he makes small talk with me and Effie. I focus on the beautiful grey eyes of my wife. I focus on what the day has brung. Love, happiness, reunion. I try desperately not to focus on the fact that none of my family could be here. I try desperately not to focus on the pleading in Gale's expression as he chats to Katniss.

Go home, I think, go home so I can be alone with my wife.

"Peeta?" Her voice approaches me and I drift away from Haymitch and Effie. It's Katniss's mother.

"Mrs Everdeen, hello, lovely to see you again." I start.

"And you. I'd...just like to thank you, for saving my Katniss. I'm sure she'd be lost without you." She says.

"I appreciate that, but I guess it goes both ways." I answer.

"You know, Katniss had been neglected of love and affection when her father died. It was my fault, being her mother, I should've tried to be stronger, for her, for...Prim. But I couldn't, my whole world collapsed. Affection, soon became a foreign aspect for her. I'm sure you've noticed?"

"Yeah." I say.

"But now, the way she looks at you, I know you've been the one to break her defensive barrier. I hope you know, that her marrying you is a great step for her, she's given herself up completely. She loves you. You know that, don't you, Peeta?"

"I do." I say. Mrs Everdeen embraces me. "Now you take care of her. You're the only one she'll let." I nod, before pulling away. I will.

I wander around the room, smiling at guests, offering them refreshments, struggling to find any opportunity to talk to Katniss. I see her chatting to Annie and her son, Fin.

"He looks so much like his father." I tell Annie. I'm crouched on the floor chatting to her son, Fin.

"More and more every day." Annie tells me.

"I'm so sorry, Annie." I start. "I'm so sorry." Annie crouches down beside me, she takes my hand.

"Don't be, Katniss. Finnick sacrificed himself, you didn't kill him. He wanted to save his squad, he died for what he believed in." She says.

"But would he have sacrificed himself...if he knew? If he knew you were pregnant?" I ask, trying desperately not to cry.

"I don't know, Katniss. But I know you don't believe in what if's. What is, is. What will be, will be. Alright?"

"Alright." I say.

"Today is certainly not the day to discuss it, anyway. I want you and Peeta to live in peace now. Don't think about Finnick. Don't worry about me. Be happy with Peeta. Perhaps you'll have your own children one day." She pats Fin's head. Or perhaps not, I think.


Plenty goodbyes and thank you's are passed around as our guests depart. I give out hugs, to my mother, to Cressida, even to Gale. Effie gives us a brief goodbye, as she's staying in town for a couple of days. Haymitch congratulates us, before leaving. We'll see him tomorrow, we see him everyday.

When the door closes Peeta lets out a sigh, his head rested against the door. "I don't mean to be rude, it was lovely catching up and celebrating with everyone, but the whole time I just wanted to be alone with you." He says.

"Me too." I take his face in my hands. "So I'm your wife now, huh?"

"It sounds strange when you say it out loud." He smiles.

"Katniss Mellark sounds strange. But I love it." I give him a long kiss, before leading him to bed.

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