《Son of Nico Robin》Chapter 8 Meeting the Strawhats



Kai woke up to the frigid wind beating at his body. He had a hard time moving as his body was sore. He curled up into a ball to try to conserve heat. He lazily opened his eyes, his vision was blurry. He made out that he was in an alley with Peaches not to far away. his eyes started to close again, that was until the memories came back.

His eyes shot open as he tried to get up as fast as he could. Once he was back up he walked over to Peaches and began to shake the monkey.

Kai: Get up Peaches, we have to go save Mom.

Peaches woke up and started barking at Kai for waking him up. But besides that he still got on Kai's shoulder and the two left the alley. Once Kai got out he realized that they were still in Water 7. Not only that but it was night time and felt like a huge storm was coming. Peaches held onto his fedora so it wouldn't blow away.

Kai knew that his mom told him to get away. But he is a kid, and defying the orders of their parents is what they do best. And besides, Kai didn't come here all this way just so he could so her one last time. He wanted to be with her again and not be separated once more.

Kai brought out his wings and took to the skies. However once he did he immediately found himself fighting against the wind. The wind proved to be to powerful for the little boy and he ended up crashing into a roof. On the roof Kai held onto the tiles so he wouldn't fall off. Suddenly Peaches started going wild, yelping and pulling on Kai's hair.

Kai: What is it you crazy monkey?

Peaches continued to pull on Kai until he finally turned his head. That's when he saw in the distance smoke and fire.


Kai: That's a good place to start looking. Unfortunately we'll have to walk there.

Currently Iceberg's mansion was still up in flames as the shipwrights tried to put it out. Iceberg and Nami sat up against two trees, both exhausted and bloody.

Iceberg: First off I wanted to apologize for wrongly accusing your crew. We'll try and clear that up soon. But for now I want to talk about Nico Robin.

Nami: What do you know?

Iceberg: First off, when you first arrived here did she act strange?

Nami: Yeah, she went into town and we didn't see her. That was until the next morning when we heard she tired to kill you. When Sanji and Chopper saw her again, she it was goodbye and she wasn't apart of the crew anymore. Of course we didn't believe that, so we broke into your mansion to try and see her again.

A flashback of when Robin told them she was leaving came back to her.

Iceberg: I think I know why, I started shortly after you arrived. The government began their operation the moment she set foot into town. Your friend had a good reason she did what she did. Before I go into the details, I want you to know both Nico Robin and I have the means to restore an ancient weapon that could destroy the world.

Nami: A weapon?

Iceberg: That's right.

Iceberg: So you're doing all of this to protect the strawhats?

Robin: Yes, not only them but someone else precious to me.

Iceberg: From what you just told me, I didn't think there was anyone else out there that you trusted. Who exactly is this person that you've come to care for?

Robin hesitated for a moment.

Robin:...his name is Nico Kai...he's my son.

Iceberg's eyes widened.

Iceberg: Your son, how is it that you have a child?


Robin: I ask myself that every day. Years ago I failed to protect him, and now after finally seeing him again this is the only way I can protect him. By giving myself up to the World Government, both the Strawhats and my son can leave this island peacefully.

Iceberg: And what about the rest of the world, do you care if it burns?

Robin: No, I don't.

Iceberg: This woman was willing to let the world be destroyed, if it all meant she could protect the few people close to her.

Nami: I never knew that's how Robin felt about us. Crazy to think this entire time she had a kid out there, weird to think of her as a mother.

Iceberg: I have no right to criticize that woman, if the blueprints fall into their hands it's my fault.

Nami fell to the ground and sounded like she was about to cry. But then she started to chuckle and finally to laugh. When she lifted her face off the ground she had a smile on.

Nami: I'm so glad she didn't betray us after all. We can still save her!

Nami got up and ran over to Chopper.

Iceberg: What are you going to do now? You've already lost to CP9!

Nami: No we haven't. They may have beaten us for now but we don't go down that easily. Now that we know Robin didn't betray we can go after her.

Nami got by Chopper and started slapping him to get him to wake up. Meanwhile Iceberg was dumbfounded at what she had said. That's when Nami realized something.

Nami: Hey wait a minute, you said Robin had a son so where is he?

Iceberg: Now that I think about it, he's probably somewhere in the city. The only question is where specifically?

???: I'm right here.

Nami and Iceberg looked up and saw Kai hovering over them. He lowered himself to the ground and his wings disappeared.

Nami(thought): This kid, could he be...

Iceberg(thought): A bird type zoan? Surprised a kid his age managed to get his hands on a devil fruit.

Kai: My name is Nico Kai, and the monkey on my back wearing the fedora is Peaches. You guys are the strawhat pirates right?

Nami: How did you know about us?

Kai: Mom told me about you guys, she said to go to you for help.

Nami: When was the last time you spoke to her?

Kai: Not to long ago, she said she was turning herself in to protect us. But screw that, if I have to follow her in the middle of this storm to get her back I'll do it.

Nami: Aren't you kind of young to be doing that?

Kai: I flew all the way over here, evaded pirates and narrowly was devoured by sea kings. I can handle this.

Nami: You sure are confident for a kid.

Kai: I've waited years for the time me and my mom can be free again. Sure, we constantly were on the move but it was nice always having her around.

Nami: What did happen that caused you separate?

Kai: A pirate known as Crocodile captured me.

Nami(thought): So the whole reason she was working with him was because he held her son hostage, never thought of that being a possibility.

Kai: I may have been weak then, but that was because I was little. I'm older and have fought my way across the grand line. I can handle this!

Nami chuckled.

Nami: Alright Kai, the first thing we have to do is get the rest of the strawhats back together.

Kai: And where are they?

Nami: No idea, that's why we'll have to find them.

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