《Split Fanfiction》In his Head


It's similar to a room fill with chairs. A dark room with dim glow being the only light. 23 chairs in a circle. One was empty.

"This hoard over here needs to go away, you are hurting Kevin. You are ruining his life. You made him kill three people. Crazy ass-"

"Jade, that's enough." Berry chimed in. "We will eventually sort this back out. I will take control of the light and let you all shine. Patricia and Dennis just have Hedwig wrapped around their fingers. He looked over to Patricia and hedwig. Everything will eventually go back to normal.

"You are all less than. You are not superior. You do not believe in the beast like us. Yes, you understand he exists, but you don't understand him. He wants to help. He can protect us all. We got hit with that shotgun 3 times. The beast looked at like mearly a scratch. You have to trust in him. He will take care of us. He has more power than us. Do you even understand what he did. He is the price of us that is truly extrodinary. He is the one to show the world. The one to cleanse it if those who don't suffer. The impure." She sat straight and put her leg over the other crossing it.

"None of us is pure. We don't suffer. Kevin did, we are here to protect and help him but how can we do that when you are turning him into a murderer." Another personality chimed in.

"Hedwig. Listen to us. Hurting people is wrong. Like when Kevin's mommy hurt him... you need to stop helping them. You need to let the grown ups take back over. No more beast." Berry said softly to the boy next to patricia.


"NO YOUR TRYING TO TRICK ME." He screamed and covered his ears. And repeated 'lalala not listening'

Most of the personalities accepted Berry as the leader but Patricia wouldnt. Neither would Dennis and now they managed to overthrow Kevin's head and take main control. Berry would let everyone have time here or there in the light depending whether he was outside or at work. He would let one go hiking then Berry would sketch and then let Jade take her turn and so on. He tried to make it fair. He even gave Hedwig extra time to color. He was a fair leader. He even let Kevin live his own life until thet were needed again.

"He doesn't trust you anymore. He trusts me and Dennis. We never lie to him. We tell him how amazing he is. We don't make fun of him. He's special with us." Patricia smiled a devilish smile.

"If your so worried about the girl, don't be. I have warned her of Dennis's perversions. I will not let him hurt her."

"You are not needed anymore. Leave. You need to leave. You are hurting him. You are delusional. You're only going to get him hurt. You need to give us back to kevin. We need to take care of him. Not you. Or Dennis. You know he'll turn on you. Just like us." Berry was angry. He sat there in that chairs twisting and pulling at his clothes attempting to make himself look better. His eye for detail was rather spectacular. He just wondered how he never saw the hoard coming.

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