《Look at What You Made Me(BNHA x Bullied Ghoul》Chapter 4 Hosu Incident
It was a peaceful night in Hosu city. All of a sudden there are multiple explosions. from the explosions three creatures emerge.
These nomu start wrecking havoc on the city as multiple heroes start to arrive. Also from the smoke arrives a person that resembled a monster.
Kijima: Ah, what a perfect opportunity to test out our new nomu.
I hero with blades on their forearm charges at him. Kijima opens up his briefcase to reveal a chainsaw. He uses the chainsaw to cut the hero in half. The heroes looked horrified at what just happened. Kijima just smiles and revs up his chainsaw.
Kijima: Alright, who's next?
It was another night here at Hosu city. I was looking for my next victim. All of a sudden I spot the one that got away.
I put on my mask and activate my Koukaku. I leap down and stab him right in the shoulder. I repeatedly knee him in the gut, causing him to spit up blood. I grab his face and pin him against a wall. In the distance I notice smoke and fire, probably from a nomu.
Native: I'll kill you for what you did to my friends.
Me: You should pick your words more carefully.
I smell someone running right up behind me. I activate my Bikaku and hit them right in the hit. I turn around and see Tenya Ida. I chuckle at his attempt to get revenge.
Me: Run along kid, this is no place for kids.
I notice the intense vengeance in his eyes.
Ida: That shirt, that mask. You are Jail, I've come to...
I point my Koukaku right in his face.
Me: If you think I'm gonna go easy on you, you're wrong. I'll devour anyone who gets in my way.
Ida gets up from the ground.
Ida: Listen here you criminal. You hurt my brother, a noble hero who risked his life multiple times. He cant stop you, but I can. You will remember my name, for I am INGENIUM!
Me: So be it.................die.
Midoriya was running through a crowd of people trying to get away from battle that was happening. He turned a corner and saw this.
Also fighting was Kijima. A hero with bug wings swooped down and was about to kick Kijima, but a snare shot out of his chainsaw and wrapped around the hero. The hero fell to the ground as Kijima stabbed him in the chest with the chainsaw. Midoriya was speechless at this carnage. A female hero stepped in.
Lady: Kid you're in the way, you need to evacuate.
Midoriya: Right, I'm so sorry.
Midoriya realized something. Ida's brother was attacked by Jail here in this city. That means that Ida must be looking for him.
(scene change)
Ida charged at Shikorae, but he jumped in the air. He then stabbed Ida in his right shoulder with his Bikaku and kicked Ida into the ground. He got on top of him and pointed his Koukaku at his neck.
Shikorae: You'll never be a hero, you know that.
Ida: I will become a hero, I will be Ingenium, and I'll start by taking you done. You're nothing but a cannibal who hurt by big brother.
Shikorae: You're as far away from being hero as possible. You forgot all about the other guy haven't you?
Ida's eyes widened.
Shikorae: You were so clouded by revenge that you forgot about saving him. Heroes today only care about money and fame, our society has ruined this title.
He stabbed Ida's other shoulder with his Koukaku. Ida groaned in pain.
Shikorae: I intend on fixing what it means to be a hero. And by the way, cannibalism is the consumption of one's own species. And I don't even consider my self human anymore.
He repositioned his Koukaku over his neck.
Shikorae: May your death change this world.
Ida began to tear up.
Ida: No not like this.
Shikorae readied himself to kill Ida. But out of no where he got hit by a green flash.
Shikorae skidded against the ground but regained his balance. He began to laugh
Shikorae: Izuku Midoriya, that's a fancy new trick you got there.
Ida: Midoriya no, you need to get out of here. This is my problem.
Midoriya: Sorry Ida, but meddling in places where I don't belong, is the essence of being hero.
Shikorae: Okay broccoli head, show me what you got.
Midoriya's body began to glow green again, he ran at Shikorae. Shikorae swung his blade, ready to cut down Midoriya.
Shikorae(thought): I see, he thinks if he can get in close enough he'll avoid my blade.
When Midoriya got in close Shikorae whipped his Bikaku around, ready to stab Midoriya. But all of a sudden Midoriya ducked between Shikorae's legs. Shikorae quickly turned around and found nothing there. He looked up and saw Midoriya in the air. Midoriya then punched Shikorae right in the head, sending him into the ground.
Midoriya: Did I win?
Unknowing to Midoriya, Shikorae activates his Rinkaku and wraps it around Midoriya's leg. He then throws Midoriya around like a ragdoll, hitting him against the walls. He then smashes Midoriya into the ground. Midoriya slowly gets up.
