《The Lone Wolf (Loki x (Werewolf)Reader)》Chapter 3 - The Banishment


Loki licked his finger and flipped the page of the book , starting a new paragraph , until he heard light tapping , almost knocking on his cell , he glanced up , keeping his finger on the words that he left off of in the book , he saw two guards , one holding chains and cuffs and the other open the barrier that kept him in the plain white cell , now interested he folded the book page of his book and set it down , now standing by the entrance of the cell waiting for the guard with the chains and cuffs to put it on Loki , after that , Loki with both guards on either side of him walk off to the kings throne , once there Loki clicked the cuff on his feet together , making it echo throughout the castle and he laughed "I really don't see what all the fuss is about" Loki said breaking the eerie silence "Do you not truly feel the gravity of your crimes ? Wherever you go , there is war , ruin , and death" Odin replied "I went down to Midgard to rule the people of Earth as a benevolent god....just like you" Loki said in a mischievous tone , as always "We are not gods , we are born , we live , we die..just as humans do" Odin said in a blunt tone "Give or take 5,000 years" Loki said in a mader-of-factly tone "All this because Loki desires a throne" "It is my birthright" Loki said raising his voice "YOUR BIRTHRIGHT WAS TO DIE" Odin yelled "as a child , cast out onto a frozen rock , if I had not taken you in , you would not be here now to hate me" Odin continued "If I am for the Axe , then for mercy's sake , just swing it , its not that I don't love our little talks , its just...I don't love them" "Frigga is the only reason you're still alive , and you will never see her again" Odin said in the same blunt tone as before "I will banish you off to Migard were you will learn to make peace with the humans" Odin said making his decision finally "And what of Thor ?" Loki asked "You'll make that witless oaf king while I rot amongst the mortals ?" Loki asked again "Thor must strive to undo the damage you have done , he will bring order to the nine realms and then , yes , he will be king" Odin replied , as the two guard took Loki to the golden eye gate keeper , were he will be banished to Midgard , until he could make peace with the humans.

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