《Kakashi The Hunter》Part X Thirteen


"I want my badge." The bald man spoke. Well, the only badges I had picked up were the three brothers and my own. One of those badges belonged to Killua and the other belongs to me, so either I'm his target or the third brother was. "Who's your target?" the man scowled, "The third Amori brother. I'm sure you know which one I'm talking about." So I am correct.

"Well, come get it then." Feathered eyebrows rose as Hanzo smirked. Without further warning the man charged, aiming a punch to my face. Well, that's not very nice. . . I moved my head to the left and let his fist fly past my face. I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back, pushing him to his knees in the process and placing myself behind him. He winced.

"Why would you do that? I only told you to come get it, you didn't have to charge at me like a maniac!" Very rude, man. The grimace on Hanzos' face turned to a look of confusion. "What the hell do you mean? You told me to come get it in a menacing way! Usually, that means you'd want to fight for it!" I released the teenagers' arm, he rubbed it as he stood up and moved away.

"Menacing? I only spoke as I usually do, am I really menacing to people?" the other man formed his lips into a line, "I'd say so. I don't know how those two kids stand being around you, any normal child would be scared of you."

well, I can't say either boy is normal but some of the children in Konoha loved me! although they did grow up in a ninja village, and they might've seen Guy at some point, so I guess I wasn't the worst person to idolize. But I was a Sensei for crying out loud! I think I'd know if kids were scared of me by now. "Rude. Kids love me! Maybe it's just you whos scared of me!


AAaaand the scowl has returned! it's like the man only has two facial expressions; a scowl and a smile. Not very flattering if I say so myself- ignore the fact that people barely see a fourth of my face, I have a mysterious vibe, Hanzo does not.

"I am not scared of you! I was trained as a ninja for eighteen years, cowardly is not something I am capable of!" I smirked, not that he could see it, and threw my arm out to the side. Hanzo harshly flinched, caught onto what I was doing, and glared at me.

"You've trained for eighteen years? Try thirty-two. You've got nothing on me kid, I've trained my entire life. Not saying that you haven't, but I've had a longer life than you, therefore I have much more experience." Hanzo gulped and my brain froze. I've been telling people I'm twenty-eight and now I've gone and told a kid I've been alive for thirty-two years. Shit.

I threw out my arm again, this time actually aiming for the teenager's neck. He didn't react in time, and my fingers dug into pressure points that caused him to lose consciousness. as an apology, I unsealed the third Amoris' badge and slipped it under one of the weird shoulder armors he wore.

I dragged his body up into a tree and tied a piece of Ninja Wire around his stomach and the tree, keeping him in place until he wakes up. I, of course, left his arms out so he could untie himself when he did wake. Hopefully, he'd find the tag, and if he didn't, then less competition for me!

I pumped Chakra into my legs and made sure I still had the animal that would be my dinner. I made my way back to our camp, back to Killua.


The boy was tending to the fire when I landed beside him. "Sup' Killua? I got food!" He smiled and grabbed the dead rabbit. "Took you long enough Old Man. What happened, did you break your hip on the way back?" I laughed, that was better than the insults my team used to throw at me.

"Nah, just got lost on the path of life." Killua laughed back, "Sure Old Man, whatever you say." I only messed his hair up, earning a swat in return.

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