Shikorae: I gotta say, most heroes were just talk. You however did what no one else could, hit me not once but twice. For that you live.
Shikorae walked over to Ida, ready to stab him with his Rinkaku. Before he could, Shikorae dodged a fire blast. There stood Todoroki using his left side.
Todoroki: Midoriya, next time you need to be more specific, I almost arrived to late to save you.
Midoriya(thought): Todoroki's here, wait a minute he's using his left side.
Shikorae laughed
Shikorae: Would you look at that, half and half got over his daddy issues.
Todoroki glared at him. He then activated his Ukaku and sent shards flying at him. Todoroki created an ice wall and blocked them. He than ran at him with his Koukaku and went to slash him. Todoroki created another ice wall and Shikorae got his blade lodged in. Shikorae jumped back as Todoroki used his ice to get everyone who was injured closer to him. Once they were clear Todoroki sent a huge wave of fire. The fire hit Shikorae head on. He fell to the ground as smoke emitted from him.
Todoroki: There, that should do it.
Native: No, he wont go down that easily.
Shikorae got up slowly, revealing all of his burns. To everyone's surprise his burns started to heal. Shikorae just laughed.
Midoriya(thought): Not only can he summon stuff from his back, he also has a regeneration quirk.
Shikorae: You made me use my healing, that must be payed in your flesh.
Todoroki: So you really are what everyone says, but you wont be taking anymore lives. The pros are on their way.
Shikorae: Fine by me, they can find your carcasses.
Shikorae charged with his Rinkaku. Todoroki created multiple pillars of ice to hit him, but Shikorae dodged them. When he got close enough, Shikorae went to bite Todoroki's shoulder. However Todoroki lite himself on fire, forcing Shikorae to jump back. Todoroki just sent more ice which Shikorae smashed. He jumped into the air, only to get kicked by Midoriya. At the same time Ida slowly got up.
Todoroki: You feeling better now?
Midoriya: Enough to this fight.
Shikorae: Looks like I'll have to break you more.
Midoriya: We need to be careful, from what I can tell he has multiple quirks. One is he create tendrils, another is turning his arm into a blade, next there is the wings, and finally his regeneration.
Shikorae: If you want to know my quirk so bad, I call it ghoul.
Everyone was confused by this.
Midoriya: Ghoul?
Shikorae: Yes, you see I have a very high amount of RC cells in my body. With this I can use those cells to form the objects you see coming out of my back. Another upside to this quirk is that I have powerful regeneration and normal objects made of steel cant penetrate my skin. However there is a downside, I can only eat human flesh. That is why everyone I kill has bites taken out of them.
Native: How does he have such a powerful quirk?
Shikorae laughed at that comment. He summoned his Ukaku and fired shards. Todoroki used another ice wall to block. But a few shards managed to hit his leg. Shikorae charged with his Koukaku and soon got within striking distance. But Ida ran in and kicked Shikorae right in the stomach, sending him back. Midoriya then punched him right in the face, sending him back further and even knocking his mask off. Shikorae kept his head down so they wouldn't see his face. He then reached for his mask and put it on.
Shikorae: Ok now you all die.
Ida ran really fast and kneed Shikorae in the gut, once again sending him back. Shikorae was quick to get back on his feet.
Shikorae: Looks like someone needs to teach you a lesson. You aren't a hero.
Todoroki: Don't listen to this lunatic.
Ida: No he's right, I'm not a hero. However that wont stop me from taking him down.
Todoroki sent fire at Shikorae who used the well as a ledge. He leaped from the wall and used the multiple ice pillars as a foot hold. Todoroki sent more ice to try and freeze him, but Shikorae was faster. He then used his Ukaku and shot Todoroki with shards. Todoroki fell to the ground.
Midoriya+Ida: TODOROKI!
Shikorae: Finally, I'm hungry.
Shikorae lunged at Todoroki but all of a sudden large roots shot out of the ground and constricted him. Everyone looked over to see Native with his hands in the ground.
Narrator: Native's quirk: Roots- He can turn his finger into roots in which he can control their size and length. When he sticks his hands into the ground, he can cause the roots to rapidly grow.
Shikorae activated his Koukaku to slice through the roots. However he didn't see Midoriya who punched him hard in the face and then Ida kicking him hard in the back.
The impact was so hard it knocked Shikorae out. Shikorae fell to the ground. They all just stared at his limp body.
