《Third Mate #Wattys2018 (Completed)》11: Dark Side & Dreams



"No! I'm not hurting her" Liam shouts, angry.

"I'm sorry Liam" I whisper, he looks at me confusion written on his face. I grab the gun, Eliza hands to me, and shoot him, or at least try to.

"Oops, sorry. I just can't seem to aim." I shrug, trying to hide my sarcasm.

"Sorry, we can't give you the potion then" Tom replies sternly

"But, I tried really" I beg, acting.

"What is the point of us shooting each other?" I ask

"Well, if you do, either we know you guys don't really love each other, which means there is no point in giving you the potion or you don't shoot each other and we see that you guys have something special and maybe, just maybe I might give you the potion. But it could just be an act." Tom answers nonchalantly

"Come on Layla, let's go. We can find answers somewhere else" Liam says dejectedly.

"No! I'm not leaving, we came here for answers and we're going to get them" I say determined

"Look, Tom. Liam and I came here for answers. We aren't going to tell anyone, because then we would also get found out, okay?" I explain

"But you could be lying" He replies looking cautious.

"You can send people to watch us, to make sure we don't tell anyone" I compromise

"This is important information, that I can't let get in the wrong hands" Tom retorts

"Stop being so cautious" I say, my temper rising.

"Sorry, but this puts myself and Eliza in danger" Tom argues

"I'm a sona, and I could easily read your mind right now. I don't like to but if I have no other choice, I will" I say lowly, my eyes flickering between my dark brown eyes to bright unnatural blue.


"Layla calm down" Liam soothes

"No. He is being unreasonable, and if invading his mind is the only way to get answers then so be it" I say, my eyes changing to bright blue.

"Fine, I'll tell you. Just please don't hurt me" Tom whimpers cowering

"Good" I say smirking

Tom beckons for us to follow him, his eyes still wary and position still stiff. I don't get angry often but when I do, I become a whole other person. Usually I would feel bad about making him scared, but right now I don't. In time, when I calm down, I will regret getting angry and making him scared of me.

Tom and Eliza leads us to an attic, it is surprisingly clean. You'd think it would be stuffed with junk and dirty, like in the movies, but it's not.The attic is so clean that anyone, once they get up here, could find the potion easily. The only good thing about the attic, is that no one would be able to find it if they didn't know it was here. The door to the attic is in the roof, but when you shut it it's like it disappears! In the small, wooden room are boxes of old toys, and books, photo albums of special memories and last but not least, little glass bottles all lined up on the old wooden shelves.

"This is the potion, we'll give both of you a spoonful of it" Eliza says

"Thank you" Liam says graciously

"Thanks" I say

"Let's go have some lunch, then you guys can hang out here until dinner. After dinner we will give you the potion, then tomorrow you can leave at around lunch" Eliza explains

"Here is the potion. You can sleep on the couch" Eliza says handing us a spoon filled with the blue liquid each.


"Thank you" Liam repeats

"That's alright" Eliza says

"I'm sorry for the way I acted, it wasn't really me" I apologise for the 5th time.

"Honey, it's alright. I've seen many people who have other personalities" Eliza says dismissively

"Okay, Layla are you ready?" Liam asks

"Yes. I'm ready" I answer

We gulp down the potion, and instantly I start to feel dizzy. I look for Liam and see him standing next to me, staring out into space, his eyes glassy. I stumble to him, and he holds me tightly, his eyes coming into focus. In a few seconds, I'm in a deep sleep.

"Hello Layla" Someone calls

"Hello?" I reply

"I'm the Moon Goddess. I see you have taken the dream potion." The Moon Goddess introduces herself

"Uh...yes. I was wondering if Liam and I were third mates?" I ask getting straight to the point.

"Third mates? What do you think?" She responds

"I don't know. I feel something with him, a connection and I want to trust him but I don't know if I should." I answer

"So what does being his third mate have to do with anything?" She asks

"Well, if we do have a bond it will be less likely for him to leave me....right?" I answer in more of a question.

"Maybe. But if you let yourself trust Liam, and you two learn to love one another then there will be another bond" She replies

"Please, just tell me if we are third mates?" I beg

"Yes, I have granted you with a third mate. But if you aren't willing to trust him, the bond won't be able to help you" She says wisely, moving away.

"Wait! Where is Liam?" I ask nervously

"He is talking to me as well, but in his own dreams. Layla you already care for him and he cares for you, don't let your walls get in the way" She smiles gently

"Okay, and thank you" I say bowing


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