《Kakashi The Hunter》Part X Fifteen


Uh oh.

How the hell does this old man know anything about that? Did I slip again? I know I told Hanzo my age by accident but he wouldn't've had time to tell anyone about that, there want even anyone to tell. "What do you mean? I'm Kakashi Hatake, and you're an old man, I'm sure you know where babies come from."

Netero lost his hostile aura, almost as if he was pleased with my answer. The old guy had to be some kind of Bipolar or something. "Well, I just figured you weren't from around here seeing as you don't have an ounce of Nen in you, yet you're able to do incredible things that only Nen users should." There it is again, Nen? What the hell is Nen? Hisoka mentioned it, now Netero? "What is Nen anyways? This is the second time I've heard of it, and I still don't know what it is. " He smirked, senile old man. He reminds me of the Third way too much for my liking.

"Don't worry about it. It's not something of importance at the moment." Netero shooed me away with his hand, like I wasn't of any importance to him. He really is Bipolar then. . . Almost like Naruto when it came to his friends, able to flip a switch in his mind, and his emotions do an complete one-eighty.

I rolled my eyes and stood up. It doesn't matter, Naruto is dead and it's not like the old man can do anything even if he tried. I need to train anyways. Maybe when this exam is over I'll find a nice place to settle down and work.

As I walk back into the sitting room I can vaguely hear Bean asking for Hisoka. I wonder if the clown will tone down the hostility at all. Maybe he'd save it foe the last round. If this exam is going to be anything like the Chunin exams, or even the Jounin exams, then the last round is likely going to be one- on -one battles.

I took a seat next to Leorio, who was invested and over halfway through with my book. He nodded my way as we sat in silence. Kurapika and Hanzo were watching as Gon and Killua chased each other around. The guy with the pink hat- Pokkle- was getting up due to being called into the 'Interrogation Room'. Hisoka sat beside Gittarakur who was also watching the two boys run around. The old man- Bodoro- was meditating. Not a bad idea, actually.


i slid from the soft chair and onto the floor, confusing Leorio a bit, and crossed my legs. Most people would assume that while meditating you would clear your mind and focus on your breathing; well, they're wrong. When meditating you want to relax, but not freeze, and focus on one thing. One thing that takes all of your emotions and calms them completely, one thing that takes your nerves and crushes them in its' grasp. It could be anything, a person, a place, a memory, or even a phrase.

Had Sasuke been the one meditating, he might've focused on revenge. Had Sakura been meditating, she would've thought about her strength or healing. Now I don't know what went on in Naruto's head when he meditated, maybe ramen, maybe Sasuke- who knows. When i meditated in the past, i would think about my students or my failures. Now I'll have to find something different to ponder whilst meditating.


I can feel eyes watching me, it's very distracting. When I opened my eye I looked around, noticing both Hisoka and Gittarackur had their eyes on me. I rose an eyebrow in question. Hisoka smirked and Gittarackur looked away. They're both some of the most suspicious people I've ever met and I've been around Orochimaru.

I just hope this will end soon and I can try to find a place to live because I'm obviously not going home anything soon.

Some hours later, when everyone had been asked their questions, Bean announced that it was time to get to our rooms. We would be paired up.

Gon and Killua, Leorio and Kurapika, Pokkle and Bodoro, and lastly -Hisoka and Gittarackur. That leaves me

"Number 40, do you not have a partner?" I looked around. There are an odd number of applicants left, of course one would be left out. "No, I do not. I could always sleep out here if need be." God I hope not, sleeping upright is almost as bad as a tree.

"No can do, you'll have to be with another pair." I mean that's fine, as long as it isn't- " he can stay with us~" -Hisoka and Gittarackur... great.

"Perfect! Now that that's all settled, let us get you to all of your rooms." Bean led us through a hall and into another with multiple doors. Almost like a hotel.

Gon and Killua were led into the first room, Kurapika and Leorio into the second, Pokkle and Bodoro the third. That left the last door for the other two and I.


"There are only two bed so two of you will have to share. " it won't matter, not like I'm going to get any meaningful sleep tonight. "Don't worry about it, it'll all work out." Bean smiled at me before handing Hisoka the key.

He left shortly after we unlocked the door. I was the last one in, unwilling to let the other two see my back. The second the door shut, Hisoka turned on me.

He slid his hand around my throat and pushed me up against the door. It was sudden but I managed to swipe his legs out from under him, causing him to topple onto his side. I pinned him down. I feel like he would've been able to block that had I been anyone else.

He tried to hit me with some of that pink stuff but I moved out of the way of his hand.

Gittarackur, who had been ignoring for the better part of our fight, was sitting on the bed closer to the door, pulling the pins from his skin. Hisoka jerked in an attempt to escape but it was no use.

Trying to escape a man with multiple years worth of experience holding Naruto down after he got riled up is an impossible feat without the use of Genjutsu or medical techniques. Hell, I held Guy down after hindered of our fights when we were younger.

The pink substance he had tried to stick on me stuck to the ground. Hisoka lifted his hand, the pink stretching. He could easily grab my leg in this position, thank god I'm flexible enough to pull this off, otherwise it would hurt.

My right leg held all of my weight as I pinned his hand back to the floor with my left foot, leaving me almost straddling him.

His eyebrow rose and I could feel some of his tension release. Fuck the clown and all of his innuendos, I'm only keeping him from fighting me.

Gittarackur was still pulling the long pins from his body, a pile was starting to form beside him. I need Hisoka to STOP before I can open that can of worms. "Kakashi~ we had such a good time back in Trick Tower, what happened?"

Well, you remind me a little too much of a certain obsessive pedophiliac snake. "To be fair, you were the one who attacked me first. Plus I don't know what you're trying to do with that pink stuff, but I can tell it's not good." Hisoka smirked at me, creep.

"So he can see it after all." Gittarackur stated from behind me. Although this time his voice wasn't the same, it was smoother, not a chatter to be heard.

I glanced behind me only to find a different person in his place. Long black hair cascaded down a thin back. Almond shaped black eyes stared back at me. His face was softer now that he wasn't filled with pins. Hisoka took advantage of my distraction, throwing his leg up and around mine before pulling down. I went down too. Now I am the one who is pinned.

While I still had movement of my hands I quickly made the kawamiri (substitution) jutsu. And replaced myself with the unused pillow on Gittara-the other mans bed.

Just in time too because a second later Hisoka slammed his pink covered hand down on the pillow.

"Stop,alright? Stop. I don't know why you attacked me but it's over now, so stop." Hisoka frowned slightly, I don't know what's worse, his frown or his smirk...

"Well, this is surprising kakashi~. You don't even question Dear Illumi when he completely changes appearances. Why aren't you surprised?"

"I am surprised, but where I come from everyone with enough common sense can change their appearance." Hisoka smirked again, but it was 'Illumi' who asked the question.

"Where is it you come from exactly?" I smiled, my eye closing in the process, "Far away from here, somewhere you'll never get to see and have never seen." When the two kept quiet I pulled my book from its usual place in my pocket. It may take up space I could use for weapons but I'm willing to take the chance for my amazing literature.

The room was quiet for a while, the sun cast an orange glow upon the room from the window. Soon it would be too dark to read. The only noise in the room were the turning of pages and the occasional shuffle of a deck of cards.

It was almost peaceful. That is until I remembered who I was sharing a room with.

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