《Her smile His favourite sight ✔️》Chapter 25 | Embarassed


"Leave me" she mutters in a very deadly tone looking at me with those bloodshot eyes which shows so much disappointment and pain.

I feel like killing myself when those pair of bright eyes only shows regret and pain.

I ignore the ringing of my phone which is going to be dead soon because it's irritating me with constant calls.

Before I could open my mouth and apologies for my shitty behaviour and for not controlling my tongue she twists her wrist to be free from my hold and from the hard force I loose my hold didn't want to hurt her physically too since I have completed the quota of hurting her mentally.

I hurry to lock the door from inside when I see her rushing to open the door to get out.

She turns to give the deadliest glare "Open the door" she wipes her tears roughly but doesn't blink. I ignore her and on the engine to drive even though I know this action of mine is only going to add fuel on the already burned up kinza.

"Stop the freaking car!! I will go by myself I feel suffocated with you!!" She screams on top of her lungs and hits my arm so I could stop the car but I don't, I need to reach the office and I am already late for the meeting which I am preparing since past few months.

Ryaan has already called me multiple time which I am ignoring it.

"I am sorry kinza but I need to reach the office now so you are going to stay in my office. Please don't get mad I was stupid for saying such cruel words beat me, punch me or do anything later. I give you alrights but for now please go on with me. I don't have time to drop you at our house" I calmly explain and she gradually calms and stops yelling and hitting me.

Even though I can tell my driver to drop her in our house I do not choose that option, because the first thing I want to do after meeting is apologise.

She turns her head completely towards the window and covers half of her face with her hijaab. I pull the windows down so she could breath properly and feel less suffocated.

After riding for what felt like few minutes I reach my building, I carelessly park the car in the front knowing that the watchman will take care about it.

I walk out and walk to the other side where kinza is seated still.

"Come out" I open the door for her but she shakes her "Ill sit here you go do whatever you want" she turns her head to the other side to not face but soon a gasp leaves her lips when I pull her by her arm and drag her but carefully so she does not hit her head in the car roof.

"I hate you" she mutters under her breathe and unwillingly follows me. I slide my hand down from her arm to hold her hand so it does not look like I am dragging her.

Her eyes are on the floor all the time and I ignore all the greetings people are throwing my way out of respect. I quickly open my personal elevator which is used by me and Ryaan since we don't want to wait till the elevator drops others on each floor and then picks us up so we thought of having a personal elevator.

I get in before pressing the 5th floor. I intertwine our fingers, her hands colder than it should be, with the other hand I use my phone where their are multiple calls of Ryaan.


When it again rings I accept it only to hear his loud voice "where the hell are you why are you not picking up?!" I know he is panicking because the meeting is a very important one, for which we were working for months so the best company of jeddah accepts our proposal. I have lots of things to explain to my employees and that is why he is panicking I know that.

I cut the call when the elevator door opens "I am here" I speak when I see her spacing out in the corridor of my floor.

"Where the hell were—bhabhi??" His eyes jumping from mines to Kinza's whose eyes are not leaving the pale titles.

"Is everyone in the room?" I walk towards my cabin while dragging kinza with me. The hall is almost empty since everyone must be in the meeting room.

"Yes" he follows me "did you get the file?" I push the door open to get in and finally I leave my wife's hand to do the other work. I walk towards my table and grab the folders which are the copies of the project in written.

"Yes your assistant helped me" I hum and nod but glance at kinza who is standing in the corner. "Take this and go to the meeting room I'll be coming in few" he glances at both of us already figuring out that something is wrong from the way kinza is all silent and quiet and spaced out.

Without any other question he walks away. I tuck my hands in my pants as I walk towards the girl who Is upset and sad because of me.

"Kinza.." just when she hears me she walks away, but I act faster and hold her "I am sorry" I apologise for the deeds I did and when she completely ignore me. I pull her closer and press her body against mine.

"Sweetheart I feel like shit for yelling at you when you did nothing please forgive me, I was getting lots of calls and there you were not replying to me I was worried I don't like seeing you cry, I am sorry please forgive me" I caress her cheek gently asking for forgiveness because I know I won't be able to concentrate on my work if I feel so guilty.

"I have a very important meeting today, wish me a luck" I smile at the girl who nibbles on her lower lip "please?" My voice coming out in a whisper since we are way to close and her soft feature and red nose is doing many things to my heart.

"Best of luck I hope you get what you want in the meeting" she speaks ever so quietly but that sentence warms my heart because I was not expecting any answer from her.

"Thankyou sweetheart" I lean forward to press my lips on her forehead before moving and tucking me hands in my pockets. "If you need anything please ask Ryaan I'll be in the meeting room so I won't be able to talk to you" I admire the kind hearted girl whose heart I just broke with my cruel word, but planning on pampering her lot once I am done with my work.

When she nods I stare at her for a minute before leaving the room.

"Ryaan"I call my brother and he quickly jogs towards me looking all excited for our new project "I'll send you a number it's Kinza's mom's number call her and ask what kinza like sweet, sour or whatever it is, and order that now for her" he grins after hearing me "love quarrels hmm?" He give me this ugly smile and I just ignore him.


