《LONGING || Kimetsu No Yaiba Oneshots》Change Everything [1/3] | K. Tanjirou
—Poppo, Anohana
Tanjirou looked up from playing with Nezuko to see his father watching him with solemn eyes.
"(Y/N) has-"
Tanjirou woke up in cold sweat. He took a minute to even out his ragged breath. He sighed. I dreamt about it again.
"Nii-chan! Nii-chan! Are you awake? Nii-chan!"
Tanjirou scratched his head before shouting, "Hai! I'm awake already!"
With a smile plastered in his face, he started his morning routine.
"Braid my hair, Nii-chan!" Hanako said, hugging Tanjirou's waist with a pleading look on her face.
Tanjirou was brushing his teeth when Hanako approached him all of a sudden. He almost choked on his saliva with toothpaste. His words were muffled while speaking, "Why don't you want Nezuko-nee-san to do it?"
Hanako pouted as she looked up at Tanjirou's side. Tanjirou was a tall boy, being in his third year in Junior High. He would be transferring soon to find the perfect school suited for him.
Hanako was persistent, "But, I want you to do it, Nii-chan!"
Nezuko entered the scene and dragged Hanako away so Tanjirou can continue brushing his teeth. He almost swallowed the soap in his mouth.
* * *
Tanjirou saw Zenitsu with his friends, talking happily as they passed him in the hallway. His burgundy eyes followed his retreating back before it was swallowed by the frames of other students.
A frown never left his face as he closed his shoe locker.
"First one to the classroom wins!" Inosuke declared. He quickly changed his shoes, disrupting the others and causing a noise commotion early in the morning.
Zenitsu, not really in favor of the declared race, warned, "Not so loud! We'll get told off."
With a determined expression on his face, Tanjirou swiftly changed his shoes and went after Inosuke.
"Ugh, those three."
A giggle can be heard behind Zenitsu. (Y/N) passed by, her (H/C) locks trailing behind her elegantly. "The loser has to treat us!"
Tanjirou bitterly smiled, imagining the quiet hallways of his memories in childhood.
He turned to a corner and arrived at his classroom. Many people are already there, including Zenitsu. Inosuke can't be seen anywhere, but Tanjirou has a good idea where he is.
He greeted his classmates with his usual "Good morning" as he trudged the path to his seat.
Kanao was already there as if waiting for Tanjirou to arrive.
"You three are so slow!" you exclaimed, waiting impatiently for the Kamaboko Squad. You were facing Tanjirou's seat since he sat behind you.
You stood up as they took their time to catch their breaths. There were already a few people inside the classroom, but the three could only guess you're the first one to arrive.
You gave them a smile as you raised your thumb in approval. "You three are earlier than usual. I hope you can beat me in the future."
"I arrived first again, Tanjirou-kun," said Kanao with a gentle smile on her lips.
She tilted her head to the side before asking, "What's got you a little bit late than usual?"
* * *
I didn't see Inosuke again today. Tanjirou thought as he walked through an isolated street. He was walking alone. Somehow, he has gotten used to it, even though he shouldn't.
"Let's visit the park!" you suggested. The three boys looked at you with confusion written all over their faces.
You sighed. "You guys are hopeless. Try exploring the town and you might see something memorable!"
You were about to take off to a run when you heard a "meow".
Zenitsu asked, "What is memorable, (N/N)-chan?"
As Zenitsu asked, you spotted an injured kitten. Tanjirou noticed it as well. "We need to treat him!"
Inosuke crossed his arms as he said, "Why should we treat that thing? It has nothing to do with us."
Tanjirou and you glared at Inosuke, which caused him to take a step back.
Tanjirou stopped in his tracks. He noticed from the corner of his sight the cat, trying tk catch his attention.
A smile lit up his face. He eagerly approached the cat and started petting it, lowering his bag.
"How have you been? It's been a long time," Tanjirou asked. He managed to recognize the cat because of the scar on its leg.
"I think it's gonna scar," mused Zenitsu, studying the kitten.
Tanjirou assured, "It's alright. As long as he's going to be alright."
You nodded, setting down the medical supplies on the table.
"It doesn't matter..."
