"Your course was changed because too many students dropped out of choir and there wasn't enough people participating in the class." The advisor's monotonous voice spoke, her eyes going back to her computer screen.
"B-but I wasn't asked what class I wanted to do instead!" Jeongguk cried, standing in front of the desk at the office, heavy printer machines roaring in the background.
The advisor looked at Jeongguk, sighing. "The reason we picked for you is because you'd most likely pick a subject that was already full and we'd have to waste our time, asking you to pick again and if I'm honest, we have other things to do."
"You wouldn't know what subject I would've picked if you didn't ask me!" Jeongguk slammed his hands on the desk.
The advisor changed her expression, smiling at Jeongguk fondly but her smile was a bit.. off
"Well then," she asked, her fake smile growing even wider. "What would have you picked Jeongguk?"
"I-I don't know..?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Art, maybe?" He said unsurely.
The advisor's face switched back to her usual, lifeless expression. "And you've just proved my point, Jeongguk." She sighed, Jeongguk frowning.
"Art is already oversubscribed so we would've had to ask you again and as I said, we don't like wasting our time here." She replied, recalling her point from before.
"B-but can't I-"
"You didn't even let me finish-"
"No, you can't pick something else Jeongguk. Now, I have other students to see so do me a favour and leave my office since there are other things I need to do."
Jeongguk opened his mouth to argue back but decided against it. This wasn't worth it.
He gathered his things, snatching his bag. Jeongguk stomped out of the office, outside the building with his nostrils flaring.
"Fucking old hag- I hope she burns in hell, that fucking witch!" Jeongguk angrily grumbled, stopping in his tracks, eyeing the trashcan.
In a fit of rage, Jeongguk fiercely kicked a trashcan over, jumping on the rubbish like a maniac whilst shouting out a litter of curses.
"Fuck theatre! Fuck Namjoon! Fuck everything!" He shouted, catching the attention of students wandering around campus, some of which were the same ones questioning Jeongguk the lesson before. It also grabbed the attention of Jimin, who was in search of Jeongguk.
Jeongguk continued to repeatedly abuse the poor piece of plastic. It was as if all his pent up anger during this week just- exploded!
All his sadness from today was switched to anger at that moment. Jeongguk was fuming and would now be ignited with anger at any mention of his ex instead of bawling his eyes out as he thought he would be.
Jimin ran to Jeongguk. "Jeongguk! There you are- Woah, calm down."
Jeongguk noticed Jimin mid-kick, his anger quickly faded. His face still remained crimson as his embarrassment took over his anger.
"Oh- uh, hello?" Jeongguk stuttered.
"Here, let me help you clean up."
Jimin crouched down, gathering the rubbish as the students stopped staring at the minor scene, carrying on with their day since there was nothing interesting going on.
"So, what got your tiddies in a bunch?" Jimin asked, Jeongguk letting out a small giggle.
"Tiddies in a bunch? How did you come up with that?"
Jimin rolled his eyes. "That doesn't matter! What I'm trying to say is- what's up? Why were you beating up the trash?"
Jeongguk turned red. "U-um, it's not that important." He said to avoid telling Jimin the real reason, he'd look like a fool.
"What about you?" He asked, regaining his confidence. "I didn't know the library only took ten minutes to clean," Jeongguk smirked.
"O-oh.. Uhm- the librarian said I could go because the cleaning lady arrived." Jimin's voice trailed, looking away.
"Okay?" Jeongguk replied, gathering a small pile of the litter and putting it back in the bin, thank god it was a recycling bin.
"Oh! The coffee shop around the corner is open, I can buy you a caramel macchiato, your favourite." Jimin offered.
"Caramel macchiato.." Jeongguk mumbled. He could really use one, he was starving since he wasn't able to eat breakfast today.
"Sure." Jeongguk smiled, getting up and brushing himself off, Jimin putting the last of the rubbish in the bin before he got up himself.
"Alright then, c'mon!"
Jeongguk pushed the door open to the shop, the strong smell of coffee hitting his nostrils.
The coffee shop with small- but simple. It had a brown interior with wooden floors, there were small tables of two placed in the store as well as small booths.
There were some magazines on the side of the tables, though really outdated, but it didn't matter. This was Jeongguk's go-to place for a quick cup of coffee.
When they took a seat, Jimin looked at Jeongguk and pouted. "You still didn't tell me what got you so angry earlier."
Jeongguk sighed, knowing that Jimin was going to find out anyway. "Oh, it's nothing really Chim, I-I was just moved from choir.."
"Choir? I thought you loved choir? What are you doing now?" Jimin asked, intrigued.
"Theatre.." Jeongguk grumbled.
Jimin started wheezing. "Th-theatre? Gguk- you can't even do a presentation properly in class without stuttering! Forget performing in front of people! Remember when you told me about how you pissed yourself on stage when you were six?" Jimin cried in between his fits of laughter.
