《Crazy》6: Disgust


The room was the first thing I looked at. One of the walls had wallpaper that was tearing in several different places. The wallpaper was basic stripes. The other three walls were stone.

The room was a normal size too, when my eyes finally reached the door I could see all the different locks on there. Four extra locks besides the handle. I shivered in fear, was I the first girl this person had stolen? Robbed of their innocence. Taken from the life they once had, forced to barely even survive being trapped inside this insane room.

I stared at the person who could think of even doing such a thing and was shocked at what I was staring at.

It was definitely no longer an it, this was a man. A man who wasn't hard on the eyes but looks wouldn't make up for the horrible person he was.

The horrible monster he is.

He stared back at me cautiously, awaiting my next move. I was shaking in fear. Would he kill me now? I mean, that's the only reason why he'd actually let me see him now right?

Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Please don't kill me." Don't show him this weakness, dammit!

"I'm not going to, yet." His face was stone cold. He didn't seem to be enjoying my company, well it's not like I enjoyed his. I was terrified of him.

"I already told you your father agreed to pay for your freedom but what I didn't say is..." He took much too long of a pause.

"Your father responded with a different amount of money than I had asked for." He suddenly stopped looking at me and instead looked at the wall behind me.

"So will I be free?" I ask my voice suddenly filled with hope. Pretending like he didn't just reveal his identity to me.


"No." But he smashes the small glimpse of hope I had left with that simple two lettered word.

"He's only willing to pay two hundred grand." He now shows disgust, but he still won't look at me.

"But that's a lot." I try to knock some sense into him, of course I don't plan on him suddenly agreeing with me and saying that he'll free me. But I'm really desperate here.

"I asked for half a million." I almost choke on my own saliva. Even I know my dad doesn't have that much. I feel a deep sadness fill me as I realize I'm doomed. My dad doesn't have enough money to free me...

"So why did you take my blindfold off?" I was also going to question him about the fact that he isn't using the little voice changer thing anymore but I'm sure I'd get the same answer for both. I also wanted to know what happened with the money my father had already sent him.

"You're going to be staying here until your father comes up with the money." Only then do I realize how he spit out the word father as if he's either disgusted by the word itself or the person he's talking about. And didn't he say money wasn't enough to pay for what my father supposedly did?

But what could my father have done to him?

My dad was a good man, he's taken great care of me ever since my mother left. Maybe my dad fired this guy from his small company.

And this guy is just getting revenge on him by kidnapping me.

I don't voice out my assumptions instead I locked them up in my head for later.

"I have somebody coming over later. You're going to need to wash up." This completely takes me by surprise. He has never let me see anybody much less meet anyone.


"Come on, let's go." My jaw must be on the floor by now. What if this is a trap? What if he kills me as soon as I step out the--

"Get up now or I swear--" he nearly growls out and I quickly pick my limp body off the mattress and walk behind him towards the door.


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