《The Spider( BNHA Crossover)》Chapter 6 Interrogation



The heroes quickly took Goro back to the police station. There they strapped him down to a table and prepared to interrogate him. Inside the room where the heroes who witnessed the battle that just took place. Everyone was silent until Manual stepped forward.

Manual: You know what's happening here right?

Goro was silent, after a few seconds he spoke.

Goro: Does anyone know what time it is?

Some of the heroes were surprised by how he was acting so casual.

Manual: Listen, all we want to know is why you attacked the auction for those mafia members.

Goro remained silent, a hero with horns stepped forwards.

Hero: You should take us more seriously.

The hero then punched Goro in the gut, however Goro didn't even flinch from the impact. In fact the hero seemed to be the one who took damage as he cradled his fist.

Hero(thought): Damn, how tough is this guy? It felt like my fist was smashed against the ground.

Goro: Sorry pal, attacks like those wont work on me.

???: That is your quirk after all.

A female hero stepped forwards with a file.

Female: Your name is Goro Kin, otherwise known as Talos. A member of the Phantom Troupe as that symbol on your back proves it. Your quirk allows you to convert damage into raw energy. This is what allows you to get stronger in the middle of battle.

Goro: Aren't you smart.

Female: We also know about your little sister.

An intense pressure filled the room, scaring everyone. They realized it was coming from Goro who was glaring at the female hero.


Everyone was shocked by what was happening.

Goro: Lets make a deal, free me now and I'll spare your lives.


All the heroes tensed up.

Hero2: You do realize we have you strapped down. And plus that venom coursing through your body prevents you from moving.

Female2: No he's serious, are at least he thinks he is.

Goro: Let's make something clear, we were after the items that were going to be at the auction. However by the time we got their all the items were gone. My guess it was those damn Shadow Beast.

Female2: He's not lying, I can tell.

Goro: Know that you know we didn't steal anything, just let me go. Everyone makes mistakes, let me go and I'll forget this ever happened. Also, it would be best if you turned a blind eye to what we are about to do.

Manual: Even if you didn't steal the auction items you're still a wanted member of the Phantom Troupe. Transport will be by soon to move you to a more secure facility.

Goro: Looks like you're not taking my offer, in that case it's your funeral.

Meanwhile back at the Troupe's hideout Elizabeth was walking down the halls. She entered a room and found Stain along with the Owl inside. Stain just sat on a rock with his eyes closed. Meanwhile the Owl was tied to chair, covered in blood, and breathing heavy. After all, he just finished a torture session with Stain.

Elizabeth: So, did he tell you where they are?

Stain opened his eyes.

Stain: This guy was no fun. A few minutes after I started he told me. I know where they are.

Elizabeth: Good I'll tell the boss, you can finish off this guy.

As Elizabeth left Stain had a sadistic look on his face. Back in the main room the other members were relaxing. Some were resting while others read. A portal appeared as Aoi came out.


Ryu: So Aoi, have you found him?

Aoi: Yeah, he's being held up at one of the police stations.

Ryu: Good, lets go bring him home.

Back at the station a single officer was at the desk, waiting for the others to arrive to transport Goro. He heard a beep and looked up at one of the monitors, standing there were several police officers. The ones who were taking Goro away. The officer pushed a button and let them.

Officer: About time you guys got here, that muscle head was starting to creep me out.

???: So where is he?

Officer: Follow me.

The officer lead the other to the back room where Goro was.

Officer: We can him some muscle relaxers to keep him from moving.

When Goro saw the others he grinned.

Goro: Clothes really do make the difference.

The officer was confused, suddenly a hand went through his chest, killing him.

Goro: About time you guys got here.

The others took off their disguises. Revealing Kurou, Aoi, Dmitri, Miwa, and Stain.

Dmitri: Never though you would get captured Goro.

Goro: Shut up and get me out of here!

The members broke his restraints, but Goro still couldn't move. So Miwa and Dmitri picked him up.

Miwa: The venom is still coursing through your body, until we can remove it you wont be able to move.

Goro: Then lets make this quick.

The others let the room as heroes started to arrive. Kurou made quick work of them by making spikes with his shadows. Meanwhile Aoi blasted the police as Stain sliced and diced. Soon they were outside. Aoi opened up a portal.

Aoi: Lets get going.

Stain: You guys go on, I think I'll have some more fun.

Kurou: Are you sure about this?

Stain: I'll be fine, tell the boss I'll be back by sunrise.

Stain took off as the other members went into the portal. By the time the heroes got outside they were gone.

Manual: Dammit, they got away.

Just then numerous explosions went off. In the distance fires started erupting as people fled the area. The Phantom Troupe has left, but the nomu were taking front stage.

Iida POV

I saw Stain take off as the others left. Why he went on his own I dont know. But this means I have a chance to take him down. So I quickly began my pursuit after him in the alley.


Standing on top of a tall building there stood a man. He was wearing a suit of black armor as his face was covered by a mask that resembled a demon.

???: Soon the spider shall fall. One leg at a time.

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