Jeongguk's face turned red once again. "Sh-shut up! I don't even know why I told you that!"
"Aw, but Jeongguk? Didn't you request to switch? I don't think you can last a week in theatre!" Jimin asked, trying to compose himself.
"I did! But they just said I couldn't because other subjects were full." Jeongguk explained.
"Well, I can't disagree with that." Jimin said whilst nodding his head. "Theatre and choir are kinda seen as the dump for those students who couldn't get in the subjects they wanted- but I suppose choir had less people so they stopped the classes and threw you all in theatre."
"And I was supposed to have choir today but I'm stuck with this theatre shit." Jeongguk muttered, resting his head on the table for what seemed like the hundredth time today.
"Jeongguk?" A female voice called out to him.
Jeongguk shot his head up, the voice was seemed familiar. He turned his head to see a woman in the staff uniform, her scarlet hair framing her face nicely.
"Jisoo?" Jeongguk replied in a small voice.
Jisoo's painted lips curved into a smile. "Jeongguk! I haven't seen you in forever!" She cried, pulling him into a hug before pulling out a chair, sitting down.
"Jisoo you literally saw me here last week."
"But that's too long! Anyway, how are you and Nam-" She was quickly cut off by Jimin clasping her mouth shut with his hand.
Jisoo shot Jimin a confused look, Jimin shook his head slowly, squeezing his lips. The other understood, though confused, and quickly tried to cover up her words. "N-nevermind, forget what I said.." Jisoo nervously laughed.
Jeongguk blinked his doe eyes twice. "Okay then."
"So, I heard that you have to take theatre now. Why's that Jeongguk?" Jisoo asked, resting her head in her palm.
"Apparently, there weren't enough people left in choir so everyone got moved to a random class." Jimin giggled, pressing his hand to his mouth to stop himself from laughing again.
"And it just so happens to be theatre." Jeongguk complained, putting his head down on the table again.
"Oh come on!" Jisoo cried. "You never know, you might enjoy it."
"I doubt it." He said, his voice muffled.
"Alright then, Negative Nancy." Jisoo laughed but then stood up. "Oh my gosh. I totally forgot why I'm even here, don't you wanna order?"
Jeongguk raised his head, smiling at Jimin. "You promised."
Jimin rolled his eyes. "Yeah- sure. Can I get a caramel macchiato."
"Sure, coming right up!"
After a conversation full of giggles and goofs, with Jeongguk happily sipping on his drink, enjoying the taste, nearly an hour had passed.
"Ah, we gotta go, class is starting soon." Jimin said, standing up.
"Oh, okay then, I'll see you two sometime?" Jisoo asked.
"Sure." Jeongguk smiled.
"Bye then!"
"Shit! I forgot I left my art folder in my dorm, come with me to get it?" Jimin pleaded, putting on a puppy face for effect.
Jeongguk silently cringed but nodded. "Sure, but we need to make it quick." He said, walking behind Jimin.
Jimin stopped for a second and turned around, facing Jeongguk. "Are you sure that you're okay though, I don't want you to be upset again because of- him." Jimin let out slowly, not wanting to say the forbidden name.
Jeongguk sighed. "Yes, Jimin. Please stop bringing it up, M'okay. I swear." He fiddled with his sleeve.
"If you say so." Jimin continued walking, eventually reaching his dorm and standing by his door.
"Stay here, it'll be quick, I just have to get my folder and I'll be done." Jimin opened the door, entering his room- leaving Jeongguk outside.
Jeongguk stared at the floor for a second before hearing a loud cry and Jimin's terrified voice right after.
Jeongguk ran into the room, curious to see what was going on and was met with Jimin's horrified expression. "Holy fuck!" Jimin screamed back.
He looked to see who he presumed to be Jimin's roommate, shirtless, with a girl who was only wearing underwear, sitting on the bed together.
Both had lipgloss stains around their mouths while the guy attempted to pull his shirt on.
Jeongguk looked at Jimin with wide eyes and Jimin looked back at him with the same look. The guy flailed his hand about frantically, trying to find his words.
"I-It's not what you think-"
Jeongguk's heart stopped when he heard those words, those were the exact words Namjoon said when he caught him cheating. Jeongguk felt his temper rising, blood boiling, any reminder of his ex sent Jeongguk into a fiery pit of anger.
"Hoseok! For God's sake at least have some decency and make out when you're sure that I'll be gone for a while!"
"I thought you would be gone! S'not my fault!" Hoseok snapped.
"Um. It kinda is-"
"H-hey is your friend okay?" The girl, although embarrassed, spoke up, pointing a nimble finger towards Jeongguk.
Jimin and Hoseok both turned their heads towards Jeongguk, who was shaking, head hung low to conceal his anger.
