《Blood to Love | 3rd year》8- Friends
More time had past. It was late November and Buckbeak's trial for his execution was set for the 28th, one day away.
I've spent a lot of time with Ron, Blaise with Pansy. Harry and Hermione grew very welcoming and polite as well. Ron has invited them on small picnics and other calm dates, bringing us extensively closer.
Harry is very sassy, sarcastic and loves to make jokes. He's the perfect friend.
Hermione, on the other contrary, seems a bit distant. She waves and slightly smiles at me, but we've never have full conversation. I'm not quite sure as to why she's isolated herself, but I'm going to continue to fight for a girl best friend even if she's being stubborn. I'd love for us all to get along without her running to the library as an excuse to escape from me.
Harry, Ron, and myself were outside on a chilly, fall night. We laid out blankets and bundled up in layers of clothing to ensure we don't freeze to death. Side by side we were facing up, lying upon the ground, enthralled by the vast amount of stars burning in the night sky.
I was in the middle in between Ron on my right and Harry on my left, engaging both in brief conversation. I then pointed to the Sirius star and Harry uncomfortably shifted in his spot on the ground.
"That's one of my favorites. Though I do wish it didn't have the same name as a mass murderer running along the streets," I said seriously.
"Oh — er — yea," Harry stammered.
"That's my favorite." Ron said while point at the Little Dipper.
Harry chuckled, saying, "that's my favorite," and pointing to the brightest star.
"Why?" I asked them, intrigued to see if they would have a deep answer to please my romantic soul.
Ron started: "it just looks like a cool scooper."
Harry and I started laughing together and Ron stared at us with an angry face on, attempting to make us feel guilty for being insensitive about his reasoning for liking the Little Dipper. It didn't work and we continued cackling.
Once our laughs died down, Harry began to explain his reasoning for picking the brightest star. "Even though there are thousands of stars in the night sky, it still outshines all of them."
"That's wonderful, Harry," I genuinely stated.
"Well I think that's a load of crap," Ron returned.
All of us started laughing this time, including Ron. Once the laughter halted, we all took turns sighing, faces still staring into the sky. I could feel Ron turn and look over at my face. I turned my face back to him. We were inches apart, I could feel his hot breathe lingering the the small space between our lips. Harry looked over and interrupted our "moment."
"Get a room! Or at least have your first kiss far away from me." Harry groaned and put on a sour face.
Ron and I turnt at once from each other after that comment, giggling like small children at Harry's remark.
"Harry, how would you know this is our first kiss anyway?" I asked.
"Well — Ron tells me everything that happens after your dates." He nervously chuckled, scared to see if I had an odd reaction to his statement.
"Ron that's cute," I said turning my head to him.
I'm guessing he became scarlet red at that moment, but as it was pitch black, I couldn't see a thing.
"I guess you don't tell Blaise everything then? By your reaction?" Harry assumed.
"In that case, you've got me all wrong. I usually tell Blaise everything. But recently I've been hanging with you guys and him with Pansy so we haven't had much time to catch each other and talk," I responded, though becoming a little upset because I missed Blaise more than I'd ever admit.
"Don't get down on yourself. You guys have been friends since — well, forever. All you have to do is approach him and start talking," Ron said, delighted at his advice.
"Alright. Are you ready to head to sleep ladies?" Ron questioned after a small silence.
"Yes ma'am," Harry said, lightly chuckling.
We all grabbed the blankets and our wands and headed back to the castle. We walked in a comfortable silence, now with Ron in the middle and Harry on the opposite side of me. We approached the castle and departed from one another.
I made my way into the Slytherin common room, beginning to walk up the girls dorm stairs until I heard two voices whispering with one another. I then leaned against the wall and listened closely, making sure they couldn't see me.
"You're not a loser, you hex kids. Right?" one voice asked.
"I mean yes, I guess. But why do you need help?" the other voice questioned in a whisper.
"Just listen. I've messed up with a lot of people and I've got a lot of girls effortlessly. But this one girl just won't come to me. If you want your best friend back and I want this certain girl, we can help each other out with the plan I have formed. It starts off with you slipping my girl a love potion for me so I don't look desperate. If you can successfully do that, I will somehow get your little friend back, probably with a distraction," the first voice replied, to which I imagined a mischievous grin played upon their face.
I tip toed up the steps and headed to sleep with my head swirling in an array of thoughts. I laid in my bed for hours, pondering what I had just overheard, who it could've been, and why we're they conspiring at such a late hour about a mysterious girl.
