《Children of One Piece》Daughter of Smoker



It was another normal day at Logue Town. The streets were filled with people going from shop to shop as the harbors were even more packed. Various ships were parked in the harbor, usually marine or trader ships. However an occasional pirate ship would show up looking to plunder the town. However they would always be stopped by the great Captain Smoker.

Speaking of Smoker, he was currently in his office smoking as he usually did. He smoked soo much that the whole room filled up with smoke. His mind was wondering else where, not paying attention to what was happening. That was until he felt someone tug on his sleeve.

???: Hey dad can we go now?

Smoker looked down to see a little girl no older than 6 with white hair like his. Her name was Melanie, in other words his daughter. Melanie was born and raised in Logue Town, just like her dad. The mother had left the two when she was only an infant, luckily being the captain here made it easy for Smoker to raise her.

Melanie often talked in an emotionless tone, similar to how Smoker always sounded like he was mad. For being such a young age, she has already shown to be responsible and brave.

Back to the present, Smoker got up and rubbed his forehead.

Smoker: Sure, just give me a minute.

Smoker walked around Logue Town with Melanie on his shoulders. Typically the only time Melanie was able to go around was with Smoker. But even when she was able to go around by herself, most thugs didn't dare mess with her or else face the wrath of Smoker. They eventually ended up by the harbor where Smoker felt Melanie tug on his hair.

Smoker: What is it?


Melanie: Ice cream.

Sure enough she was pointing at an ice cream shop. And so after she got her treat, they sat down on a bench with Smoker looking off into the distance as Melanie ate.

Smoker: So is it good?

Melanie: Yeah.

Just then two marines appeared saying they needed to talk to Smoker. Smoker told Melanie to stay seated as he went some where else to talk to the marines. That's when she heard people starting to scream and run away. Not far from her was a group of pirates wrecking havoc on the harbor.

Pirate: Hey check it out, this kid is here all by herself!

Without a second thought, Melanie took off running. However it wasn't long before the pirate snatched her up by her collar and held her in the air. Melanie kicked around in the air, but it was no use.

Pirate: Sorry kid, but you're not go...

He was interested as a fist crashed into his face. Melanie was dropped but landed in a pair of arms. It was her dad who caught her.

Smoker: You alright?

Melanie merely nodded as Smoker set her down.

Smoker: Stay here, I'll make this quick.

Melanie watched as her father quickly as mercilessly take down the pirate crew without even breaking a sweat. When he was done he walked back to Melanie.

Smoker: So, you ready to go back?

Melanie: Yeah.

Smoker grabbed Melanie's hand as the two walked back to the marine base.

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