You turned to look at Inosuke, who seemed to be stopping himself from bursting out like usual. He looked at you. Then, he said, "It doesn't matter if it's scar! Scar shows a sign you're strong!"
A bright smile graced your features as you agreed, "Yeah!"
Another bitter smile came across his face.
How fleeting those memories are.
The cat screeched and ran away. Tanjirou was confused as hell why the cat suddenly scratched him all of a sudden. He picked up his school bag and followed the cat, out of curiosity.
His eyes widen.
Under the shade of the dancing trees, a spot of the swing lightly swung back and forth. The green leaves and pink cherry blossoms slowly fell on the ground every second. She looked up to see Tanjirou. Her eyes remained the same bright (E/C) color. Her (H/C) hair glided along the sound of the wind.
She smiled.
Tanjirou's time started to move again.
* * *
Tears were streaming down her cheeks, showing zero signs of stopping.
Tanjirou sat up. He brought his face into his hands. If we didn't fight that day...
"Had a bad dream?"
Tanjirou almost fell on the floor when he heard a voice from the door.
There, leaning against the wall beside the door with a calm smile on her face, stood (Y/N).
Tanjirou put a hand on his chest as he stared at you with wide eyes. "Y-you're still here!"
You puffed out your cheeks. You crossed your arms as you thumped your way towards Tanjirou. With a confused expression, you asked, "Where do you think I'm going?"
Tanjirou looked away, looking rather guilty. It's impossible. There's now way, she's in my room right now.
Nezuko slammed the door open. Her face contorted to frustration before reverting back to her elegant self. "Good thing you're awake..."
Tanjirou lowered his sight to see a pail of water peeking by the door. He gulped down and thanked himself for waking from the nightmare earlier.
"Breakfast is ready. If there's still some breakfast left..."
Tanjirou was confused when you just stood there, looking at Nezuko with a monotone expression on you face. He was overly confused at the fact Nezuko acted she didn't see you at all.
Or, can she really see you at all?
You waved your hand to catch his attention. You asked, "You're not picking yourself from the floor?"
* * *
"I'll be at the park."
Tanjirou gripped on the handle of his school bag tighter. He recalled the events of what you told him.
"Aren't you..." Tanjirou mumbled. Words left his being. You being here is the last thing he didn't expect to see.
You finished for him, "Dead?"
You had been cradling the cat from your childhood ever since it jumped into your arms. You stood up from your swing as the cat left your grasp. She said, "Yes, I'm no longer part of the living world."
She looked to the area of the park, where they always used to tell diverse stories to each other. Her eyes wandered back to Tanjirou, who had been speechless for the whole time. She told him:
"I'm here to fulfill my wish."
Tanjirou stopped walking when he sensed he's in front of his classroom. He looked to the side and saw his classroom. His classmates are talking to each other in different places in the room. He spotted Kanao placing the flowers where it should be.
He spun his body towards his classroom and walked inside.
Tanjirou bumped into someone. He immediately apologized, "Sorry."
He turned his eyes and saw Zenitsu was the one who bumped into him. Zenitsu just walked past him like just ran into a tree.
Tanjirou's face scrunched up to a frown.
"What kind of wish?" Tanjirou asked.
Your legs dangled in the air. You enjoyed the slight breeze as you sat on a branch of the large cherry blossom tree.
You were staring at the sky with hope evident in your eyes. You answered:
"A wish that can only be granted once everyone is here."
* * *
"A wish that can only be granted once everyone is here," Tanjirou repeated your words that day.
He still can't believe the fact you're here. Yes, you're dead. But, aren't spirits not supposed to be seen?
Maybe, you can't go to heaven because of that wish? If so, then what is that wish? It seemed like you don't remember.
"This is so frustrating..."
"What's frustrating?" Kanao tilted her head to the side, curious of the reason. She was worried and curious at the same time. It was very rare for Tanjirou to lose his composure. All of the time Kanao knew him, never once she saw him this frustrated.
Tanjirou's lips lifted up to an apologetic smile. "Sorry. It's nothing."
Kanao pulled a chair to sit in front of Tanjirou. She asked, "Are you sure?"
Tanjirou saw Zenitsu entering the classroom with a classmate. Your words suddenly echoed his head.
"A wish that can only be granted once everyone is here."
