《Children of One Piece》Son of Shanks



On an island in the middle of the grand line there was a village. Normally this village was peaceful except for right now. Because right now they were being raided by pirates.

Pirate: Take anything you want boys, their ain't no one who could stop us!

And the pirates did, they took anything they wanted. Money, jewelry, booze, almost everything the village had. A group of pirates entered a bar where they found people hiding. All except for one 17 year old boy who sat at the counter. The pirates approached the man.

Pirates: Hey pal, did you not here us! Give us everything you got!

The boy paid no interest to the pirates and instead kept eating. This pissed off the pirates so one of them pointed a pistol at his head.

Pirates: Not so cocky now huh?

The pirates all laughed.

Boy: Now that you pulled out your pistol are you ready to use it?

The pirates seemed confused by this.

Boy: Guns aren't for threats, they are for action.

In the blink of an eye the boy was facing the opposite direction and punched the pirate with the gun so hard he went through the wall. Before the others knew what was happening the boy sent them flying outside as well. The boy then placed a few berry on the counter and went outside. There the other pirates gathered around to see what was going on. When the boy emerged they began to shake in their boots.

Pirate: That cant really be him can it?

Pirate2: Those red eyes and red hair, it must be him.

Pirate3: That's Blood Red Ragnar, son of Red Hair Shanks.

That boy was indeed the son of Shanks. At a young age Ragnar had a bounty placed on his head due to who his father was. Later on his bounty was raised due to his actions, such as attacking the marines and other pirates.


Ragnar stared down the group of pirates who were around him. All these pirates were ready to fight which made him grin.

Ragnar: So, who's attacking first?

One by one the pirates all charged at Ragnar. And one by one he easily took them out. Simply with a single punch or kick. Growing up with the Red Force with the Red Hair Pirates Ragnar was taught by the best. Not only hand to hand combat but being able to use haki as well. He mastered not only observation but also armament haki as well. He was even fortunate enough to be born with conquer haki.

Ragnar: So is there anyone here who can actually give me a real fight?

All around Ragnar were the unconscious bodies of the other pirates. The ones that were still moving were to afraid to attack him. The captain then stepped forward.

Captain: You're useless the lot of you, cant even take down one boy!

Pirate: But sir that's...

Captain: I KNOW WHO IT IS! But that shouldn't stop you. He may be the son of one of the four emperors of the sea but he still any ordinary man. Now let me show you how it's done!

The captain charged at Ragnar, who stood there looking uninterested.

Ragnar: I'm bored now so I'm just going to end this right here.

He then released his conquer haki on the pirates, which quickly knocked them all out. Once they were all defeated the rets of the villagers came out. Ragnar turned to one of them.

Ragnar: You guys should tie these guys up and call the marines. I think the captain over there has a decent sized bounty on his head.

Villagers: Oh um yes...that would be a good idea.


Ragnar turned to leave, as he did a lady approached him.

Lady: Excuse me, is it true you are the son of Shanks?

Ragnar: Yeah, that old man is my dad.

Lady: Why did you save us?

Ragnar: My dad taught me to do what was right, and I couldn't let these weaklings run all over you.

Lady: Odd that the son of one of the most dangerous pirates alive would teach his son to do good.

Ragnar: He's actually a sweet guy, he just hates the marines.

And with that Ragnar headed towards the coast. There he would wait until his dad came to pick him up.

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