《Kakashi The Hunter》Part X Nineteen



"And the winner is Gitturakur."

The assassin looked at me with rage, I probably ruined whatever little plan he had. Oh well. If there was even a small chance that he could take to hurt Killua or Gon, I needed to stop it before it ever formed.

"Next round; Hanzo vs Killua."

The 'ninja' stepped onto the floor while Gitturakur and myself left. Killua followed shortly and the fight began.

It probably won't be as bad as Gons fight because Killua has actual battle training. But I better not jinx it, just in case.

"You better not be as insufferable as the green kid."

Killua smirked, "don't worry, I'm not like Gon. I'm worse." When the fight began Killua set his stance. Hanzo set his own but wasn't prepared for the boy to walk in a circle around him. He probably figured he would charge at him directly like an idiot. Killua isn't an idiot of course, he's a trained assassin.

Every step Killua took seemed to reverberate through the room, a stark difference to his usually silent footfalls. After images formed behind him, it's the same trick he used when they were trying to capture the ball from Netero.

Some of the examiners seemed impressed, Netero held a smirk, and Illumi seemed frustrated even if he didn't outwardly show it. Hanzo kept a straight face, had he ever seen it before or did he just not care? Whatever it was didn't seem to effect the fact that he still charged at the wrong Killua.

His arms flew through the illusion, a smoke screen settled in its place. While he was distracted, the real Killua got in a few hits. Hanzo tried to block them but he was just too slow.

It was overwhelming to watch, I wonder how it feels for Hanzo to go through it. Probably not too good.

With red cheeks and panting, Hanzo announced his resignation. "I forfeit!" Killua stopped in his tracks, on the opposite side of the arena where there were few clones. Slowly the other images of the kid faded from existence. "Why the hell are these kids so strong?! They have no right!"

"We have every right, just because you're weaker than kids in both mind and body doesn't mean you get to blame us for it!"

God that's reminiscent of a certain generation of ninjas. Most, if not all of them, faced the same prejudice at some point in their life. But not all of them had the guts to confront it, at least not when they were Kiluas age.


And the winner is Killua! Our next fight is between; Kakashi and Hisoka! Will the fighters please step into the arena."

Oh great, time to fight a pedophile, soooo exited. Note the sarcasm.

I don't want to fight this guy, he's gonna make it sexual! I don't need another Orochimaru in my life, no thank you. At least I can make it a quick fight if I need to, but it'll be hard to actually back down for once. It's out of the norm for me, I might not be able to.

Hisoka stood in front of me as I stepped into the small arena. I don't know what to expect from this fight, Hisoka is an unexpected obstacle. Except not really that unexpected because we were told who we were fighting beforehand on the board but I guess it just didn't register.


I would've done the same strategy that I pulled on Illumi but Hisoka saw how it was initiated and is unlikely to look me in my eyes. Oh well, he's in the same position I was when I fought Itachi and Kisame all those years ago, except he didn't have a Guy to pull him out of trouble.

Hisoka made no move to initiate, which is good and bad, because I'll have initiate but at the same time I don't have to face him just yet. Just to clear things up, I'm in no way scared of fighting this man. I'm scared that he's going to turn it into something it isn't. Like Sakura and Sasuke when they were children.

Hisoka smirked, "What's wrong Kakashi? Something on your mind?" I frowned at the clown. Hey that rhymed, anyway, he sounds way too smug. "Nothing I can tell you, you don't plan murder out loud after all."

"It's not like you can kill me now you know? It's simply not allowed~. " I smiled with my eye in a very exaggerated way, "Who said my plan was for right now?"

Hisoka frowned playfully. "What a shame, I was hoping to see you actually put effort into something, I guess I'll have to wait after all." With a grimace I replied, "Who said you'd have to wait? I'm going to beat the ever-loving shit out of you, Hisoka."

Hopefully the clown would drop the playful act, I'm sick of it.


"Awww, don't be like that Kakashi, come on, join in on my shenanigans, they get better when there's more people in on them~." I almost growled in anger, out loud might I add. "The only thing I'll be joining is the Hisoka Hate Club. Now get your ass over here so I can put you in your place."

That sounded very explicit and the sick bastard probably gets off on pain but I'm going to make him regret ever meeting me.

With a single hand sign the air around us became foggy, almost as bad as it was in the forest. Thank you Zabuza Momochi, couldn't have done it without you. With the mist hopefully Hisoka could see me, multiple people have said I have no 'Nen', assuming it works like chakra, then that's what they'll use to track me.

I could see him though, standing in the center while slowly glancing around. If I focus hard enough I can see a distinct outline of his form. With a steady hand I formed more seals. I could go for a lighting attack, but the moisture in the arm might kill him or hurt the other people in the room.

Fire is out because the water will null it's effects. Water will only suck the mist into itself and ruin my plan. Earth might destroy the building. Wind would work, but it might dissipate the mist.

The only thing I had left to try was summoning. I still hadn't tried to bring my dogs here and I don't know if it will even work. If they stayed in my world they might be dead. Trying to bring them here might kill them. It might not even work in the first place. But, it didn't hurt to try. Either way there's a chance they'll be dead, and a very low chance of them being alive and uninjured.

I sliced my thumb with my teeth through the mask and slammed my palm on the ground.

Smoke swirled around my feet, concealing my view of the ground for only a moment. When it cleared there was nothing.

It's one of the worst feelings in the world. Knowing that something you've had with you all your life will never be with you again. If I wasn't in the middle of a fight I'd cry.

Hisoka chuckled from inside the mist. "Are you going to do anything, Kakashi? I'm tired of waiting."

It doesn't matter if the mist stays in place anymore. I just need to beat the guy and forfeit. With a few more hand signs the mist came together to form a simple water whip. The end of it fit well in my gloved hand, ready to inflict damage to the magician.

"Oh yeah, I'm going to do something alright." The first strike was quick and painful, right across Hisokas face. A line of red formed on his cheek not even a second later. I don't think he was anticipating the whip to come at him so fast.

With every strike aimed at him he tried to block or move away, but with my chakra being infused with the water itself I could control it no matter where he went. When the Jutsu wore off Hisoka had multiple lines of red blood and bruised skin along his face and arms.

Without the mist, he has a clear view of my hands and what signs they were making. He was with me in the Trick Tower, he knows what the signs for a fireball are. I should've remembered that I'm not the only one who can forfeit.

"I'm done! I quit, I concede!"

The chakra that had been building up in my chest dissipated. That wasn't how this was supposed to go. I was meant to forfeit. He should've won.

I glanced at the tournament board, he'd be up against Kurapika.

Oh no, I should be keeping those kids safe! Not letting them fight some of the strongest people here!

But Kurapika is smart, and clearly trained in some way. If he wasn't he wouldn't have made it this far, but Gon has, and he has no training at all. Just confidence and a ton of luck. But I guess that's all you really need right? Naruto is a shining example of that.

Whatever, I just hope that Kurapika can do this. And if he can't then I'll just have to intervene, consequences be damned.




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