《Here She Goes (Nishinoya x Reader)》The Tiny Towers Of Terror ✔︎


~Noyas POV~

"LOOK OUT BELOW!" Y/N screamed as she came flying into the cafeteria, sliding along the floor as she did so.

"Aw man, she hasn't stopped diving since this morning," Tanaka whined as she bowed to the room and waltzed over to the table.

"Shorty! Ginger! Come along, I need your assistance," she declared, stopping in front of our table.

"Hey, what about me?" Tanaka asked, offended.

"No. For one you're not under 5'5, and second you're pissing me off today."

"Oh come on, pissing people off is my specialty," he said slyly, winking at her as she rolled her eyes.

"ANYWAYS, come along my fellow mini's!" she exclaimed, grabbing Hinata and dragging us out of the cafeteria.

"Wait, I wanna eat!" Hinata whined as she stopped and crossed her arms.

"You can eat after," she told him, flicking his head before slipping down the hallway towards a supply closet.

"Hang on, where are we going?" I asked as Hinata and I rushed after her.

"So ya see, I had to clean one of the classrooms because I MAY have hit coach Nekomata in the head with a ball," she began, putting emphasis on the 'may'.

"You hit coach Nekomata?" I gasped, trying to hold my laughter back as she swung the door open.

"Hey, it's not my fault! I was aiming for Kuroo but he ducked and Nekomata just HAPPENED to be there!" she exclaimed in attempt to defend herself.

"Alright so what does you hitting a coach in the head have to do with this?" I asked as she ducked into the closet and emerged with three new trash cans, still with a label on them.

"I wanna hide in these and see how many people we can scare!" she exclaimed, a cute little twinkle in her eye.


"Oooh! I wanna get Tsukishima! He'd get so mad!" Hinata exclaimed as he happily took a trash can and lid from her.

"Haha, I'm in! I've been meaning to pull something on that libero from Nekoma," I snarled, thinking of my number one competitor.

"Yes! Let's go shawty's!" she chanted, skipping down the hall towards some of the team rooms.

We set the bins outside of our own team room first, each climbing inside and sitting with the lids hanging off our heads.

We only had to wait for a few minutes before Tsukki and Yamaguchi came around the corner, each sipping on a milk carton.

"I'm just saying Tsukki, you and Kageyama could definitely block Fukurodani's ace if you'd just communicate a little!" Yamaguchi exclaimed as they neared us.

"Yea, I don't think so. You couldn't pay me to get along with his majesty," Tsukki scowled, lifting the lid off of Hinatas bin.

"TSUKKI!" Hinata yelled, jumping up and tipping over, knocking my bin over and sending my lid spinning across the floor.

"Oh you must be kidding," Tsukki groaned as he glared down at Hinata and I as Y/N emerged from her bin.

"Hey! When I said we should scare people, I meant people who aren't inside the bins!" she exclaimed, hands on her hips as Tsukki rolled his eyes and entered the room with Yamaguchi trailing behind him.

"I guess nothing can scare you when you have a tiny heart," Hinata grumbled as he picked himself up and brought me my lid back before climbing back into his bin.

The next group to come along were Ennoshita, Kazuhito and Narita. I peaked through the gap in my lid and waited until they were just in front of us before shoving my lid back and leaping up.

"SECOND YEARS!" I screamed, giving the cue for


Y/N and Hinata to jump out.

"What the hell!" Kazuhito exclaimed as he leapt back, and Ennoshita burst out laughing.

"Oh boy, don't do that to Daichi or he'll have you running laps all night," he teased, leading the other two into the room.

We continued our shenanigans for about a half hour before our main target came along; Tanaka, joined by a certain ace with a mohawk.

"I bet 1000 yen that they'll be together by the end of camp!" I heard Tanaka exclaimed as Yamamoto let out a loud laugh.

"Oh please, they'll be together before tomorrow is over!" the mohawk retorted.

Are they...?

"BALDY! ARE YOU BETTING ON MY LOVE LIFE?" I heard Y/N scream, followed by a shriek from my loyal subjects.

"C'MON BRO! NOT COOL!" I added leaping out of my bin to see Tanaka knocked onto the floor on top of Yamamoto.

"This is it my brother! I won't last till morning!" Tanaka wailed dramatically as an irritated Tsukki opened the door.

"I'll miss you man! It's been fun!" Yamamoto cried back as a group gathered at the door.

"Please oh powerful one, let me live another day!" Tanaka begged as Y/N hopped out of her bin and slowly began to creep towards him.

"Alright Cailuo, if you can tell me the name of the second song I played last night, I'll let you go," she asked smugly as he leapt to his feet and backed away from her.

"Uhm, was it 'Daisy'?" he asked as a huge grin appeared on her face.

"Nope. That was the third," she gleamed, leaping forwards as he took off down the hallway.

"Hey, get back here!" she yelled as the two of us took off after him, leaving Hinata behind in his bin with Kageyama judging him heavily.

"I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!" he sang, drawing attention from each of the team rooms as we thundered through the hallway.

"THEN MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T MAKE BETS ON OUR LOVE LIFE!" I screamed as we grew closer to him, eventually able to tackle him to the ground.

I pinned his arms down as Y/N sat on his legs, resting her chin on her hand as he tried to wiggle free.

"HIIII BOKUTO!" Y/N exclaimed after a moment as the groups at the door continued to grow.

I looked up to see the boy with two toned hair standing at one of the doors, hands on his hips as he smiled down at us.

"Hey hey hey! What do we have here?" he asked, smirking as she leaned over and flicked Tanaka in the head.

"Baldy was making bets on our love life so we tackled him," she explained simply.

"Hahaha! You got pinned down by people half your height!" Bokuto exclaimed as he towered over the three of us.

Okay we aren HALF his height...just like 8 inches shorter.

"Hey, they are tiny towers of terror!" Tanaka exclaimed as he lifted his legs up, shaking Y/N off so he could attempt to free himself.

"You got that right. She's ten times worse around you," Akaashi chimed in as he stood next to Bokuto, motioning to me.

"And to think, we thought she'd reached her maximum chaos capacity," Kuroo sighed as he joined in the conversation and Y/N crossed her arms angrily.

"What is it with everyone saying that lately!" she grumbled as Tanaka flipped to the side and rolled me off of him.

"Ow, that was uncalled for!" I exclaimed, rubbing my hip.

"Oh, but tackling me to the floor wasn't?" he retorted as the entire hallway let out a laugh.

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