《Unknown》Five: Cock Blocker


"Ow, ow ow." I let out a moan as I sit up from the floor and stretch hearing everything click.

I let out a loud sigh and looked to my phone, it's only 6:30 am, why the hell am I awake? Never mind there's no use me trying to sleep now I might as well make the most of it. I also notice I have 4 missed phone calls and a bunch of text messages, since when am I the popular one of our family?

Zoe: Ali please come back we need to talk.

Zoe: I'm not joking I'm being serious we need to talk about something I know you are hiding something from me.

Alfie: Zoe is being distance, fix it NOW.

Caspar: Ali Ali, I'm heading to Brighton for two days i heard you were hiding fancy seeing the world outside the hotel room for a day? Let me know x

Three missed phone calls from: Joe, Work and an unknown number.

Better start with work even though I've got time off I bet they'll ask me for something.

"Hello Ali, I'm glad you got back to me." I hear a friendly voice greet me.

"Hey Carter, what's happened are Jim and Maddie alright?" Jim is my partner at work, we both work with the big cats at the Zoo including the mysterious Exmoor beast, who spends most of her day sleeping. We also help out with the treasure hunt which is so much fun as all the children get so excited, we also get to see the Penguins when we've finished with the big cats. Maddie is the Cheetah at the Zoo, a few months ago she got ill and we had to get the doctors in, she recovered but is still being closely observed.

"Maddie is fine but Jim seems lost, I think he misses his friend or more than friend." I roll my eyes at Carters comment. Apparently Jim has this crush on me which is obvious to everyone except me but I do miss Jim he's like the understanding guy best friend I never had.

"Well give him a call, he's just wondering around and is making the animals sad, enjoy the rest of your week off." He happily finishes.

"Thanks Carter, I'll see you next week." I hang up and dial Jim.


"ALI!" I hear a very excited voice on the other end of the line, sure I'm happy to hear him I mean he can always cheer me up, it's his job.

"JIM!" I say as equally excited and tired.

"I miss you Alice." I roll my eyes, he is always calling me different names, his current favourite is Alice.

"Jim, I'm Ali, you know that." I say smiling.

"Tell me all about your trip so far, how is Zoe and Alfie?" At the mention of his name I shiver. Jim knows who I am and doesn't act differently around me, which is why he is my ideal friend, other people simply don't ask about my family, but Jim took the time to listen and learn. The only thing I haven't told him about is what happened in London.

"Well I haven't been entirely honest with you Jim.."

"I knew it! You are in love with Alfie!" I nearly choke on my water and spit it out and cough hard until I can process what Jim just accused me of.

"JIM! THAT COULDN'T BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH ITS NOT I'M LOVE WITH ALFIE BUT SOMEONE ELSE IS!" I blurt out immediately regretting what I just said aloud for the first time.


Why did Joe make Caspar come with me? He's not having fun, we both look like we are being forced to go to the dentist. Slowly we make our way to the cab and Caspar tells him where to go, I let out a loud sigh as Caspar nudges me.

"Don't worry I won't be a cock blocker." He says causing me to smile.

"Oh I know you won't, and I will do you the honour of being your wing women. That's one of my many talents people don't know about, I am a master at being a wing women, just you wait and see Caspar Lee." I smile as he raises his eyebrows nodding.

"Alright, deal. If you manage to successfully find me a date tonight I will let you..." He paused for a moment and had a thinking face one, which is strange to see on Caspar.

"Well?" I asked after a minute or two. He snapped out of his little think and came back and looked at me.


"You choose, just don't tell me and you can use it whenever, how's that?" He suggested holding his hand out for me to shake.

"You've got yourself a deal." I shook his hand and had a devious smile on my face as all sorts of different ideas came to mind.

Shortly after we arrived round the corner from a club Caspar says is still 'unknown' to many people so it should be good for us, low key he called it.

As we entered the club arm in arm the first thing I noticed was the heat, it was boiling, then the smell, it reeked of cologne and far too much perfume, plus a hint of BO and alcohol. I took a look around trying to spot a place to sit down in the sea of people, in the distance I saw a bar with shelves upon shelves filled with colourful drinks, and I wanted to try them all.

"Caspar?" I turned to face him and I was completely happy, my face felt like it was glowing and my eyes were going to pop out.

"What Ali?" He holds my shoulders for support.

"I want to try every drink that's colourful and fruity." I say seriously as Caspar laughs.

"This is your very first time to a club, let's make sure you leave tonight with some dignity let's get a few drinks then we will do business? Shall we?" He holds his arm out for me to grab into in order to make our way through the crowds.

"We shall."

End of flashback.

"What?" I heard a faint voice on the other end of the line but I couldn't respond, all this time I have just pretended it didn't happen for my families sake, I couldn't drop that bombshell on them, if I did I would be the most hated person by everyone, even those who have no idea I exist.

"Ali? Ali you there? You're scaring me Ali, please pick up." I snapped out of it and picked up my phone.

"I'm here Jim, I'm fine, I think." I said quietly.

"Ali, where are you, I want to come and visit you to make sure you're okay." Jim sounded concerned, as in more concerned than when I'm usually sad, but I can't let him miss work for me, we don't get all the time in the world off, he should save his time off for something or someone more important, not me.

"Honestly Jim I'll be fine, I'm going to go out today and hopefully have a good day out shopping, seriously don't waste the little time you can have off on me. I'll speak to you soon okay? Make sure Maddie's okay!" I quickly say before I hang up, I don't want to wait for his response.

Zoe's POV

I turn to sew Alfie still fast asleep in bed, so I quickly but quietly get up and grab my phone as I leave the room, I doubt anyone else is up yet and I know that a few more of our friends are on the way for a few days, there's nothing more I need right now is for more company as more company is more distractions.

"Chummy? What are you doing up?" I turn to see Louise looking tired, I walk over to her and greet her good morning.

"Oh chummy, I need a day out today, just us. There's a lot I have to tell you." She strokes my head as we go downstairs and start to make breakfast for everyone, I wish Ali was here, Louise understands that I miss her.

There are few friends who know Ali is a Sugg and that's how Ali has always liked it, there's Louise, Alfie and Caspar, that's it, out of all of our friends three people know the real identity of my sister.

Once we finished making breakfast for everyone including Nala, Percy and Pippin. I went and got myself sorted out and so did Louise, Marcus came down and saw the food and helped himself, we told him to tell the others where we went and we would be back in time for the others to arrive.

"I'll drive." I said grabbing my car keys and got out the house, just as I hear Alfie call me I shut the door.

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