《Philocaly | DNF》22 - your hand in mine


The swing ride felt like it lasted forever. George had just told Bad about what he had been thinking over the long, uncomfortable days he was forced to share with Dream.

Once Darryl and George were off, they patiently waited behind the fence on the outside of the ride for Dream, Sapnap and Karl to unbuckle their seatbelts.

The three were laughing as they made their way over.

"That was surprisingly fun," Karl said, his hands in the pocket of his sweatshirt.

George quickly realized he was walking beside Dream, and moved to the other side to walk next to Sapnap.

"Karl and I wanna go Vlog in the haunted house thing. Is that okay?" Sapnap asked.

"Uh, you guys can go ahead. I'll wait outside." Dream implied, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Are you scared Dream?" George snickered.

"Of course not. It'll just be boring." He lied.


Dream glared, Darryl shooting the two fast glances.

"Okay, fine. Haunted house it is."

"Yes!" Karl cheered excitedly. "Dream, you can walk behind us the whole time so the camera can't catch you."

The boys made their way over to the haunted house, which had a huge line.

Karl pulled out the camera, shoving Dream further behind him.

He started talking to it, strangers around them shooting weird looks.

"Karl, will you keep it down? If anyone recognizes us-"

"Who cares, Dream? If someone comes up to us just don't speak. Nod and smile."

"They would still know-"

"No they wouldn't, chill."

"Further up!" One of the employees called, waving her hand and signaling the group to come closer to the front.

Karl started giggling as they approached the beginning of the line.

"Alright, boys, are you all together?"


"Yes." George responded.

"Okay, make sure you follow the arrows a crossed the ground. Once you hear a few dings at the end that means your time is up and you must use one of the three exits towards the end."

"Sounds good," Sapnap told her, handing her five tickets.

She unclipped the small fences lock, holding it open as the five slowly walked down the short pathway into the haunted house.

The first sight was the darkness, purple lights in every few corners. There were some spooky ass decorations everywhere, a variety of clowns, vampires, ghosts, zombies and much more.

Karl whipped out his camera, Dream falling short behind the group.

"Alright, guys! We are now in the haunted house! I wish I could record Dream right now, his face is priceless."

He then aimed the camera in Dreams direction.

He immediately caught on, his hands flying in front of his own face. "Karl," he firmly scolded.

"Relax, Clay, I'm messing with you. I'll cut that out."

Sapnap and George started giggling as Dreams face was progressively turning more red.

He uncovered his hands from in front of his face and shrugged.

Not even a second later, Karl shrieked.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Sapnap shouted, running in a far direction away from karl.

"Nick! Sapdaddy! Wait!" He chased after him with Darryl and George not far behind.

Dream gave them a hard glare, and stopped walking. His eyes wandered around the area, scanning the uncomfortable scenery.

When we began walking again, he tried listening closely for any footsteps. He couldn't hear anyone anymore.

Great. I'm fucking alone.

He followed in the direction he had seen them go, honestly scared out of his mind.

That was until, he heard a whisper.


"Clay?" Whispered George.

"George? Where are you? It's dark." He whispered back.

"Follow my voice or something, I don't know."


"I said, follow my voice."

Slowly, Dream made his way down the hallway where the rest of them had sprinted down chasing after Karl.

"Where is everyone else?" Dream soon whispered again, holding his hands out in hopes to find George somewhere.

"They're in one of the rooms, I lost them after they chased Karl down."

A minute later, Dreams hands crashed against George's chest.

"Holy shit, sorry." He pulled away his hands quickly.

"Alright, let's find the others."

Together, a few inches apart, they trudged along the dark hallway, weird music intending to be creepy playing in the background.

Faintly, they could hear Karl's loud laughter, followed by a scream from Darryl.

"They're somewhere around here, probably looking for us, too." Dream intended, his voice still a whisper.

It sent shivers down George's spine.

When they turned the corner, a prop with a white dress and black hair covered the eyes, jumped out at them with a robotic scream attached.

George nearly shrieked, jumping back and clinging to Dreams arm.

"And I thought I'd be the one scared of everything." Dream said with a light chuckled following.

"Just shut up, we're getting close."

George hadn't even let go of Dreams arm as they continued to walk. "We're not turning any other corners, by the way."

"Why not? I thought you liked clinging to me."

George's hand fell from Dreams arm. "I don't."

George turned from Dream, his cheeks flushed pink.


George shook off the embarrassment, peeking around corners and edges to make sure he wasn't about to get scared again.

Before he had time to process the quick conversation they just had, he felt Dreams hand slide into his own.

His body froze, slowly turning to connect eye contact.

"What're you doing..?" He whispered.

"I'm doing you a favor. Keep walking."

George could feel his heart beat out of his chest as their fingers stayed intertwined.

Dreams touch against his own was firm, steady, and safe.

They slowly made their way through, George a step ahead but not letting go. He didn't want to let go.

"Dream," George suddenly whispered, as he stopped walking. He turned to look Dream in the eyes again.

"Yes, George?"

"Why do you do these things?"

"What.. things?"

Both of their eyes darted down to their hands.

"These things."

Dream swallowed, forcing a smile and a small chuckle to break out through the grit in his teeth.

"I guess I could say you make me feel things."

"Guys!" They heard Sapnap yell from the end of the hallway. Quickly, they disconnected their hands and turned to face Sapnap.

"Let's go, did you not hear the ding?"

When neither Dream or George said anything, Sapnap squeezed his lips together.

"Was I interrupting something or..?"

"No." Dream muttered firmly, walking ahead of George and over to Sapnap.

George harshly swallowed.

I guess I could say you make me feel things.

His head dropped to his feet as he trudged over to Sapnap and Dream. They all turned away as the light came across more vibrantly.

At one of the exits, Darryl and Karl were leaned against the door waiting.

George was completely shaken up.

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