《Blood to Love | 3rd year》20- The Deal
After a long hug with Draco, we finally pulled away desperately. I laid back down on the bed, turning away from his gaze and facing the dark wall and icy window. Snow was falling gracefully and concealing the grass below it.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"No," I said, voice shaking dramatically.
"I'm staying," he finalized.
"No, It's ok. I'm fine," I croaked, not wanting to be a burden.
"I'm staying."
"Malfoy, leave."
He sat upright in the bed next to me and I could sense him staring at my back. He never left and I gave up trying to convince him.
After a few minutes of silence, I drifted off for a quick nap. Darkness took over and my mind was blank for awhile. Unfortunately, that didn't last long. My sister popped into my mind and I fidgeted aggressively to erase her. It didn't work and I watched her fall to her death, yet again, as I screamed.
"Y/n! Y/n!"
I jolted awake, breathing hot and heavy, and I sat up immediately. Draco must've fallen asleep next to me because his hair was messy and he was still in my bed.
"You were screaming. What happened?" he questioned while wiping my tears with his cold, ring-filled hands.
"I'm fine, please leave," I hopelessly pleaded while pushing his hands away from my face aggressively.
"Stop!" Draco yelled.
I flinched slightly and was startled by his sudden outrage.
"Leave," I repeated sternly.
"Tell me why you were screaming," he ordered.
"I swear L/n, you are going to be the death of me."
"Malfoy go away! I'm fine. I don't need you to fix me. I said I'm okay and if you don't believe me, that is your problem. Now go!" I shouted, plainly annoyed as I stood up to wash my face in the bathroom.
Right when I passed Draco to walk into the bathroom, he grabbed my arm and pushed me against the wall.
"Let go of me," I demanded.
I wiggled and twisted until I realized I couldn't escape his tight grip.
"Tell me or I swear to Merlin I will keep you here all day."
"I'd like to see you try." I smirked evilly.
His grip tightened on my arms and I could tell that if I stayed any longer, bruises would form and I would be questioned.
"It was my sister okay?" I shouted, pushing him away with all my strength. "She dies every night and I cant get rid of it. Now go. Please."
He backed away slowly and let go of me.
"I didn't know," he began. "I wouldn't have asked."
"I know." I sighed. "Sorry for yelling."
Draco stepped closer and glanced at my soft lips and back to my e/c eyes. My heart rapidly beat through my chest and I felt that with every fiber of my being that this could not be happening.
"Hermione," I replied shortly and rushed into the bathroom, locking the door behind me and splashing my face with water as I heard his footsteps slowly exiting the room. My stomach was churning with odd feelings and I took a few breaths to calm myself down. I slid down the wall, thinking, and then I felt the chilly marble floor graze my legs while the rigid bathroom door scraped against my back.
Soft knocks beat the door that I was sitting against.
"Can I come in?" Pansy requested.
I opened the door from the floor and locked it back when she entered. She pitifully looked down at me and slid down the door as well as I did, facing forward and thinking of what to say.
"I heard screams. Twice," she finally said.
"Sorry," I replied.
"Don't be sorry, I'm just worried about you. The nightmares, Blaise told me, they happen to Draco too."
"I know."
"He understands and he can help. You just have to let him in."
"How? I'm so scared that if I let anyone else in my life, they are just going to leave. Ron is gone, my sister left, my parents hate me, whose next?"
"Blaise is here, I'm here, and Draco is here. We all care about you, please know that," Pansy urged.
"I know."
"Now, let's get out of the bathroom and go walk around the garden," she suggested.
I smiled, looked in the mirror, then met up with Blaise and Draco in the hallway.
"Look who I've got!" Pansy sung while squeezing my shoulder.
I gave a small smile and we all silently made our way outside in coats and boots.
"Y/n, heads up!" Blaise shouted once we stepped into the deep snow.
I turned around just to be pounded in the face with a snow ball. I look around at the direction it was thrown and noticed Draco grinning at me. I scoffed and picked up a snowball and threw one right at him which missed by a big amount.
"Weak arm, huh?" He then smirked.
"Weak?" I questioned, throwing another snowball his way. It hit his chest this time and I laughed and ducked as he threw one back at me.
"Pansy, help!" I yelled while Blaise and Draco gathered mountains of snow and continuously threw the cold frost all over and around me.
