《Shattered Schnee( Neglected Schnee X Tokyo Ghoul)》Chapter 9 Winter


Coal POV

It has been awhile since the breach on Vale. Salem has ordered me to go into hiding for the next few days until the attack on Vale happens. How could she do this to me? At least Cinder and everyone else get to fight in that tournament while I'm left with nothing. Worst of all she says I cant eat until then. WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO DO!

Suddenly I smell something. It was a familiar scent that drove me crazy. I could tell it was human but from a specific person. I dash through the alleyways trying to track it down. I eventually jump on top of building and start leaping from roof to roof. I then come across a large tower and start scaling up that thing. When I got to the top I saw what I was smelling. The scent came from a bullhead, but not any bullhead. This one was coming from a bullhead with the Schnee dust company emblem on it. I start one of my crazed laughs as my eye turned to its red and black form. Rage and bloodlust filled my body.



Weiss and Winter sat in a secluded area. Winter had just finished teaching Weiss how to activate her summons. The two were about to head out until Weiss spoke up.

Weiss: So...how are you dealing with Coal?

Winter immediately stopped and tensed up. Flashbacks of her son came rushing through her mind.

Winter: I'm...still working things out. "she said in a depressed tone"

Weiss walked over to her and grabbed her hand.

Weiss: Winter, you're not to blame here. It was the rest of the family, we all treated him worst than the faunas.

Winter quickly spun around to face her.


Winter: No, it's my fault! I was his mother, the one who should have been there to protect them, to care for him, but I never did! I was always away, and even when I was home I chose to ignore him! The only time I was with him was when we trained, and there I beat him! I even watched as he was tormented by the rest of you! I WATCHED HIM SUFFER!

By the time Winter was down a tear was falling down her face. Weiss hugged Winter.

Weiss: I know these are hard times for you. I just want you to know I really appreciate you coming down here to Vale. The last time I saw you, you were a complete mess.

Winter: There are a lot of things I regret, things I still haven't gotten over. The best thing I can do is try and keep my life moving.

I was walking through the city. It was night out so I had to keep my guard up. There are a lot of people on this world who would love to kill a Schnee. Since it was late the streets were empty and silent. I suddenly sensed I was being I followed. I looked over my shoulder and saw nothing there. However I couldn't erase the feeling of being followed. I continued to walk but then I felt something new. It was an intense blood lust, greater than I ever felt before. I quickly turn around and saw a person standing behind me. I couldn't see what they looked like since they were wearing a cloak. Suddenly the figure jumped away, into the night.

Coal POV

GOD DAMMIT! That bitch is so lucky that Salem ordered me to stay hidden. Otherwise I would have eaten Winter alive right there in the middle of the street. Let her screams fill the quiet night. And by the time the sun rises, people would find her carcass lying there. All I have to do is wait a little longer, and then my moment will come. Get ready Winter Schnee, soon it will be time to pay for your sins.

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