"Jeongguk, are you okay-"
"If you really had to make out with someone, don't expect anyone to not walk into you!" Jeongguk exclaimed, quickly putting a hand over his mouth right after, he did not expect that to come from him.
Hoseok, Jimin and the girl seemed dumbfounded and looked at Jeongguk with a confused expression.
"E-excuse me, please.." Jeongguk mumbled before rushing out the room and into the corridor, Jimin's eyes following Jeongguk through the door.
"Forget it. I just came here to get this.." Jimin awkwardly skittered to his desk, grabbing the folder that laid beside it.
"But next time, please make sure to lock the door." Jimin begged before shutting the door, folder in hand.
Jimin saw Jeongguk standing just outside the corridor, he looked like a crazy serial killer about to snap.
"Jeongguk!" He ran to Jeongguk and put down the folder, cupping Jeongguk's cheeks in his hands, that always seemed to help him calm down.
"Gguk, what's wrong? You can tell me." Jimin spoke softly, stroking his cheeks with his thumbs.
Jeongguk smacked Jimin's hands off his face, scowling a little even. "Don't touch me." He scoffed.
"What's your problem?" Jimin huffed, crossing his arms.
Jeongguk's features softened, resting his back against the wall and letting out a sigh. "S-sorry, just got a little déjà vu about Namjoon. What your roommate said- those were the exact words Namjoon told me when I caught him cheating."
"But that doesn't explain why you acted pissed at Hoseok, I get that he didn't have much decency then but let the man live." Jimin raised a brow.
"I- I didn't know what happened there, I'm really sorry- it's just my anger from that reminder of him made me take my anger out on Hoseok." Jeongguk mumbled, massaging his forehead.
"Oh, Jeongguk-"
"But I don't need your sympathy." Jeongguk sighed, cutting Jimin off. "I need to get over this, as you said."
Jeongguk knew he had to get through this he'll have to be mature and not break down crying or take his anger out on anybody. Even if Namjoon himself is standing before him, Jeongguk will refuse to show him that he's weak. He- He is better than this.
Jeongguk took his hand off his head, looking at Jimin. "What class is next?"
Jimin wanted to say something about Jeongguk's 'déjà vu' but left it for the sake of his friend, he opened his lesson plan. "If I would be having art next then you would be having theatre!" Jimin replied enthusiastically in hopes of lightening the mood.
"Wow, my favourite," Jeongguk sarcastically replied. "Let's go then-" It was then when Jeongguk had realised- he didn't know where the goddamn classroom was!
Jimin stifled a giggle. "Let me guess, you don't know where the classroom is?"
Jeongguk nodded.
"And you need me to show you?"
Jeongguk nodded again.
"And you know that I'm the greatest friend ever and you don't know a better person."
Jeongguk nodded for a split second before- "Hey!"
"You admitted it! But you obviously know where all your other classes are don't you?" Jimin began with a laugh but stopped when Jeongguk shook his head no.
"Are you serious? How do you manage?"
"I have my ways." Jeongguk trailed, leaning on the wall with his hands behind his back.
"Agh- You're hopeless, let's go then, I'll show you the way to theatre." Jimin sighed, picking up his folder and placing it between his arm
Jeongguk smiled. "Okay then." He walked alongside Jimin, secretly dreading his next class but wanted to stay calm and not snap again, plastering a goofy smile on his face.
Luckily for them, the walk was pretty short, the theatre department was very close to their dorms so they weren't going to be late for their class.
"Okay then, we're here, and yikes- Jeongguk stop smiling you look like a clown." Jimin giggled when Jeongguk's smile dropped and turned into a pout.
Jimin brought Jeongguk close again, into a hug. "Enjoy your first day," He grinned, pulling away from the hug. "Tell me all about it and don't miss out any details!"
"Sure, mother." Jeongguk laughed, Jimin whacking him on the head with his folder.
"Hey! Anyway, I have to go to art, I'll see you later!" Jimin skipped away, that being the last of what Jeongguk heard from him for now.
"Okay you can do this.." He spoke to himself, resting his hand on the doorknob. "Theatre won't even be that bad.. hopefully."
Jeongguk turned the knob. "Here we go,"
"Into theatre."
