《Children of One Piece》Daughter of Mihawk



It was another gloomy day on Gloom Island. One of the only residents on the island, Mihawk, sat at his table enjoying breakfast and a cup of coffee as he read the daily paper. He then felt a weighted in his lap. He put his paper down and saw a little girl sitting there, eating his food.

Mihawk: Raven dear, what are you doing?

The little girl known as Raven looked up at him with those innocent blue eyes of hers.

Raven: I got hungry.

Mihawk let out a sigh.

Mihawk: Alright, you can eat what's left of mine.

Mihawk went back to his paper and coffee and even ate what was left of the breakfast. He always did have trouble denying her.

The little girl's full name was Dracule Raven, the 7 year old daughter of Mihawk. She had black hair like her dad but her mother's blue eyes. Raven lived with Mihawk in his castle on Gloom Island. Mihawk had been good of taking care of her, she was feed well and had all of things she needed. And while Mihawk may not appear to be a caring person, he truly loved his daughter. And whenever he looked into Raven's eyes, he saw the same innocence his wife once held.

Mihawk went on with his day as he prepared to depart to Sabaody to see if anything interesting was going on. As he was about to leave his castle, he felt something tug on his coat. He turned around a saw Raven tugging on his coat.

Mihawk: What are you doing?

Raven: I want to come.

Mihawk: Raven...

As he was about to tell her no he saw the defiant look in her eyes.

Mihawk(thought): This girl is more stubborn than me when I was a kid.


Mihawk: Alright fine, but stay close to me at all times, got it? And no side tracking, I have things I need to get down.

Raven: Don't worry, I can handle it.

And so, the father and daughter deported off the the archipelago. Once there Raven began basking in all of the attractions there. However, ever time she wanted to get a better look at something her dad would just yank her back.

Raven: Come on, it looks like fun.

Mihawk: That isn't what we came here for.

Raven: What's the point of being here if you're not going to enjoy it?

Mihawk: Don't tell me what to do, you're the one who insisted on coming with me. You even agreed to do as I say.

Raven pouted as she remembered what she agreed to do.

Mihawk: Look, we can come back another day and have fun. But for right now I have to...

That's when he realized the little girl near him was gone. Mihawk looked all around him but failed to see Raven. He was amazed at how she was there one second and then gone the next. Even his haki didn't sense her.

Mihawk: How in the hell is that girl so fast?

Raven now roamed the streets of the grove by herself, while enjoying a towering ice cream cone that she "bought". Unknown to her, she was being watched by people from the alley.

Thug 1: Look at her, she's all by herself with no one around.

Thug 2: Kind of messed up abducting a little girl.

Thug 1: Who cares, this is easy money for us.

Thug 2: Alright, lets just snatch her and get out of here. There's bound to be someone who's willing to buy a cute little girl.


The thugs began approaching Raven, and just as they were about to grab her they were sliced in half. This alerted Raven who quickly turned around, only to see Mihawk standing there. Despite his stoic face, she knew he was mad. She began nervously chuckling as suddenly Mihawk picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

Raven: Hey I can walk.

Mihawk: But you clearly can't be trusted.

Raven: I just...

Mihawk: I don't care what you have to say, we are going home!

The two became silent as Mihawk started heading towards the boat. After a few minutes Raven spoke.

Raven: I'm sorry.

Mihawk didn't say anything at first.

Mihawk:....While this place does look fun, it also holds a dark side. Just like the rest of the world. Those who are unprepared for it are the ones who suffer the most. You're my daughter, and I do the things I do to protect you because I love you.

Raven: Love you to dad.

Mihawk set Raven back down and then to two continued walking hand in hand.

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