Pansy jogged over and we attempted to throw as fast as the boys but they had a head start and we were hit over and over until we gave up and fell down onto the freezing cold snow, face up.
The two boys walked over to us and Draco laid down beside me while Blaise laid beside Pansy.
"It is so pretty." I smiled, looking up at the sky and watching the snow gracefully fall.
Draco scoffed and I turned to him with a snowball in my hand. I threw the snowball right in his face and he groaned as I laughed. Pansy and Blaise noticed and laughed as well.
"Terribly funny," Draco moaned while wiping the snow out of his face and standing up.
"Really witty," I mocked, recalling his incident with Buckbeak.
"Shut up."
"Make me," I replied, standing up and staring at him harshly.
Draco grinned, standing up as well to glare down at me. "You wish."
He turned his back and I tackled him from the side and landed on top of him onto the ground once again.
"That was weak. You barely knocked me over."
"Malfoy you're on thin ice," I retorted.
"No, Y/n, I'm on snow."
"Shut up."
"Make me." He grinned.
"I will."
"Sure," he mumbled. "Now move."
"Don't make me push you."
"Do it."
He grabbed me by my waist and shoved me off of him and onto the thick snow pile. I laughed and he stood up.
"Let's go eat dinner," he said, amusement growing in his tone as he looked at my snow-covered self.
I got up from the ground and followed him back into his room with Pansy and Blaise. I threw off my layers, along with Pansy and Blaise, and was left with the clothes under the coat. My shirt was soaking wet but my sweatpants were fine. I was walking back to my room to change my shirt when something hit my back. I turned around and noticed a hoodie on the ground. I examined it and realized Draco threw it at me. I turned back around, took off my shirt, and threw on Draco's hoodie.
"Looks better on me," he said.
"Can you guys stop flirting?" Blaise asked.
My eyes widened. "What?"
"I'm kidding, Y/n."
I nodded shortly. When we all changed into clean clothes, we headed downstairs for dinner. Lucious was already at the table and Narcissa arrived a few short minutes after us.
"Is that Draco's hoodie?" Lucious raised his eyebrows.
"Er — yes," I replied uneasily.
"Interesting," he said, glancing down at his club sandwich on his plate.
I turned to Pansy who was sitting next to me and began a conversation about what we plan on doing next school year. I began to talk about Quidditch when Lucious interrupted.
"You play Quidditch?" he asked.
"Not yet sir, but Harry said I'd be good at chaser for the future."
"Harry Potter?" He scowled.
"Uh — yeah."
He muttered something about letting Snape know and went back to criticizing his plain sandwich.
I turned back to Pansy, and continued eating as we talked. Lucious started asking Blaise a bunch of questions about his future this time, which was nice for a change.
Once we all finished off our club sandwiches and fizzy soda, we went upstairs and changed into night clothes. We all gathered in Draco's bedroom; Blaise and Pansy on the floor while Draco and I sat upright on his bed.
"What do you want to do?" Blaise questioned.
"Let's play would you rather," Pansy suggested.
"Ok. Blaise first," Draco said.
"Draco, would you rather lose all your teeth or lose a day of your life every time you kiss someone?"
"Lose a day," he easily answered.
"Hm," I said, surprised.
"Y/n would you rather date Ron or George Weasley?" Draco questioned.
"George. Ron and I are over."
"Interesting," Draco whispered, imitating his father at dinner.
I laughed. "Pansy, would you rather walk in on your parents or have them walk in on you?"
"Walk in on them," she answered, hesitating drastically.
After more questioning we all lied down in Draco's bed and just had a night chat. Draco was on the edge, I was next to him, on my other side was Blaise, and Pansy on the opposing side.
After a while of talking, my eyes drifted off to sleep while they continued talking. My mind went dark, faint voices echoed through my head, and then I finally blocked out all noise.
Thankfully, I didn't see my sister again tonight and I felt very relieved. Though I did wake up early in the morning to a new nightmare: Draco.
I realized I fell asleep next to him and he decided to sleep on the floor at some point, or he fell off. Either way, he was lying on the floor, groaning, twitching, and wriggling around like a worm.
"Draco!" I whispered loudly as I always did when I caught him shivering.
I hopped off the bed after throwing the blankets off of me and kneeled beside him. I lightly shook him and whispered his name again.
His eyes fluttered open and he jerked awake with sweat dripping down his forehead.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Nothing I'm fine," his raspy voice spoke.