I woke up the next morning, reminded of the conversation I had overheard just last night. I began to get ready and finally went down for breakfast.
Shocked at the sight, I turned to sit with Ron, who shoved a whole waffle into his mouth as Harry cackled and Hermione sneered. I did a double take to see if I was imagining things before I officially sat with the trio. I sure wasn't the only one seeing this. There was Blaise and Draco in the flesh, carrying a passionate conversation at the Slytherin table.
I was most certainly stupefied by the sight. I precisely sat down next to Ron on the end of the Gryffindor table, glancing back one more time at the two boys. Harry and Hermione were now sitting across from Ron and I . He practically choked on his waffle and I forcefully patted his back. He gave a small smile after and I rolled my eyes playfully.
"Ron there are many ways to go out in life. I really hope the cause of yours isn't a waffle," I said, shaking my head disappointedly.
Harry laughed and Hermione hid a smile that started to form on her face.
"What is Blaise doing with Draco over there?" Harry asked.
I took a fourth glance over there, and now noticed Draco slipping Blaise some sort of vial filled with a pink potion. Blaise then nodded and left the great hall immediately.
"I'm not sure, but I do have something important to tell you guys," I said.
I then told them everything I heard last night. They were good listeners and hardly ever interrupted. Once I finished the story they all had a variety of faces: Harry looking concerned, Ron confused, and Hermione like a light bulb just went off in her mind.
"Well, it's obvious of course!" Hermione said unmistakably.
"What's so obvious, Hermione?" Ron said in an agitated tone due to her not elaborating.
"Well the people you heard talking last night were Blaise and Draco! Honestly guys, think about it. Blaise wants his best friend back, that's you, Y/n! And Draco has a love interest, so they are making a deal," Hermione said, almost in one breath.
"But why doesn't Blaise just speak to me?" I questioned.
"I'm not sure, but we need to figure it out before Draco uses a love potion on someone," Hermione said worriedly.
"Who do you think Draco likes then?" I asked after a moment of silence.
"We can't be for sure, do you boys have any ideas?"
"Well it better not be bloody Y/n," Ron said protectively while wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"It might be. But could it also be Pansy?" Harry guessed.
"It could be anyone, but if Draco has a girlfriend anytime soon we now know he used a potion and Blaise was in on it," I said, still wondering why Blaise wouldn't have just talked to me instead of making a detailed plan.
"Let's go," Harry said as the bell rang and the students piled out of the great hall.
We all stood up and followed Harry out of the dinner area and parted ways, as I was going to Divination and they were going to their separate classes.
During class, I read my textbook and filled out the worksheet on "What does your palm say about you?" It was all balderdash to me. My expectations for this class compared to the first day and now were drastically different.
Blaise sat across from me, oddly awkward. We hadn't talked much in weeks due to being busy with others. By "others" I meant the Gryffindor trio and Pansy. And now, apparently Draco.
As I finished the last question of the assignment, I scurried out of there quickly and snuck off to the kitchens, though without Ron for once. The house elves greeted me and I said hello to most of them. After all the times I've snuck off to the kitchens, I probably have memorized all of their names by now, except one that I never bothered asking. Without further ado, I politely asked for an iced coffee and they shuffled around as I watched a certain elf clean the counters vigorously.
After watching the hardworking elves clean and prepare food for the next meal, I received my coffee and left the kitchen happily. I walked around the castle, sipping my drink, until it was time for Care of Magical Creatures. I was with the trio during the time being because Blaise was still being weird and I definitely didn't consider myself a friend to Pansy or Draco (whom he was standing next to).
At lunch, I headed to the Slytherin table and strutted past Blaise and Draco who were, once again, intensely whispering amongst each other. As I walked by I caught glimpses of what they were saying.
"Sneak... make her fall first...pumpkin juice... see how it goes..." Draco whispered.
"Got it... friendship... awkward...fix it," Blaise whispered back sharply.
I smirked as I knew everything that they were talking about (except who Draco liked) and whizzed right past them to my usual seat at the end of the Slytherin table. The only thing missing was Blaise right across from me. He peered from his seat to mine, but stayed right where he was, engaging with Draco and now Pansy who became intrigued. I sighed and ate my food slowly.
When lunch ended, I headed to my next class: Muggle Studies. We went through slideshows of Muggle kitchen appliances and were informed that there is a test set for Friday. Most of the class groaned before heading to their next class quickly, hoping the days would go faster.
I entered the transfiguration classroom, sitting in my permanent seat next to Draco. I'm not sure how he became even more annoying in just a few short weeks, but he had and I had to deal with it.
