《The Untold Truth (Kakashi's Little Brother) *COMPLETED*》Chapter 27: This is all Very Stressful!


~Third Person~

The four of them watched Obito waiting for a move to be drawn. Obito was slightly nervous about the fight. He can hand two people, three if he counted Maasaki. He had to be more careful with his movements.

He didn't want to face Satoshi. He made him get the Purazuma sword for a reason. And that was to seal his body so he was unable to reanimate. Obito didn't know that Orochimaru could break the seal easily. He watched as Satoshi glared at him slightly.

'I'll make him pay...!' Satoshi thought angrily. 'Every bruise, every scar... this man is the sole purpose why I lived my life in fear!'

Unable to contain his anger any more, Satoshi carelessly took off ready to give everything he got. Maasaki internally groaned at Satoshi's actions and followed in pursuit. Kakashi and Minato sighed at the young boys as the two talked about formulating a plan. They used the two as a distraction. The sounds of kunai's clinking, the shouts of their anger, and clashing sounds of jutsus hitting against one another.

Kakashi and Minato decide to corner the man and try to allow them to all attack him. Kakashi and Minato ran toward them on different sides, making Satoshi and Maasaki see what type of plan they made. Both Kakashi and Minato extended their arms with their signature jutsus, while Satoshi uses lightning to cover his fist as he aimed for an uppercut, and Maasaki surrounded his hand with water making it solidify as if it were a blade.

Obito merely glances at them ready to use Kamui, but Satoshi was one step ahead of him. Satoshi had activated his eyes and placed his comrades in every which direction away from Obito and stood behind him.

Satoshi paid close attention to the dust particles and watched as they slowly went through the Uchiha. Satoshi looked for any spots for an opening, but he happened to use Kamui on his entire body. He would have to wait when he released it.

'Come on..!' Satoshi thought angrily. 'How long are you going to sustain it!'

Just then, Satoshi noticed that a few dust particles were hitting against his fingertips, and the ends of his toes. Satoshi looked over to the others. They were slowly, looking back at Obito with confused faces as they almost landed on the ground with their jutsu in hand. They were almost falling into place. Obito was slowly, looking around as if he were watching his surroundings.

'Just a little longer... then I can finally attack.'

Satoshi watched the particles that slowly hit against Obito, and once it was enough, Satoshi held Obito's feet down to the earthy ground and grabbed hold of his hand. Satoshi transferred an electrical current over to Obito. The wild electricity was loud and fast. Obito soon felt the shock, making his body slowly become solid again. Satoshi deactivated his eyes and jumped back a few feet to admire his little work.

"GAAH!" Obito screamed.

"Whoa!" Maasaki said as he landed on his feet. "How'd I get over here?"

Satoshi placed his hands onto the ground and flowed his chakra into his hands. The chakra then made its way onto the ground and allowed the rocks that held onto Obito spread. Obito widened his eyes and broke free before it got too high up.

"I've had enough of this!" Obito said through gritted teeth.

'I can't handle all four of them.. I'll try to take out one at a time.'

Obito's eyes landed on Satoshi. If he could get him alone, he could try and seal him off until the castor release the jutsu. Obito sprang towards the boy and extended his arm to grab the boy. He was going to try and bring him into his Kamui, but Kakashi jumped in front of him and was soon taken instead of Satoshi.


"Where did he take Kakashi?!" Maasaki shouted.

"Into his dimension..." I answered.

"How do we get him back?" Maasaki said.

"We can't.." I answered. "All we can do is wait for the outcome."

"Then what are we supposed to do?" Maasaki asked.

"I don't know.. maybe we can go help the others?" I said.

"But what if we leave and your brother comes out?"

"I mean we do have Lord Fourth here.. I think he can manage it." I said.

"Speaking of Lord Fourth, you're not that talkative... are you?" he said, looking at him.

Lord Fourth sheepishly rubbed the back of his head as he gave a nervous laugh.

"Sorry, I just don't know what to say." he said. "I don't really know what's going on besides this war."

"Ooh.." Maasaki said.

"Shh.." I said.

"That's mean, I wasn't even being loud." Maasaki pouted. "If you wanted me to shut my mouth yo-"

"Quiet Maasaki." I said. "The atmosphere is starting to feel a bit different."

