《Shattered Schnee( Neglected Schnee X Tokyo Ghoul)》Chapter 18 Coal vs Pyhrrha


Coal and Pyrrha stared at each other with intense hatred. Coal jumped high into the air with his blade ready to strike. As he came back down, Pyrrha blocked his attack with her tendrils. Sparks flew from the collision. Pyrrha then threw he back as he landed back on his feet.

Coal didn't waste any time and charged right back at her. He swung his kagune but Pyrrha blocked his attack. Pyrrha then tried to hit him but Coal stepped back and then ran around her. Then he lunged at her but she jumped back and avoided the attack. Coal began to fire his daggers but Pyrrha ran around avoiding the attack.

She than propelled herself into the air and attempted to slam Coal with her tendrils but missed. The two ghouls then began a barrage of attacks against each other. Pyrrha whipped her tendrils around as Coal swung his ukaku around.

Coal: Finally a worthy opponent. Our battle will truly be legendary.

As Coal was ranting, Pyrrha coiled two tendrils around his kagune. With her third tendril he pierced him through the abdomen. Then with the other two, she knocked him back. Pyrrha went for another hit, but Coal caught her off guard by firing more daggers. She quickly moved her tendrils to block, as she did so Coal then sliced them in half and kicked Pyrrha with great force. Pyrrha skidded against the ground before slamming into a tree.

Coal: You've gotten stronger, but unlike you I embrace my carnivore.

Pyrrha: Be as it may, you fight only for revenge while I fight to protect my friends. That drive is greater than yours.

Coal: Smug now are we, you best be prepared to defend that statement!

The monsters continued their fight.

The battle back inside continued to rage on, things weren't looking good for our heroes. Weiss was left fatally wounded as Ruby was knocked down, leaving everyone to tend to their fallen friends. Using this chance, the villains made their move. Lionheart opened the door to the vault, making the large statue descend downwards.

Cinder: Mercury, Emerald, I'm leaving things up here to you.

Mercury: What about Coal?

Cinder: It doesn't matter, they are distracted by their wounded friends. It won't be any trouble to keep them out of here.

Emerald and Mercury headed back to Yang who was still standing. Meanwhile Cinder, Raven, and Vernal stepped on the platform which started to go down into the vault.

I found myself lying in a large empty room. As I sat up I saw that floor beneath me was checkered black and white and had blood stains. From behind me I heard a emotionless voice.

???: Pyrrha

Quickly spinning around I saw a figure tied in a chair with long red hair, covered in blood. That's when I realized it was me, back when I was captured.

Dream Pyrrha: You better wake up, or else you might lose.

Everything around me began to fade.


As Pyrrha woke up she found her head in the hands of Coal, who was dragging her up a wall with her head smashed in the building.

Coal: Chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga chuga.....

When they reached the top, they both went high up into the air.

Coal: Alright we're here, SO GET OFF!

Coal threw Pyrrha downward, she went right through roof and crashed into the ground inside. The pair were now in the school's combat arena, right in the center of the stage. As Pyrrha layed in her crater all bloodied Coal gracefully landed.

Coal: Look at that, we're standing in an arena. Why don't we put on a marvelous fight? I'll make the first move, try now not to die so easily.

Pyrrha didn't respond. Coal bent down and picked Pyrrha up by her neck and began to check her.

Coal: I had high hopes for you when we first started, but now you're not even trying.

He threw her into the air and brought out his kagune. He then jumped into the air and pierced Pyrrha, causing her to spit out blood. He grabbed her once again and threw her back down onto the stage. Once he landed, he quickly ran back to her and grabbed her leg just tp throw her into a wall. While she was up there he ran over and proceeded to punch her over and over again. Each blow causing her to cry out in pain.

Coal: You're weak, you're weak, you're weak, you're weak, you're weak!

He grabbed her leg again and threw her into the air, appeared before her and kicked her right in the jaw. This time she landed in the viewing area.

Coal: Is this the same invincible girl from before. The one renounced for her skills and numerous victories in tournaments.

He picked her up by her hair, making her wince.

Coal: I'm going to stab you over and over again. If you can't fight then provide me with some sort of entertainment.

He then began to stab her over and over again, each time her screams only got louder and louder. The sound echoed all around the training area, brining Coal pleasure. When he was down, her mouth was wide open and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Now satisfied , Coal dropped her to the ground.

Coal: The once vibrant young girl who dreamt of being a hero is nothing more than a hollow shell now. I used to be the same way and now look at me. While I embrace my monster side, you chose to reject it and suffer. Now I shall make you my main course, and your friends can be my dessert.

