《The One Eyed Chimera( Tokyo Ghoul x Male Reader)》Chapter 10 Sen Takatsuki



It was late at night, I was watching tv flipping through the channels. I came across the news channel and came to a halt.

Reporter: This just in, an armored CCG transport was brutally attacked by a gang of ghouls. According to eye witness reports the Eyepatch lead the assault. The CCG believe the attack was-

I turned off the tv and pulled my hair in frustration.

Me: God dammit Kaneki, why are you doing this? You made everyone depressed, especially Hinami. I swear if I see you I'm gonna kick your ass.

I headed towards bed since I have to take Hinami to a book signing tomorrow.

(time skip)

I was sitting at the café waiting for Hinami to arrive. I looked over at Touka and saw that she was looking sad.

Me: You saw the news last night didn't you?

Touka: What's that supposed to mean?

Me: You know what I mean, seeing someone like Kaneki become so cold and brutal is hard to believe.

Irimi: Best to ignore it for now.

The door opens and Hinami walks in. Right away I notice what she's wearing. She has on a dark green blue trench coat with a yellow bow on it and had a dark lavender hat on?

Hinami: Good morning!

Touka: Hey are those my clothes?

Hinami: Ya I found them I the back of the closet so I decided why not to wear them.

Irimi: Don't you look fancy, going somewhere special?

Hinami nodded

Hinami: Y/N is taking me to a book signing for my favorite author near the train station.

I got up from my seat and gestured Hinami to follow me.

Y/N: Ready to go?

Hinami: Ya let's go.

Hinami grabs my hand and we head towards the book store.



Y/N and Hinami were standing inside the book store for an author signing. However the author was no where to be seen. Just then a lady came running in.

This lady was Sen Takatsuki.

???: Ah there you are.

Sen: Look coach I made it home safe.

???" Nope you're entirely out.

Sen: Ah man.

Sen sat down at her desk and clapped her hands.

Sen: Sorry everyone I over slept.

Y/N and Hinami waited in line until it was their turn.

Sen: Aren't you a lovely young lady, so tell me what are your names?

Y/N: Y/N

Hinami: Hinami

Sen started to write in the book.

Sen: To the lovely Hinami-

Hinami: Wait hold on.

Sen: Oh do you go by something else?

Hinami: Actually it's a gift for someone else.

Sen: Oh, who for?

Hinami: His name is Kaneki.

Sen paused for a second

Sen: Did you say Kaneki...is that his full name?

Hinami: His full name is Ken Kaneki, but we all call him Kaneki.

Sen: It never hurts to be specific, he must be really special for you to do this?

Hinami: He is.

Sen: Oh, is he your boyfriend?

Hinami's cheeks turned red and Y/N broke out into laughter.

Hinami: No mam, he's like family.

Sen: That is so adorable!

Sen signed the book and gave it back to Hinami.

Sen: Here you go, thanks for coming out.

Hinami: No thank you miss.

Hinami heads to the doors while Y/N stays behind and talks to Sen.

Y/N: Hey I just wanted to say thanks, you really cheered her up.

Sen: No problem, I love doing things for my fans. Mind I ask what happened?

Y/N: Just a lot of unfortunate events have happened lately and it left Hinami in the dumps. But this lifted her spirit.


Sen: I enjoy making my fans happy. By the way what's your full name?

Y/N: It's Y/N L/N, why do you ask?

Sen: I was just wondering, have a great day now.

Sen waved goodbye to Y/N and Hinami.

Sen(thought): L/N huh, so that's what you came up with for a last name. I cant wait until we see each other again. Because then we'll most likely be trying to kill each other.


It was getting late, the workers at Anteiku were cleaning up. Irimi and Koma were already gone, leaving just Y/N and Mr. Yoshimura. Mr. Yoshimura was cleaning the counter while Y/N just sat down. Y/N's eyes were closed as if he was thinking of something. He opened his eyes and stood up.

Y/N: Mr. Yoshimura I need to ask you something.

Yoshimura: And what would that be?

Y/N: Let me search for Kaneki.

Yoshimura's smile turned into a frown.

Yoshimura: You know that I'm not allowing anyone to go after Kaneki, it's for everyone's safety.

Y/N: That's why you should let me go. I know my way around the wards. Plus if I get caught they wont know who I am. There's no record that I exist. No birth certificate or medical records. Besides, I'm strong enough to take down Aogiri ghouls.

Yoshimura: Why exactly do you want to go after Kaneki?

Y/N: I want answers. He just left us without saying why. All I want is to know why he did this.

Mr. Yoshimura raised an eyebrow.

Yoshimura: That's not the only reason on why you want to go? So tell me what it is.

Y/N sat back down in his seat.

Y/N: There was a girl who's apart of Aogiri. She says she knows who my parents are. It's been driving me crazy since that night. I just want to know who they were, did they love me, what happened to them?

Yoshimura: I'm sure they loved Y/N. A relationship between human and ghoul is very difficult. Mind I ask what this girl was like?

Y/N: I can tell she was no goon, definitely someone ranked high at Aogiri. I could tell she was strong and insane. Something about her felt familiar, like were close.

Both of them stayed silent until Mr. Yoshimura spoke.

Y/N: All right I'll let you do this.

Y/N grew a smile.

Y/N: Thank you sir.

Yoshimura: Just one more question, where do you plan on going?

Y/N: The 23rd ward.

Yoshimura: Why so?

Y/N: That ward is home to Cochlea, a ghoul prison. No doubt about it that it's a target for Aogiri. And when they attack, I'll be there.

Yoshimura: Ok, make sure investigators don't see you. Also be safe, we don't need to lose anyone else.

Y/N: I've come to far to die now.

Y/N went back upstairs leaving Mr. Yoshimura alone in the shop.

Yoshimura(thought): I hope those two don't kill each other.

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