"I mean, it is getting a bit colder." he said.

"Not weather wise you idiot!" I said irritably. "I'm just getting a feeling in my surroundings.."

"I mean, after all of this, we need to replant some trees." he said.

"Now you're just trying to annoy me on purpose." I deadpanned.

Maasaki chuckled. "Pretty much!"

I sighed at his little remark which caused Lord Fourth to laugh. Maasaki and I looked at each other confused and looked at Lord Fourth for an answer.

"You two have quite a friendship!" he said happily. "You two remind me of my genin team back then!"

"We do?" we said confused.

"Yup!" he said.

"Who?" Maasaki asked.

"Well, I think Satoshi can guess who he reminds me of." he said.

"Of course.." I muttered.

"Then who am I?"

He chuckled. "Obito of course!"

"EH?!" Maasaki said shocked. "I am like that man!"

Maasaki scoffed and refused to look at Lord Fourth. I guess he was really offended by that.

"You are in a way." he said. "Back then, Obito was a free spirited young boy. He was selfless and did anything he could to help out the village and or comrades."

"He did that?" I said in disbelief. "Impossible."

"It may seem unbelievable now, but it's true." he said. "He always wanted to become Hokage... but as you can see, he's gaining peace in a wrong way. He's blinded by false hope."

"Now that sounds like me.." Maasaki said with a frown. "Except I never wanted to become Mizukage. But you know as a child, you'll believe anything anyone tells you."

Maasaki chuckled lightly at his little comment before his face fell blank. His eyes were faltering, but I didn't want to comfort him. I felt that he should deal with it himself to understand his emotions more.

"Also, Obito and Kakashi were best friends, even if they hadn't noticed it back then." he said.

"Best friends?" Maasaki said. "Aww, that means we're the best of friends, Satoshi!"

"My best friend is Sasuke." I said bluntly.

Maasaki stood there smiling, but I can tell that a rain cloud was forming above him.

"But that doesn't mean I can't have another best friend." I said with a smirk.

"Stop playing with my emotions..!" Maasaki cried.

"Not a chance." I said with a smile.


Maasaki pouted at me until we heard something swoosh. We looked over to the noise, and there was my brother on top of Obito. He was holding him by the neck. By brother looked like he was on the verge of tears, but it held anger as well. My eyes faltered at the sight.

Those were the eyes, my brother gave me before he killed me. Those were the eyes of pure sadness that were hidden behind false emotions. When I looked down over to Obito, he looked like me. He was just there with kind eyes. He spilled out his final thoughts of how he regrets the choices he made. He then turned his gaze over to me which made me feel uneasy.

"Satoshi..." he began. "I understand that you'll never forgive me, but I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you. The way you were only used for not only as a pawn, but as my punching bag. I was blinded by anger and my own idealism."

"Although I may not like you for what you have done in my life and the mental and physical pain you have inflicted on me, I will accept your apology as a person. But your apology will not be forgiven to heart." I said.

"I'm glad..." he said with a small smile.

Kakashi then began to charge up his chidori, ready to end the man beneath him. But before he could strike, Lord Fourth stopped my brother.

"I believe that he has a change if heart." he said.

"A change of heart doesn't bring back the shinobi's he's killed this day." Maasaki scoffed.

"Maasaki." I said as I nudged him

"But it's true!"



Kakashi stared down at the man under him, before getting off. Obito tried his best to sit up, but failed to do so. He was too battle scarred from the fight earlier, and whatever happened in the dimension.

"So.. is he on our side no-"

Maasaki was cut off when a black Zetsu had appeared in a flash and began to take over the half of Obito.

"Ew!" Maasaki said in disgust. "It's like black tar is spreading on him!"

Maasaki made a gagging noise making me slap his head for the lack of maturity.

"Release him Zetsu." I said.

Zetsu made Obito sit up and looked at me.

"He's technically on the brink of death." he said. "I am merely keeping him alive."

Kakashi went on talking angrily at the deranged plant while I stared at Obito. He was staring at the ground with dull eyes, yet he smiled.

'He's trying to retrieve the Rinnengan.. I need to try and destroy it.'

