《Shattered Schnee( Neglected Schnee X Tokyo Ghoul)》Chapter 7 Train Ride


Coal POV

Roman made me sit with him up in the front of the train while everyone else got to have fun. As the train speed down the tracks, the cars would detach and explode, making openings for the grimm. Meanwhile on top the huntresses from Beacon were fighting the White Fang soldiers. After a while one of the soldiers entered the control room.

WFS: Sir we got a problem, the huntresses heave entered the train while others are heading towards the control room.

Roman: And how do you people pose a threat again?

Roman looked around the room until his eyes fell on me. He had a sleazy smile on his face.

Roman: Hey Coal, how would you like to finally have a challenge?

I simply returned the question with my own sinister smile.

Me: Time to harvest some organs.


On top of the train, Ruby and Oobleck were jumping from railcar to railcar to get to the front. A hatch on one of the trains flew off and a figure jumped out. This figure had on a black cloak that covered their entire body. The only feature that could be seen was a black pair of lips in the form of a smile.

???: Hey aren't you a little young to be a huntress?

Ruby used her scythe and launched herself forwards. The figure stepped out of the way and dodged the attack. Ruby quickly turned around and started swinging her scythe at this figure, however he easily dodged each one of her attacks. It was then Oobleck realized who this was.


Ruby quickly looked at the figure, who was now in front of her with their jaws lunging at her. Just as the jaws clamped down on her shoulder, Ruby jumped away but a small bit of her shoulder was ripped off. The figure swallowed the bit of flesh and licked his lips.


Oobleck: Are you alright Mrs. Rose?

Ruby held her bleeding shoulder.

Ruby: I'm fine, but who is this?

Oobleck: That right there is one of Remnant's most wanted mass murderers, the Owl.

Ruby's eyes widened. The figure standing before them was indeed the infamous Owl. Or better known as Coal Schnee.

Coal: I've been doin nothing for a week now...

Coal began to laugh as he looked up. All you could see was his mouth and left eye since it was glowing red. This made both Ruby and Oobleck tense up.


Coal charged at Ruby and collided with her scythe. Ruby swung multiple times but had no luck in hitting him. Coal then kicked Ruby square in the chest, it was hard enough that it got her on her knees. Coal manifested his giant blade and went to stab Ruby, however he jumped out of the way to avoid a blast of fire.

Coal looked over at Oobleck who was now fighting him. Coal swung multiple times with his large blade as Oobleck would block. This went on for quite some time until they were at a standoff. Both Oobleck and Coal were pushing against each other. As they were doing this Coal reared his head forwards and bit into Oobleck's arm. Oobleck got distracted so Coal slashed him multiple times, his aura protecting him. But soon his aura disappeared.

Coal jumped into the air to deal the final attack but was tackled by a bunch of Rose Petals which turned out to be Ruby. Ruby once again started swinging her weapon as Coal blocked. Soon these two were pushing against each other as well. Coal chuckled.

Coal: Feisty little girl aren't you.

Ruby: You shouldn't be saying that, I can tell you're not that much older than me.


Coal: Looks like you got some brains after all.

Coal jumped back as his wings appeared and fired daggers at Ruby. Ruby swung her scythe in a circle to protect herself from the projectiles. Coal leaped forwards and collided with Ruby, knocking her back. Just as he was about to strike her, he got blasted in the back with fire. He turned around and saw Oobleck as he hit Coal in the chest with his weapon. Coal get sent further back and got up.

Coal: Not bad, you people are actually posing a challenge.

As Coal was about to attack them again, he got blasted in the back more. He turned around and saw the rest of Team RWBY there.

Yang: Leave my sister alone.

Yang charged, Coal did a flip in the air and kicked Yang in the back of the head making her face plant. Blake charged now but Coal proved to be quicker us he ducked under her sword and kicked her in the side. Weiss used a glyph to gain speed but Coal was still quicker. He dodged each of her rapier swings and then jumped behind her. He launched more of his daggers as Weiss used a glyph as a shield.

Team RWBY has now regrouped and was ready to take on this foe. Meanwhile Coal was smiling at the thought of the fight about to happen. However his smile faded away into a shocked expression which suprised Team RWBY. However Coal began to laugh which made the girls now confused.

Coal: You know, I getting turned on just by thinking the fight you girls could give me. Oh how I would love to harvest and devour your organs. But our time has now come quicker than I thought.

The girls looked behind them as Coal jumped in between two railcars. The girls saw the end of the tunnel coming up. So they all huddled up and Weiss formed an ice down around them. And finally, the train collided with the wall.

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