《Shattered Schnee( Neglected Schnee X Tokyo Ghoul)》Chapter 5 Smugglers Den



In an old warehouse in Vale, there were crates and crates of dust. This was one of the White Fang's bases. Currently entering the base right now were Mercury and Emerald. They walked through the base until they came across Roman. He looked up and turned to them.

Roman: Oh look she sent the kids again. This is turning out like the divorce.

Roman said as he wrapped his arms around Mercury and Emerald, who freed themselves from his grasp.

Emerald: Spare us the thought of appropriating.

Roman: Relax it was a joke, and this might help me find out where you've been all day.

Roman held up a piece of paper, making Emerald gasp and search her pockets.

Roman: I'm a professional sweetheart, pay attention maybe you'll learn something.

Roman examined the paper.

Roman: Why do you have this address?

Emerald: Wouldn't you like to know?

Roman: Yes, I would.

Mercury: Cleaning up your mess. One of them at least.

Roman: I had that under control.

Mercury: Two packed bags and a ticket out of Vale said otherwise.

Roman: Listen you, if it were up to me you and you're little street rat friend I would...

Roman was stopped by another voice.

???: Do what Roman?

They looked up and saw Cinder on the railing, she came down.

Roman: I'd uhhhhhh, not kill them.

Emerald: Cinder" she said with happiness"

Cinder: I thought you were suppose to take care of the runaway?

Roman: Well I...

Emerald: He was going to escape to Vacuo, so Mercury and I took it upon ourselves to eliminate the rat.

Mercury: I think he was a cat actually.

Emerald: Like a puma?

Mercury: There you go.

Cinder: Quite both of you, did I not tell you both specifically to keep your hands clean while in Vale?


Emerald: Well, I thought...

Cinder: Dont think, just do.

Emerald: Yes mam

Cinder then turned to Roman.

Cinder: And you, why wasn't the job done sooner?

Roman then gestures to the various crates of dust.

Roman: Sorry if I've been busy collecting every speck of dust in the kingdom.

Mercury: Congratulations, you're an inspiration to every thug with a ski mask.

Roman: Look around kid, I got this town running scared. Police camping out at every corner, dust prices are through the roof, and were sitting in more dust than we could need. Speaking of which maybe if you would fill me in an your master plan it might make my next ring of robberies go smoother!

Cinder: Oh Roman, you'll know when you need to know. Right now we're moving, have the White Fang clear out the area and I'll send you coordinates to the next location.

Roman: Coordinates?

Cinder: It's time to activate phase two. By the way you'll have another person joining you.

Roman: And who would that be?

???: Me

Roman, Mercury, and Emerald all looked up and saw Coal hanging from the ceiling with a psychotic look on his face. This startled the three of them. Coal jumped down and landed next Roman.

Roman: You work with the Owl? On second thought, of course you know someone like him.

Cinder: He's essential to the plan, so play nice.

Cinder left with Emerald and Mercury behind her.

Mercury: Have fun you too.

Mercury said in a mocking tone, making Roman sigh.

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