《Forever His》Chapter 5


Next morning

I lay in bed not moving but when I opened my eyes I saw sunlight coming through the windows.

Memories from last night ran through my head I try not to think of them but it doesn't work.

Every time I try to move my body a sharp pain runs through my body.

After a minute of getting out of bed I slowly walked into the bathroom.

I was glad Elijah wasn't in the room.

I ran myself a hot bath and when I got in I start to relax.

15 minutes later I was about to close my eyes when I heard footsteps.

Then I heard a door open but I didn't look to see who is was.

I heard footsteps coming towards the bath and I still didn't look to see who it was.

Cause I knew it would be Elijah.

I then felt a hand stroke my cheek.

"how long are you going to not look at me darling?"

Elijah said

I say nothing and i still don't look at him and I know it will make him mad.

But I didn't care I was already living in hell what more could he do to me?

Elijah roughly grabs my chin and makes me look up at him.

But when I did I could tell he was mad he looks at me with his murderous eyes.

I try to not show fear I didn't want him to think I was scared of him.

Sometimes I'm scared of him but at times like this I try to not show it.

Elijah looks at me and he said

"you are really testing my patience Shannon"

I continue to look at him but still say nothing.

Elijah sighs in frustration and he tighten his grip on my chin and he pulls me close to him.


He then said

"you really must enjoy me punishing you darling since you always make me angry?"

I still say nothing and Elijah let's go of my chin and he wraps his hand around my throat tightly and he said

"answer me Shannon do you enjoy me punishing you?"

Tears came down my face and I look at him and I say

"no I don't enjoy it"

Elijah let's go of my throat and I sat back in the bath.

Elijah stood up and he said

"get out of the bath and get dress and meet me downstairs"

Then he walks out of the bathroom.

I slowly got out of the bath and I wrapped a towel around my body.

When I was out of the bathroom I looked around the bedroom and saw no Elijah.

I was glad but then I saw clothes on the bed and I knew Elijah picked out some clothes for me.

(Shannon's outfit)

I grabbed them and I got dressed.

After I was dressed I looked into the mirror and I saw a red hand print around my neck.

Tears came down my face why am I letting him do this to me?

I couldn't think of a answer.

I brush my hair and styled it then I put on some makeup to cover the mark on my neck.

Then I put on some eyeliner and lipstick then I walked out of the room.

When I got downstairs I saw Elijah talking on his phone.


Elijah's pov

I was talking to Xavier when I saw my woman walking down the stairs.

She looked beautiful and she is all mine.

I hanged up on Xavier and I walk over to her and I grab her hand and pull her close to me.

I then lean in and kiss her deeply.


After I pulled away I look at her and I said

"let's go darling"

Then we walked out of the penthouse.

We arrive at my mansion and I parked the car in the garage.

I got out of the car and went to her side and opened the door for her.

When she got out I grab her hand and intertwine our fingers.

I took her inside and showed her our mansion.

I showed her the library and gym.

I showed her the pool and my office.

I told her she can only come into my office if I'm with her.

Then I showed her our room we had a fireplace and a flat screen TV about the fireplace.

We have a huge walk in closet and a ensuite bathroom.

Shannon walked into the closet and she was looking at the closet I got her.

I walked up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist and I said

"do you like our mansion darling?"

Shannon turns around in my arms and she looks at me and she said

"our mansion?"

I smiled and I said

"yes darling it's ours"

Shannon said nothing and i smiled more and I then lightly push her against the wall.

And I places one hand on her waist while my other hand was on her hip.

I lean in and kiss her on her lips then her cheek.

I then removed her hair away from her neck and I start to kiss down her neck.

I soon found her sweet spot and she let out a quite moan and I smiled and kissed her neck more.

After afew minutes I pulled away and I looked at her and I said

"I better stop before I take you to our bed and never let you out of it"

I then pulled away from her and I walked out of the closet and Shannon follows behind me.

I turn and look at her and I said

"be really by 6:00 darling we have guest coming"

Then I walk away


Shannon's pov

I've been in this room for hours and I looked at my phone and I saw it was 5:30.

I quickly ran into the bathroom and had a quick shower.

After that I went to the closet and found a dress to wear then I got dressed.

(Shannon's dress and shoe)

I then put my shoes on and I was doing my hair and makeup when Elijah walks in.

He walks up to me and he said

"you look fucken gorgeous darling"

I then say "thank you"

Elijah then walks into the closet and a few seconds later he walks out in a suit.

He then walks up to me and he said

"ready to go darling"

I nod and he takes my hand and we left the room.


(hi hi my readers I hope you like this chapter)

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