《Shattered Schnee( Neglected Schnee X Tokyo Ghoul)》Chapter 13 Waking Up


Coal POV

My eyes slowly opened, the first thing I felt was pain through out my body. I wasn't even moving and it hurt. Guess that light did more damage than I thought. By the time my eyes were working again the first thing I saw was a stone ceiling. I was back in the castle.

As feeling returned to my body I saw that I was lying in a bed with nothing but pants on. No telling how long I was out. I pulled myself up and took off the covers and began to examine my body. Surprisingly I saw no signs of injuries.

Me(thought): Strange, how the hell is this happening? My body hurts, but their is no sign of injury, scar, or even a bruise.

I looked over and saw a package with a note on it. I picked up the note and read it. The note said that the package was food for me, which was great because I was hungry as hell. After shoving the flesh down my throat I stood up. In the corner there was a chair with my cloak on it. I put it back on and headed out.

I entered the long and empty hallway, seeing how no one was around I decided to roam around. As I passed a window I looked out into the wasteland. Thoughts raced through my mind. How did the battle end, did we win or lose?

???: Good to see you out of bed.

I turned around and saw Watts standing there.

Me: Oh it's you. Wait a minute, how wasn't I able to smell you.

Watts: Dont worry, all of your questions will be answered soon. Right now, I was told to bring you to the mistress once you have awoken. If you want to learn more then ask her.


Seeing as how I didn't have any other choice I followed him. We arrived at her throne room and went inside. Inside was Salem, who of course was on her throne.

Salem: Ah Coal, glad to see you're back up. Thank you Watts, you may go now. We have much to discuss.

Watts bowed and left the room, Salem got up and walked over to me. I noticed her eyes were observing my whole body.

Salem: You've been out for quite some time now Coal, preferably about a month.

Me: Wait a MONTH!?

Salem: Yes, that would be most accurate. Tell me, how do you feel?

Me: Like crap, my whole body hurts but there is no sign of injury. Hell, even my senses don't work. What the hell happened, all I remember was this bright grey light.

Salem: Ah yes, you would have been affected by that. To answer you're question about Vale, it has fallen. There are those who are trying to rebuild it but the grimm are making it difficult for them.

Me: Okay, then what about that light?

Salem: Tell me, do you remember Ruby Rose?

Me: Yeah.

Salem: Describe her for me.

Me: Short, wears a cape, red and black hair, silver eyes.

Salem: You see, if was those silver eyes of hers that caused that.

Me: How does having silver as an eye color do that?

Salem: All you need to know is that the silver eyes are a weapon that have been passed down through out generations. The special thing about these are that they posses the ability to destroy grimm.

Me: Wait, if these things can kill grimm then how am I alive?

Salem: Simple, you are only half grimm. While it did not kill you it did manage to greatly harm you.


Me: I'm guessing if this girl can do that, than she will most likely be on our list of people who must be eliminated.

Salem: Precisely, no one has come closing to killing you let alone defeat you. Yet her is this girl who not only knocked you out but nearly killed you.

Me: Let me be the one who goes after her.

Salem: In time, for now we must prepare ourselves for the next phase. Before you go, there is something I must show you.

Salem lead me out of the throne room and down the hall. we came to a pair of big doors and entered. Inside I was a lab, most likely it belonged to Watts. we went all the way to the back until we I saw what Salem wanted to show me. It was a giant tube with some sort of liquid, floating inside of it was Pyrrha Nikos.

Me: Why is this girl here?

Salem: You see right now the whole thinks this young girl is dead. However we had Cinder merely transport the girl here.

Me: So why bring her here?

Salem: Simple, she's the next one.

Me: The next what?

Salem: The next ghoul.

My eyes widened.

Me: You're making more people like me.

Salem: Yes, in order to carry out our plans we need a grand army. After the success with you I decided it was time we make more ghouls. Right now their is just two, but soon their will be hundreds.

Salem left the lab, leaving me alone in there. All I did was just stare at that girl floating around in there.


Back in Atlas, a greatly injured Winter Schnee finally woke up. The moment she did all of her memories of the fall came rushing back to her. One particular she couldn't stop thinking about. Teras started flooding out of her eyes.

Winter: I-I can't believe it...m-my son is alive...I-I'm sorry Coal...I-t's all my fault you've become like this...I swear I'll save you...I-I'll do whatever it takes to bring you back.

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