Midoriya: He's got to be knocked out after all that.
Todoroki: Let's find some rope.
The heroes were having no progress with taking down the nomu.
Kijima: Give it up. If All Might had trouble taking one down what makes you think you can take down three.
The big nomu went to hit the female hero, but then Endeavor appeared. He hit the nomu back into a wall. He then grabbed the nomu by the neck and burned its head off. Kijima, now seeing as how Endeavor appeared, jumped on the back of the winged nomu and flew away. Endeavor gave into the chase.
Native was carrying Midoriya on his back as Ida pulled Shikorae along. Then heroes came around the corner.
Hero1: We got told that someone here needed help, but children.
Hero2: Those injuries look bad, I'll call an ambulance.
Hero3: Hey is that the hero killer?
The heroes all gasped that kids had taken down the infamous Jail. They all sat around waiting for the others to arrive. But then the winged nomu along with Kijima appeared.
Kijima: There get that kid, the one wearing the green. Shigaraki will be wanting that one.
The nomu picked up Midoriya and began to fly away. It was then Shikorae woke up.
I woke up and the first thing I notice is that my mask is still on(thankfully). I then feel that I'm tied up. I also feel powerful winds blowing against me. I look over to see Midoriya being carried away by the winged nomu. However my attention focuses all on the man riding the nomu. The same person who did this to me, Shiki Kijima. Without knowing it I break free from the ropes and activate my Koukaku. I then use whatever energy I have left to ran after the nomu. Once I get close enough I stab the nomu through the head. We all fell to the ground.
Me: kijima, Kijima,
I notice that he has fear in his eyes.
Kijima: Stay away from me you monster!
He grabs Midoriya and his chainsaw and holds it against his neck.
Kijima: Let me go and the kids live.
The heroes stop in their tracks. I however activate my Bikaku and use it to stab his hands. He drops his chainsaw and Midoriya kicks him away. I run up to Kijima and use my Koukaku to slice his arm off. He screams in pain as I cover his body in cuts. He uses his other arm to pick up the chainsaw and goes to hit me with it. I knock it out his hands and send the chainsaw into the sky. I comes back down and lands right in his head.
He makes a bunch of gargle sounds and soon falls to the ground dead. I look over to the heroes. I take off my mask but however use my hair to cover face. They only thing they could see from my face where my two red and black glowing eyes.
Endeavor sends a huge wave of fire at me. I use the smoke to get away.
The next day they started making repairs to the damaged parts of the city. Midoriya, Ida, and Todoroki were sent to the hospital. They reported Shikorae's quirk to the heroes. He is now one of the most dangerous villains in Japan. In the hospital, Midoriya was stuck on a thought.
Midoriya(thought): Why does something about him feel so familiar?
- In Serial141 Chapters
Sucked into the void without warning, a handful of people from around the globe suddenly find themselves in the foreign world of Scyria, a place filled with people who can jump three times their height, conjure fire from thin air, and perform any number of other inhuman feats. Scattered across the realm and armed with newfound powers far greater than those of the native Scyrians, they each struggle to find their path in this unfamiliar reality. Their unforeseen arrival sends tremors throughout the world, toppling a centuries-long age of relative peace, prosperity, and progress as they each leave their mark on the world in their own ways. But Scyria has its own share of intrigue, even without these unwelcome guests. A major metropolis is wiped from existence out of nowhere, triggering a manhunt across the continent for those deemed responsible. Two feuding nations decide to bring their hostilities to a new level. Blades clash, nations fall, and plots years in the making begin to reveal themselves. This is the story of some unwilling trespassers, taken from their lives against their will and thrown into situations they barely understand. This is the story of some unfortunate Scyrians, their lives blown apart by the newcomers’ sudden and destabilizing existence. This is the story of Scyria, a world with a lost past buried beneath millenia. But as both the Earthlings and Scyrians are about to find out, sometimes the past doesn’t stay buried forever... I marked the story as having Gore, Sexual Content, and Traumatising content because it does contain a bit of all three, though not what I believe is a significant amount. Just wanted to be safe. It does contain a whole lot of profanity, though. That one is very much deserved. I post one chapter ahead on Patreon here, you can get it for a dollar: https://www.patreon.com/IrateRapScallion My Discord server for discussing the story and whatever else: https://discord.gg/uycZBbv Please vote for my story on Top Web Fiction by clicking here: http://topwebfiction.com/vote.php?for=displaced Thanks! Cover by Jefferymoonworm
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