- In Serial23 Chapters
Ethereal Space
Sophie is blissfully oblivious of the darkness and intrigue that is gradually closing in on her. In this litRPG full of bloodshed, sketchy figures and secrecy she makes the most out of a hard situation. Hoping for corresponding rewards as her decisions regularly draw her to breathtaking places and passed awe inspiring creatures. As she plays Nsquared latest VR game, Ethereal Space, others crawl through the shadows of civilization to keep it that, a game. How long is she able to stay uninvolved if she is not already? Will Jason grow into what he is doomed to be? Does John realize how far he is prepared to go? and is Sophie willing to wander a lonely road for the purpose of truth? _________ This is the first story I have ever written, so please be gentle with my poor soul. Any feedback is more than welcome, grammatical errors (English is not my native language), broken plot devices, plot holes, those pesky forgotten characters, you name it. Any feedback is good feedback at this point! Leave a review, follow, rate. It’s just a click for you, for me its minutes of excitement. Story is still in first draft, so I might change some stuff, edit some stuff, and just have some fun with you all about the difference between "where" and "were" (my fingers type "where" automatically, fun stuff). but the major plot points will stay in place. If you are curious about what size underwear I wear or want to become my number one fan (there is a list) and join my mailing list (I will send an email whenever I post a new chapter), just let me know or ask me at [email protected] Alright enough blabbering, go on then, go have some fun reading my stuff!
8 172 - In Serial28 Chapters
MARY: The Dreadful
[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] "You have to survive, Adam. You have to win." This is not a story starring Mary, because Mary is already dead. She bled out on her front doorstep following a sudden three-day absence. Seven years have passed, with her little brother—Adam—now standing at eighteen years of age. Following his sister's death, he lived the life of a delinquent, wandering the grimy streets of the city of Steeldale. All it amounted to was years of street fighting experience, no proper home and an uncertain future at a second-rate university. Unbeknowst to him, the day before university, he will be thrust from Steeldale into a brand new world. It is a world where a cherry red sky gazes down upon a fragmented continent, on which civilisations from other worlds have been dumped like refuse. The souls of man leak from their fingertips, coalescencing into superhuman powers and horrible fleshy monstrosities. Tribes of refugees clash against each other, attempting to carve out a place in this unrefined space. With no choice, Adam must traverse this dangerous new world, with Mary's shadow following him every step of the way. This is my entry to the April 2021 Writathon. Chapters will be posted as I write them.
8 212 - In Serial248 Chapters
Dolores is a lucky girl with a high-level avatar in a very popular game. She did not level it up; she got it through some fortunate circumstances. She is not interested in fighting and levelling; all she wants is to have some fun and follow her own fantasies. If only there would not be all those idiots who intend to kill her, capture her, or simply use her. And those flaws in the game! Wait, what? Those pesky game characters now appear in the real world? And they can do magic? How did this happen? Adding to her troubles, her crush does not even look at her. As Dolores tries only to survive and hide between 'normal' people, she encounters stranger and stranger things that force her hand and, in the end, she has the answers to a lot of questions. It is a slow-developing story. I had a lot of fun writing it and hope to share it with you, dear reader if you also enjoy it. On the other hand, putting it in an acceptable form requires much work and energy. I intend to bring it to its end and not let it unfinished. I hate it when I encounter unfinished stories, so I understand the feeling. This is not a classical isekai story. There is travel between the two worlds, and the game world seems to be so very real... well, this is one plot of the story. This is not an MMORP game story. Part of the action happens inside a game world, but it is treated as a real world. Updates on a weekly basis, at least Monday and Friday, with additional bonus chapters as time and energy allow. Cover art: White Flower as A Dark Fairy by Darkrealmsmaiden Yolanda gracefully allowed me to use her dark fairy as cover. There are many more beautiful works of art to be discovered at her site: https://www.deviantart.com/darkrealmsmaiden Additional Grammar Trigger Warning: As a non-native speaker, I do my best. Unfortunately, this is not enough for people with a low tolerance for warped sentences and... they may want to skip the story :( Well, you have been warned :) I appreciate it when a reader points out a sentence that needs rework. That may spare a follow-up reader some pain and helps me understand where my English grammar problems are. * We thought we made the best game in Earth's history We thought we made the best interfaces ever seen We thought we made it - lifelike But it far exceeded our expectations. Dolores, I hope you're happy now. I hope you're alive now...
7.91 277 - In Serial112 Chapters
The Mafia "bride" (Yoonmin) *Completed*
Jimin goes to a friends party and meets and sleeps with a man. Only problem is that the man he slept with is a mafia lord and that man wants Jimin to be his bride.
8 79 - In Serial24 Chapters
A Wizard's Birth: Awakening
A new city, a new life. It was all the same to William Carter. After the disappearance of his mother, Isabelle, two years ago, he and his father, Jonathan, were always heading to a new place, never stopping for more than a few months. Upon reaching his new home in Colorado, a mysterious man named Michael thrusts him into a world of magic. For Will to be able to make it in this new world of Crystallia, he must learn to hone his new skills and rely on unexpected allies. He must cast away everything he once believed and learn a new way to survive. Join Will in an adventure to a new land as he awakens his royal flame and gains unexpected allies. The journey he embarks on is not one for the faint of heart.
8 126 - In Serial8 Chapters
The Faen Wrath
Ben is a normal man working at a grocery store, when he meets an abnormal woman who accidentally pulls him into her world. The world of the Fae.
8 136