We worked on spells that transfigured rats into goblets. Draco said an incorrect spell and his rat went flying into the air and landed on my head.
"Malfoy!" I yelled.
"You think I did that on purpose?" he countered, though he stood there, dying of laughter.
I grabbed the rat by its tail and threw it at Draco's face.
He screamed bloody loudly and threw the rat back at me. Thankfully I ducked in time for the rat to slam against the bookshelf behind me. I sighed and turned back to my goblet, which was successfully transfigured.
Although, McGonagall didn't let us off that easily.
"You two are always acting up in class. Detention tomorrow at 8pm! I have to meet with Snape this afternoon for some... important business," she declared, unconvincingly. "And find a way to get along!"
The bell rang and while we packed up, Professor McGonagall informed us that we had a essay due on Friday along with another detention reminder aimed at Draco and I.
I headed to the common room, as the school day was done. Once I got there I bumped into Astoria Greengrass, the first year who had been my acquaintance ever since she got abused by an older, unknown student. She looked up at me and smiled. Without a black eye, bloody nose, and knocked out teeth; she glowed much more and even looked joyful.
I smiled, "Hello, Astoria."
"Hi Y/n, where are you headed to?" she asked smiling.
"I'm off to the common room to do some homework."
"I was actually just about to go to the library to finish some myself. Would you like to join me?"
"You know what? I'd love to."
"Great, after you."
I lead us to the library and we took a seat near the back where nobody would bother us. We sat silently, scribbling answers to our homework.
After multiple sighs we both nonverbally agreed that we were over doing homework.
Astoria said she had some things to do and decided to leave me alone in the library. I walked outside and noticed a man with a giant axe and Cornelius Fudge who had a stack of papers in his hands. I noticed the Golden Trio by a tree and walked over to them sadly.
"So today's the trial?" I gloomily asked.
"Yeah, Lucious Malfoy convinced the whole ministry that Buckbeak was harmful. He's officially getting executed later this year." Harry winced.
"With that awful axe?" I asked, pointing at the odd man with a large axe.
"Yes! It's barbaric!" Hermione practically shouted.
"I agree."
Harry and Ron looked at each other at that moment, and they knew that this was the start to a new friendship. Hermione gasped and gripped my arm firmly as the odd man with the axe started sharpening it. We ended up ranting about the man the entire time while Ron and Harry snickered at our comments and engaged in their own conversation about Sirius Black's so-called attempt to kill Harry.
After awhile of complaining and wincing every time the slicing occurred as the weapon sharpened, we headed back inside the school. This was certainly a breakthrough for Hermione and I. We had never had an entire conversation before, and ranting on and on and even agreeing with one another was undeniably an advancement in our friendship.
I grew tired after sitting in the Gryffindor common room, catching up with Hermione about our lives, as this was our first conversation. She invited me to have a sleepover in her dorm and I rapidly agreed.
"I need to stop by my dorm and I'll be right back!" I said, itching to hang out with her.
"Ok I'll meet you up there, it's the third one on the right," she replied giddily.
I speed-walked all the way to the dungeons and entered the pitch black common room. I walked up two steps to the girls dorm and stopped when I heard the whispered voices once more.
"Ok, back to the plan. I have to make her fall for me before I use the love potion. Maybe compete with her in class?" Draco's voice shook as he said the last sentence.
"That sounds good, but if she falls for you in the end, you won't need the love potion," the second voice said.
"Blaise, it's just a precaution."
That had confirmed it. Blaise and Draco were planning to get Draco a date and Blaise his friend back. Despite my confirmation, I stood there and listened for a couple more seconds.
"Ok, but what about me? How do I get Y/n to talk to me comfortably again. I've been ignoring her and being awkward," Blaise said.
"You've always been awkward, but we can fix that. I'm sure if you just talk to her she'll come around. She's easy like that," Draco evilly said.
"Draco I know you hate her but she's still my friend. She isn't 'easy'. I've seen her faze you, and that's pretty impressive," Blaise defended me.
I smiled from the steps and tip toed into my dorm and grabbed some of my belongings. Once I walked back down it seemed like Draco and Blaise had headed off to their dorm already. I tried to memorize the conversation I had just heard so I could recite it back to Hermione. As I walked out of the common room I heard Filch muttering from down the hall.
I ran away quickly, taking a detour to avoid Filch. The Gryffindor common room was in eyesight and I recited the password, walked through, and found myself in Hermione's dorm for a long night of girl talk and fun.
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