Pyrrha's eyes rolled back as she gained full control. Coal felt something pierce his body, he looked down and saw a piece of metal. He turned around just as numerous metal slammed into him. As he got up from the wreckage he saw Pyrrha standing with determination.


Pyrrha: I remain this way for my friends, so that one day I may return to them. Everything I do right now is to protect them, so if I have to kill you I will do it. I WILL SAVE THEM!

Dozens of metal pieces were now floating in the air, Coal's eyes widened.

Coal: Oh shit.

It all came flying at him. Coal ran and jumped around to try and dodge, but a pieces of metal managed to cut and slice him.

Coal(thought): Dammit, I forgot all about her semblance. But it was never this powerful.

It was then a piece stabbed him in his abdomen.

Pyrrha: We both may be ghouls, but we also have semblances. Thanks to everything I have endured my semblance was grown much stronger. Meanwhile refuse to use yours due to hatred of your family.


More metal pierced his body, then larger chunks began to slam against him into the ground. Soon he became buried in it.

Pyrrha: It's the same hatred that blinds you and makes all of your choices. In the end, you're no different than fighting a common grimm.

Coal came bursting from the pile of metal, surprising Pyrrha. He just stood there, but Pyrrha could feel his blood lust intensify.

Coal: You know what, you have a point. There is now thought behind my attacks, I'm just swinging like crazy. If I fight someone who is equal in power but smarter, I am sure to loose.

Pyrrha then saw it, a masked had started to form on his face.


I found myself laying on the floor once again. When Coal gained that masked he had become much stronger and faster. This time he had now trouble taking me down. Just when I thought I had beaten him, he too gets stronger and easily defeats me. Is the margin between us truly this big? Did I even have a chance?

I managed to barely lift my head up. I could barely see him, he was standing away while holding his head and murmuring about something. He let out a scream and began to slam his head against the wall. If only I was stronger, I could have won.

That's when the world around me began to fade and I found myself in a white space sitting in a chair. Dream Pyrrha was also there. too.

Dream Pyrrha: Pyrrha...are you afraid of me?


Dream Pyrrha: Is that so, then why do you push me away?

Me: Because I'm afraid of what I'll become if I embrace you.

Dream Pyrrha: Well let me tell you something, I'm afraid of you.

My eyes widened.

Dream Pyrrha: We both have been through so much pain together. I can feel myself being pulled into a void, one that is endless and filled with darkness. The amount of loneliness I feel...it terrifies me. I don't want to be forgotten.

Dream Pyrrha whipped her head up, she was crying and had a desperate look on her face.

Dream Pyrrha: I don't want to go to the void, to spend the rest of eternity all by myself. I can feel myself fade away every day. I just want to be at peace.

Dream Pyrrha continued to cry. I got up and started to walk over to her. Once I was in front of her she looked up at me. I pressed my forehead against hers.

Me: We have both suffered a great amount, no one else knows that except for the two of us. If I succumb to my inner monster than many more will suffer. For us to continue existing, we must live as a whole.

Coal continued to rock back and forth, until he heard someone approach him. The two just stared at each other. That's when Pyrrha brought out a tendril and smacked him into the air. She then leapt into the air and kicked him into the stands. Right as Coal got up, Pyrrha landed down and knocked him back up.

While in the air he brought out his kagune and fired his daggers at her. Pyrrha ran around to avoid each one of the projectiles. She then jumped in the air as Coal landed back down and continued his attack. Pyrrha brought out her other tendrils and wrapped them around each other, making one big tendril.

As Pyrrha got near Coal, she swung her tendrils at Coal but he jumped out of the way. Coal landed on some seats and jumped into the air. Pyrrha tired to hit him, but he got pass her kagune and slammed right into her. That's when he kicked her back to the ground.

Before she could get up Coal landed back down and grabbed her head. He then started to run while dragging her alone the ground. When they reached the top Coal smashed her into the wall and proceeded to choke her, all with a sick grin.

Pyrrha regained consciousness. With one hand she grabbed Coal's hand and freed herself from his grip. She then lunged forwards and bit right into his shoulder, ripping out a piece of flesh.

Coal jumped backwards and landed on a wall. Coal brought out the rest of his kagune as Pyrrha brought her tendrils back out. The two glared at each other with hatred. Then Coal propelled himself off the Coal as Pyrrha got ready to strike. Both let out battle cries.

When they met in the middle, their kagunes pierced each other.

Both of their eyes widened as their jaws fell open. Even Coal's mask had fallen apart. They both started to fall backwards until they hit the ground. Neither got back up, the battle was a draw.

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