《The Assassins of Skyrim |Skyrim Fanfiction|》Chapter 16 Kharjo


We stayed in the Sanctuary for the rest of the day and through the night while Archer and Shay recovered.

Archer took a fair amount longer than Shay. After saying he was going to take a nap, and Rapier saying she would wake him up in half an hour, he slept almost the whole time we spent in the Sanctuary. Rapier didn't have the heart to wake him up when the half hour was up, so we all let him sleep.

The tension between Shay and Rapier had vanished after the battle. It had disappeared so completely that they went hunting together asking me to keep a watch on Archer to make sure he didn't do anything stupid if he woke up. I hadn't complained. I was exhausted.

Rapier woke me up when they returned and gave me food. I ate it all and wanted more, but knew that what was left was for Archer.

We all went to sleep, since we really didn't have anything else to do.

"Wake up everyone!" someone shouted, jolting me awake. "Cats included!"

I opened my eyes and saw Archer standing in the middle of the room. A huge grin was on his face as he watched us get up.

"Ever heard of a nice good morning?" Rapier said, looking up at Archer. "You know, the ones where you let the people wake up naturally?"

Archer tilted his head, eyes sparkling with amusement. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Never heard of this 'naturally waking up' business before today."

Rapier rolled her eyes and got up. She poked Shay with her foot. "Archer's shouting at us. Make him stop."

Shay rolled over and looked up at Archer. "Good job brother. You woke everyone up."

Rapier punched him. "Shay! You're not helping!"


I smiled and stood up. "I'm on his side," I said, walking to Archer's side. "I don't want to stay here much longer, and we need to get you two back to High Hrothgar."

Rapier grumbled, but got up and started packing everything. Archer and I helped while Shay looked around for anything worth taking.

Vigilant barked, making me jump. I'd forgotten he had come in with us. I didn't like Vigilant all that much. He barked a lot, and he was a dog, but Rapier seemed to like having him around, so I tried not to complain too much.

"What is it boy?" Rapier asked, standing up.

Vigilant barked again and hit the door with his paw.

"You want out?" Rapier pushed the door open and Vigilant bolted outside. "Vigilant! Come back!"

Archer looked up. "You need me to go hunt him down?"

Rapier sighed, leaning out the door. "No. I can find him. He likes playing this game with me."

Rapier stomped out the door as Shay walked in holding two pairs of boots. He looked from the door, to me, to Archer. "What got into her?"

"Vigilant is playing with her. He ran off and she needs to find him," I looked at the boots in his hand. "What are those for?"

"Oh," Shay looked down at them. "One of these is for me the other is for Archer. I'm assuming you and Rapier already have some of these."

"What do they do?" Archer stuffed the last of the supplies into a bag and took one of the pairs from Shay.

"By the looks of it they make you silent," Shay said, taking off his boots and putting on the new ones. "Not that you need it, but I thought you might appreciate it."


I nodded. "That sounds right, and yes, Rapier and I already have a pair."

A song started up in my ears. It was one that both Rapier and I always heard. We called it 'Distant Horizons' because it only played when we were starting an adventure.

Archer frowned. "Is that music going to last forever?"

I shook my head. "No. It'll only last until we stop travelling."

Shay made a face. "Let's hope we learn to ignore it then."

Rapier came in. "Vigilant and Shadowmere came back. Let's go."

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