《Here She Goes (Nishinoya x Reader)》I Thought Gravity Works Against You? ✔︎



"You're kidding, right?" Tanaka sighed as he stood at the bottom of the staircase, looking up at me as I flashed a smile towards them.

"Didn't you learn your lesson back home?" Noya smirked as I put one of my legs on top of the railing and shook my head.

"What lesson is there to learn unless you keep on trying?" I asked as they both rolled their eyes and stepped to the side.

I leaned back and kept my hands behind me, just above the railing so I could stop myself if needed.

"Hahaha! Look out below!" I screamed as I picked my lower foot up, sliding down the bar at full force as the boys watched in hysterics.

The staircase was quiet long so my ride lasted about 10 seconds before I was sent flying off the edge of the railing, kneeling down and doing a roll before standing up and saluting to the boys.

"How the hell did you not wipe out?" Tanaka asked as they dashed towards me.

"Because I'm amazing, that's how," I told him smugly, flicking his forehead. "Who's next?"

They looked at each other for a moment before both shaking their heads.

"Nope, I'm not coordinated enough for that," Tanaka exclaimed.

"I don't trust myself to land as gracefully as you," Noya declared, looking back at the railing I slid down moments before.

"Fine then, I'm going again," I exclaimed, dashing up the stairs to the top of the railing.

"Weeeeee!" I squealed as I was sent flying down the railing again, not landing quiet as smoothly this time, but still not wiping out.

"You said yourself gravity acts against you, how the hell did you not fall that time?" Noya asked, laughing as I dusted the rocks off of my palms.

"I already told you, I'm amazing!" I declared, placing my hands on my hips and posing.

"You're something alright," Noya sighed as Hinata came running over to the stairs.

"Hey! Our next match is starting soon!" he called, getting our attention.


"Hah, you guys are wimps," I teased before running up the steps towards my favourite ginger.

It was late in the night now, and unfortunately Karasuno hasn't managed to win anymore of their matches so far. Tomorrow will be our last day at the camp, so I'm planning on making the most of it.

The other girls had fallen asleep about a half hour ago, but I lay wide awake. Why I couldn't fall asleep is unknown to me but I kept myself busy on my phone.




You awake?

I'm wide awake🎶✨


omg katy perry im your biggest fan😍

im honoured💋



Would you maybe wanna meet up?

And do something to tire us out

I thought you'd never ask

I'll meet you in the hall in 5


I smiled to myself as I turned my phone off and waited around for a few minutes, just to make sure the others were asleep.

Once I was sure, I tucked my phone into the hoodie pocket and crept towards the door. As usual, I was in my socks and a pair of baggy sweats. What can I say, I'm a fashion icon😌💅🏽

"Hey," a soft voice whispered as I clicked the door shut, and I turned to see my favourite shorty standing in the hall.

He wore a pair of black shorts and his team zip up, and his hair was laying messily over his head.

"Well, well, someone took my advice and kept their hair down," I teased, ruffling around his soft hair.

"Yea, whatever," he whispered as we started to slowly walk down the hall.

"So, what do you have in store for us Mr libero?" I asked, nudging him in the sides.

"Heh, I don't know actually. But i'm sure we'll figure something out," he said sheepishly as we rounded a corner and stopped next to one of the benches.

I thought for a moment before looking down at our stocking feet and grinning.

"Sir Noya, would you do me the honour of sliding around the school with me?" I asked dramatically, wiggling my toes around as a cute smile appeared on his face.


"I'd be glad to," he declared, extending his hand which I gladly took as we hurried down a short flight of stairs and slid down the first hallway.

"Hahah, Daichi would kill us if he knew we were still up," I laughed as he took a running start and dove on his stomach towards the cafeteria.

"Well then, it'll be our little secret," he said with a wink as I too dove on the floor and slid into him.

"I don't know, can you keep a secret?" I asked slyly as I rolled over and looked up at him.

"Most of the time," he laughed, helping me as we continued to slide around the halls.

This continued for about ten minutes until we made our way too an exit with large windows next to it.

"Look, the sky is perfectly clear. You can see all the stars right now," he pointed out as we gazed out the window.

"Can we go look at them? On our first morning we watched the clouds so it seems fitting that on our last night we should watch the stars," I exclaimed as he gave me a bright smile and nodded.

"Let's go then," he whispered, taking my hand and running into the cool night air.

Despite it being the middle of summer, it was slightly chilly and a cool breeze rushed through the air. We ran until we reached the top of the lush, green hill, sprawling out next to each other and gazing up at the stars.

Now, I can't even remember the last time I watched the stars but let me tell you, it always takes my breath away. Even though the stars and planets are so far away, we could see them, clear as day sparkling upon the blanket of darkness.

"Oh wow," I breathed, completely astonished at the gorgeous sky above us.

"It's incredible, isn't it?" he asked, stretching a hand out as if he could touch it.

"It truly is. When I was younger, my mom had a huge telescope which we used to look out of every chance we got. She sold it before we moved though, so I haven't bothered to even try and watch the stars," I told him, searching the night sky for constellations.

"That's sick. I never had a telescope, or anything of the sort but when I was young I used to look at the stars every chance I had. Sometimes I would even wait until my parents went to sleep so I could go outside to get a better look," he told me, chuckling a little at the reminisce of his childhood.

After that we lay in silence for a long time, our eyes digging through the universe for constellations, planets, and whatever else we could find.

"Hey, Y/N?" he asked after a while, tilting his head to look at me.

"Yea?" I asked, looking over at him. As his brown eyes met mine I felt my stomach twist into a knot, and I suddenly became aware of everything around me.

The cool grass against my neck, our hands which were still intertwined. The way his hair fell over the top half of his face, and the small smile which had stuck itself to his mouth since he'd first made eye contact with me.

Am I actually? No, that would be ridiculous. But maybe...

"Could we stay out here? For the night? And maybe we could get up early to watch the sun rise?" he asked hesitantly, his words dripping with nerves.

"I'd like that," I whispered, scooting closer to him so that our arms touched.

"Do you know how to map constellations?" I asked after a moment of silence.

"Sort of, only the main ones though like the little and big dippers," he told me as I stretched a hand out to the sky and pointed to the brightest one.

"Well then, how about I teach you?"

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