"I swear you are gonna be the death of me, Malfoy."
"I saw my dad," he simply stated, turning away from me and lying back on the floor.
I understood enough.
"Take the bed," I replied, standing up from the floor and going back to the guest room.
"Leaving already?" he leered.
I shook my head at his flirtatiousness and left the room, closing the door behind me. I walked into my room and laid down, not quite able to fall asleep.
I sat there for hours just simply thinking.
When does my sister decide to come? Is it random? Is it true what Hermione said about the nightmares stopping? What exactly was Draco seeing? Was he that scared of his father?
I wracked my brain and decided that I was done questioning the world. Standing up, I got dressed then brushed my teeth and hair.
I heard Blaise and Pansy talking from the other room so I decided to walk in. To my absolute disgust, they were giggling and making out against the wall.
I rapidly shut the door and it felt as if my eyes were physically scratched with werewolf-sized wound. I slowly and dramatically walked back to my room, hoping that I would never witness that ever again.
I heard shuffling from Draco's room and wondered if he was getting ready. I heard a creak from him opening his door and some footsteps, knowing that he was about to walk into Blaise and Pansy's room. He opened the door and immediately slammed it shut, just as I had done. His footsteps appeared in my room seconds later, his pointer fingers rubbing his temple forcefully.
"I just —," he began.
"— same," I quickly interrupted not wanting to hear him say it out loud.
I then bizarrely bursted out laughing and laid down on my back on the soft bed. I sighed after a couple minutes and stared at the ceiling while Draco stood and watched me.
"Sure," I replied, hopping up slowly and following him out of the door.
"Father is already at work and Mum is probably wandering around doing whatever she does," Draco irritatedly informed me.
"So you really don't like Lucius then?"
"I used to. Now he expects me to get good marks, suck up to all his friends at the ministry, and attend all his stupid events."
"Sorry," I sincerely said.
"Waffles or pancakes?"
"One of each."
A small house elf slipped one waffle and one pancake onto my plate from his serving tray. I thanked him and his beige, wrinkled face blushed. He moved over to Draco's plate and served him two pancakes with a side of syrup.
The house elf hurried back to the kitchen and grabbed two polished, silver goblets filled with orange juice. I gratefully took it and smiled.
"How do you expect your father won't find out about Hermione?" I asked, taking a bite of my waffle with the shiny fork placed next to the plate.
"I won't tell," he replied.
"How about if it lasts? He's going to know eventually."
"Why do you care?"
"I'm just trying to make conversation. Jeez, Malfoy."
He shifted uncomfortably and hesitated before speaking, "Mum won't care."
"Lovely," I said, not knowing how to respond.
"Lucious will murder me with his bare hands."
"He will get over it."
"You can't let him get in the way," I finally advised.
"It's not that easy."
"Malfoy, if you really like her than you will do anything in the world to be with her. You will rebel against your fathers wishes, you will sneak behind his back and stay because if you really want to be with her, it won't matter what anyone else thinks."
"How do I know?" he asked innocently.
"Know what?"
"Know that she is the one," he mumbled, embarrassed.
I smiled at him. "You want to spend every moment with her at all times. You get butterflies in your stomach just talking to her. Even if your father hates you for it, you can't help but go behind his back and continuing being with her."
"How do you know this?"
"It was exactly how I felt with Ron. I craved being near him. I noticed the little things about him which made me fall even harder. He took me on the most magical dates and I will never forget those memories. But all good things have to an end eventually. Unfortunately, it was much too soon."
"You know you'll find someone, right?"
"How do you know?" I mimicked him.
"Because your pretty, smart and you already have George as an option." He smirked slyly.
I laughed and turned back to him after looking down at my plate, completely ignoring his compliments that were empty words — I was sure of it.
"Want to make a deal, Malfoy?"
"If we are both 30 years old, single, and depressed, would you like to make a pact that we must get together?"
"You're bloody insane."
"You just said yourself that I have options already, it's not likely that this will ever work out anyways."
"Because I'm scared to be alone the rest of my life and I'd bet you are too."
"Fine. But just so you know, I will be happily married with kids by then, so don't get your hopes up," he said holding out his hand.
I ignored his remark. "Deal?"
We shook hands and I nodded my head contently.
"This is insane," he said after some silence.
"I agree," I shortly stated while running up the stairs back to my room with Draco chasing after me.
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