Tanjirou sprung up to his feet. Kanao looked at him with a questioning gaze. "Tanjirou-kun?"
"Sorry, Kanao-chan. I need to go."
Kanao's eyes followed Tanjirou. Her eyes widen once she realized Tanjirou is about to approach Zenitsu.
Tanjirou took a deep breath, mustering all the courage left in his body. I can do this. It's for her.
He stopped near Zenitsu, who was talking to someone. "Zenitsu."
At first, Zenitsu acted like he didn't hear Tanjirou at all. But, the numerous calls of his name accompanied with several taps on his shoulder made Zenitsu turn around. The sight of Tanjirou in front of him reminded him of what happened that day.
While giving a glare, Zenitsu sharply asked, "What?"
Tanjirou stopped himself from flinching at the harsh tone of his former best friend. He remained steadfast as he told Zenitsu, "Let's meet at the park after school."
Zenitsu quirked an eyebrow in pure suspicion. "Why? Why don't you say it here right now?"
Tanjirou hesitated. What if he Zenitsu won't believe him he can see you? Still, Tanjirou needs to be honest if he wants to grant the wish you were here for, whatever that is.
Reluctantly, he answered, "It's (Y/N)."
Zenitsu frowned his eyebrows. The mention of your name made his mood sour. He growled, "Don't even say that name here."
"Why? She didn't do anything wrong."
"No, she did something."
"And what is that?"
Zenitsu was fed up with the subject of you. You shouldn't be talked about here. What happened is in the past and it will never be changed. If it's in the past, then it stays in the past.
He grabbed Tanjirou by the collar. "You're girl is not the perfect and innocent person you think she is!"
All of the attention are on the duo now.
"Of course she isn't! No one's perfe-"
"No. You don't understand. You never understand anything."
Zenitsu released Tanjirou. Tanjirou was about to refute when a kouhai calling for Zenitsu beat him first. Tanjirou called out, "Zenitsu!"
Zenitsu stopped walking. He glared daggers at Tanjirou as he looked over his shoulder. "It's Agatsuma to you."
* * *
Tanjirou walked silently on the same alley he had been walking going to and from school. Why is he so disappointed of Zenitsu? Anyone would react the same if a dead person can be seen by your former best friend. Tanjirou was disappointed and angered of Zenitsu because he didn't even hear his argument. Zenitsu wasn't like that before.
That's how her death changed all of us. thought Tanjirou, letting out a sigh.
You were standing at a roof, specifically Inosuke's roof. A smiled came upon your lips.
Tanjirou collided with somebody just around the corner. His body was sent to the ground as he massaged his forehead from the impact. He raised his burgundy eyes to be met with green ones.
Inosuke was holding two sticks. He pointed one of them to Tanjirou as he threatened him, "Kamaboko Gonpachirou! How dare you hit the almighty king of this neighborhood?"
Tanjirou smiled.
"It's Zenitsu!"
You were sitting on one of the swings in the park, watching with an amused expression on your face.
You were enjoying the scene until you realized they were already arguing. You didn't interfere at first. But, when they started to tackle themselves on the sandbox, you ran to them, telling them to stop.
At some point, you were dragged into the sandbox as well. You got pushed harshly by Inosuke out of the box.
A wince came to your face as you felt a stinging pain from your knee. You noticed it was bleeding because of being scraped from the floor. Tears pricked your eyes.
You were about to break to sniffles when a hand landed on your shoulder. You looked up and saw Tanjirou with a concerned face. "You shouldn't join those two."
With a nod, you were helped up by Tanjirou, who later on joined the argument and finished it with his shout.
Inosuke and Zenitsu were scrambling toward you. Zenitsu was apologizing in ramblings whilst Inosuke had his arms crossed, saying it was Zenitsu's fault.
"Inosuke! I'm really glad you're here!" chirped Tanjirou, picking himself and his things from the ground. Tanjirou was more than happy to see Inosuke with almost no changes at all.
Inosuke stared at Tanjirou for a full minute. Tanjirou didn't know how to react. He tilted his head on one side as he patiently waited for Inosuke to react.
As if finally recognizing his childhood friend, Inosuke shouted, "KAMABOKO GONPACHIROU!"
"It's Kamado Tanjirou..."
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