"U-Uh, Satoshi." Maasaki said.


"His body!"

I regained my focus on Obito and a statue began to emerge from Obito's artificial body. Oh god, I feel like I'm going to gag myself! Black Zetsu tried to take out the left Rinnegan eye, but you could clearly see that Obito was resisting it. I wish I could help Obito out, but he could die with the control of Black Zetsu.

"Destroy this eye, Kakashi." Obito said.

Black Zetsu froze for a minute as if something came into realization. He looked at the statue making me look at it as well. But it only made me even more confused. I have no idea what it meant.

"Tsk, you're all so stubborn!" Black Zetsu said. "It's annoying!"

"You want to see annoying buddy?!" Maasaki huffed. "I'll show yo-"

"KAKASHI-SENSEI!" a shrilled voice said.

Everyone looked at the voice, but I of course stayed looking at Black Zetsu. There's no way he's getting out of my sight. However, I was of course listening to every word they were saying.

"What is it Sakura?" Kakashi asked.

"It's Naruto!" she cried. "He was extracted, and now he's... he's-"

"Stand back." Lord Fourth said.

I heard him walk over to a now dying Naruto. I felt abnormal chakra, so I'm guessing that Lord Fourth was giving him Kurama's Yin half.

"Whoa, look at that Satoshi."

"Not now Maasaki..."

Black Zetsu was eyeing the chakra making me wait for his time to strike. Black Zetsu began to move slightly, so I took that as my cue to hold him off, but it was a bait that I took. He had dodged my attack. Even when I twisted around to hopefully stop him with a kunai in hand, but all it did was make a slight scratch.

I cursed under my breath as he managed to steal some of the chakra Lord Fourth was giving to Naruto. I cringed at my failure to stop him. I wish I could just hide in the background right now. I had one job and I screwed it up! I was too confident.. I thought I could get him with my normal skills. I guess I should have used my eyes.. huh? This is what happens when you think you can handle a situation..

"Crap!" Maasaki shouted. "Does this make Black Zetsu a jinchuriki now?!"

"Yes, it do-"

A flash of black swooshes by me as if it was in slow motion. The think finally landed beside Black Zetsu making my eyes widened. It was the Madara Uchiha! He was here, standing before me! My legs felt weak and my heart beat faster. Just the sight of him can make anyone run away with terror clearly written in their eyes. But I tried my best to stay composed and without any fear.

"Do I really have to come all the way out here just to gain what is mine?" Madara said irritated.

Seeing that Madara showed up, Black Zetsu tried to release himself to give him the Yin-Kurama and I suppose Madara's missing eye. But again, Obito was overpowering him. I was quite impressed with Obito's strength in all of this. He was really trying to prevent this from happening. Obito was keeping Black Zetsu on him.

I looked at Obito as well as my brother, they seemed really determined about something, that is until I saw the reason why. They were trying to keep Naruto safe. The two of them used their Kamui to send Naruto into the dimension and later on Obito himself.

"Well.. this is awkward." Maasaki said.

"Must you talk right this minute?" I said.

"I'm sorry!" he said. "I talk a lot when I'm under a lot of stress!"

"You." Madara said, pointing at my brother. "Give me that eye."

I glared at the man, all fear leaving my body. I stood in front of my brother. I wasn't going to allow him to get near my brother!

"And who are you?" Madara asked sternly.

"Satoshi Hatake." I replied.

"Ahh, I've heard about you." he said. "I think I'll take your eyes as well."

Madara flashed in front of me which completely caught me off guard! He was fairly quick! I didn't even have time to activate my eyes!

Madara kicked me to the side, but Maasaki caught me before I fell down.

"I'll get your eyes soon, Satoshi." he said. "But I need something else for now."

Madara managed to tear out the Sharingan eye in my brother and used it to teleport himself.

"The hell just happened?!" Maasaki said.

Kakashi held his eye in pain as he looked at Maasaki with an 'are-you-stupid-face.'

"It's the stress!"

"Well we need to make a plan soon..." I said. "I have a bad feeling in the pit of stomach."

Everyone nodded their heads, but of course, no one truly had a plan in mind..

'I wish I could have stayed dead... this is by far worse than retrieval missions.'

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