《Third Mate #Wattys2018 (Completed)》19: Announcement


I love Liam! Of course I love him, it's just taken me a while to realise it. Who wouldn't love Liam, he's funny, smart, sweet and a perfect mate.

"I always loved him," Nat says smugly

"Yeah well we aren't the same person, so I needed time to comprehend stuff," I retort

"Well at least we can now morph, but we need to do more training. We missed the rest of yesterday to finish training," Nat says changing the subject back to seriousness.

"Okay but Liam and I are going to cook a feast for the pack so we can announce that I'm his mate," I explain.

"Fine but tomorrow we are training from 10 till 6 with only a few breaks," Nat sighs

"Alright," I agree, blocking her from my mind and rolling over to face my mate.

Liam's grey blue eyes stare back at me, I gasp from fright but then end up laughing at myself. He just looks at me with a mixture of curiosity, confusion and adoration making me both sigh on the inside and laugh harder. A stitch grows at my side and I roll around the bed struggling to catch my breath. After a few seconds I stop laughing, and breath out slowly. Turning to my mate I see his concerned face looking at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Are you okay?" Liam asks pulling me onto his lap.

"Yeah I'm fine, just had a fright than laughed at myself." I answer leaning on him.

"So are we gonna go have brekky than start cooking that feast?" He suggests

"Yeah, just give me a minute to get changed and look presentable." I say getting up and heading to the wardrobe.

"Oh and baby I'm sorry for acting weird last night, I don't know what got into me," I apologise, as the thought comes to me.

"That's alright I think it had something to do with me marking you," Liam explains, still sitting on the bed and looking at me sighing.

"I love pancakes and maple syrup," I suggest as a breakfast idea to Liam.

"Okay, let's start cooking." He says happy with my suggestion.

I grab the ingredients and start, adding them together. Liam meanwhile heats up the pan and sets the table for two. I pour the batter into the pan making 4 large pancakes. I place two on mine and Liam's plate each and bring them to the table, Liam pulls out a chair for me and I sit down, once placing the plates gently on the table. We scoff down our food, as we realise how hungry we are from yesterday. We pack up then get ready again to start cooking our feast for the announcement.


I am making the desserts; Cheesecake, ice-cream and mud cake. I am also making the entrees, cob loaf (mainly for the pups) and small meat pies. Liam is making the main course, enchiladas, chicken Parmesan/parmigiana (par-me-sharna), a Caesar salad and lagsana. I start making the entrees, after 3 hours of hard work (mainly my self-control from eating all the meat pies) we take a break. Liam grabs to glasses of lemonade and some red velvet cake and brings it out to the deck.

"Thanks baby, how's the cooking going for you?" I ask while sipping the cold lemonade, letting it cool me off.

"Great I finished the chicken Parmesan, and half way through the lagsana." He explains proudly

"Good job, I've finished the ice-cream and meat pies," I reply resting my head on his shoulder and sighing, closing my eyes.

Wake up.

Layla wakey wakey.

Come on Layla wake up....

Get your ass up now Layla!

I startle awake off Liam's shoulder to the annoying voice of my friend in my head Nat.

"You've been asleep for 2 hours and it's now 5, only 2 hours until the dinner starts." Nat lectures me.

"Really! Shoot." I snap out of my daze and annoyance at Nat when I realise we only have 2 hours to finish cooking.

"Liam, get up!" I shout at my mate, shaking his arm.

"What! Where's the attack?" Liam bolts upright in Beta mode.

"There is no attack, but we only have 2 hours to finish cooking." I explain, trying desperately not to laugh at my crazy mate.

"Oh well let's get cooking," he says relaxing and rubbing his eyes.

1 and a half hours later we finish cooking, exhausted an covered in food but satisfied. I hurry to have a shower, declining when Liam offers to join me, and pull on a cute navy blue off the shoulder jumpsuit then I brush out my hair and walk to Liam's room to check if he's ready.

"You look gorgeous," someone says breathlessly, sending shivers down my spine.

"Thank you baby, you look incredible as well." I turn around to face my hot mate in a white button up shirt and dark blue jeans.

"I love the way my mark looks on you," he mumbles huskily his eyes turning dark, signalling Red is trying to surface and that he is turned on which in makes me slightly aroused, so I turn away from him and take deep breaths. We can save all that horny stuff after the announcement, that way if the pack hears moans coming from his room they'll understand.


"Come one babe, we need to say hi to everyone," I grin grabbing his hand, excitement bubbling inside me.

"Okay let's go announce my mate," he replies his eyes turning back to their blue grey colour.

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

"May I have your attention please," Liam calls out across the table, and instantly the room is so silent you'd think no-one was in hear, but instead there are roughly 100 wolves in here old and young.

"Thank you," he says to the expectant pack.

"As you may have noticed I have brought a guest with me, Layla King a sona, and some of you have noticed that she is marked if you haven't figured it out yet then I'd like to announce to you the new Beta female: Layla King my mate."He finishes grandly and the whole room stands, clapping and the building echos like a stampede of rhinos.

Liam and I head upstairs after talking to the pack members, a lot of the younger ones whispered, well tried to whisper quietly saying that I was 'very pretty'. The older of the wolves, mates, wink and smile at us when they spot Liam and I heading to our room. I guess I wouldn't mind doing the dirty tonight, and since he's my mate it wouldn't technically mean I'm breaking my values since werewolves don't get married they just mark each other and make love.

Liam shuts the door and before I can make my decision he kisses me passionately, pressing his body to me. And I moan, kiss him and gasp for air as he deepens the kiss. He places little kisses all along my neckline and sucks roughly on his mark, making me moan and cry out at the same time. His hands roam under my shirt and pull it off, and I get so caught up in it that I let him undress me, then it's my turn. Standing in front of him in all my glory obviously makes me nervous, but I ignore it and slowly unbutton his shirt then pull off his jeans and finally I snake my hands to his underwear pulling it off slowly and what I am hoping to be seductively, I guess it was because his dick stiff as hell.

He grabs me and picks me up, bringing me to the bed. Pushing me down he kisses me roughly and I moan out, soon things speed up and he lowers himself onto me. When his dick reaches my entrance I snap out of my horny state and shake my head at him, tears streaming down my face.

He quickly crawls up to face level, bringing me to his lap his face full of concern," What's wrong baby?"

"I love you, but I promised myself that I wouldn't have sex until I'm married. But I don't want you to leave me because of my values." I cry, trying to ignore his dick pressing into my thigh.

"I'm never gonna leave you baby, you're stuck with me forever. I will wait until we are married then, however long that is for you. But I won't be able to keep Red under control for too long..." He says softly wiping away my tears.

"God gave me the most perfect man/wolf ever. I love you so much Liam, my Prince Charming." I sigh looking at him in adoration.

"And I got the most perfect mate ever, I love you more than you'd ever understand Princess." He replies kissing my forehead.

"Do you wanna go to sleep with me?" I ask, nervously biting my nails.

"I'd never pass up the opportunity," he smirks laying down next to me.

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