"Good Morning everyone" I stand infront of the table but glance at Ryaan who is still grinning "what are you waiting for?" He shakes his head and walks away still giggling like a mad guy.

After all the explanation and teaching and presentation being checked for the last time I sit on the chair waiting for the old business who was also my teacher and inspiration to come and except my proposal in collaborating with his company.

The urge of going and checking on Kinza is way too much but I control myself from distracting myself and to only concentrate on work.

"Sir they came" my assistant whispers and my heart jumps out of nervousness, I have held uncountable meetings and mentored them before but showing the proposal infront of a man who I admire so much because of his talent and work and the man who said me he wish he had a son like me because of the passion I have towards my work and the hard praises he always gives me makes me want to do more—and collaborating with him is a very big achievement for me.

And I bet anybody knows about how I am feeling, Cause I never share my feeling to anyone so it is acceptable if they don't know how I am feeling right now.

I stand up to greet them but my eyebrows jump up when I see Zaina walking behind The Old man who is smiling brightly. I stare at Zaina and then it hits me that she is an employee in this company but never thought she is in such a high post that he brought her with him.

"Good Morning Sir" I see from the corner of my Ryaan looking surprised but most importantly angry at the presence of someone he do not like. I ignore all the other things and concentrate on what I should.

The Old Man laughs at a silly joke Ryaan made, my heart is smiling so brightly that I can't even describe. I feel so happy that I want to go hug my upset wife.

After the deal was signed, Mr. Alam asked me to take him to my cabin to have small chat an informal one and that's were we are heading and the only thing I am hoping is that Kinza must be in a good state.

I lick my lips before pushing the door open only to regret the moment I entered in. I so want to rewind the scene and push them all out when I see kinza seated on my seat with her legs thrown up on the desk, snoring as if she did not sleep for years.

A cake which I suppose Ryaan bought was kept on the side half eaten. Anybody can tell she ate that, because the corner of her lips and her finger is covered with chocolate.

Zaina scoffs behind me and I look over my shoulder to give them an awkward laugh before rushing to get the girl up, "god kinza" I curse under my breath but move to the other side to hide her clumsy figure infront of everyone.

"Who is she?" Mr. Alam questions to Ryaan who is grinning "Love of his life ! Ayaan Yusuf Khan's wife!" I scoff but stop my self from turning and glaring at him, I am sure he was waiting for this moment I can tell that from his loud excited voice.

"Hey wake up" I gently pat her cheek to not startle her but hear her humming and groaning in reply. I literally slap my forehead when she scratches her cheek with the hand which has chocolate all over it.

"You came? How was your meeting?" She laughs when she was about to fall from the chair in the process of throwing her legs down from the table.

I grab the tissue from the table to wipe her face but a voice from behind makes her body freeze on spot and a gasp leaves lips "Hello Mrs Khan" she looks over my shoulder to see the old man and her sister but I know her full attention is on the old man who is hiding Zaina's figure since she is behind him and who oddly saw her in her clumsy state.

With a loud gasp of surprise she hides her face in chest and holds my ironed shirt tightly. "God who are they!" She stomps her feet and whines in a low voice.

"My client, now look up" with a big pout of disappointment she looks up and I hold her chin to wipe Her cheeks and give her some tissues to wipe her hands.

I hear Ryaan asking him to get in and take a seat.

"Oh Ayaan just kiss her instead of cleaning it with those tissues. Act like those young generation kids" I bite my lips to hide my smile at his sentence but automatically a chuckle leaves my lips when I see her looking at me with those doe eyes which looks so much bigger and a shy smile makes its way on her lips. God why is she so cute?

I wipe the corner of her lips knowing that she won't be able to do it unless I give her a mirror to check on herself.

"He must be shy infront of you all" my brother who loves to jump in everything speaks and they both giggle to themselves and that sound is making me cringe so hard.

"I didn't know where the washroom was that's why I slept like this" she mumbles so only I could hear and justifies herself and I do not doubt at her words cause The washroom looks invisible in the room because of the same floor sheets.

"It's okay fix your hijaab" she nods but speaks while fixing it. "He must be thinking me as some indiscipline kid, did I ruin your reputation? Will your project be affected because of me" she looks really worried now and her eyes blinks with a disappointment pouts which tells me she is already blaming herself for something that did not happen.

"No, kinza. Everything is fine, stop panicking" I smile at her before pressing my palm on her back motioning her to walk.

"I am warning you, I will punch your handsome face if you yell at me for missing this deal because of me, it's your mistake you shouldn't have brought everyone without checking up...you know how sleepy I am—" she rambles in a whisper but soon the words dies and expression changes and she forces herself to smile brightly when we reach the old man "hello sir, hello...maam?" Her eyes widening when she sees Zaina seated next to him.

She quickly takes a u-turn and her body bumps into mine, but she was quick to palm my chest and she looks at me with wide eyes. "Zaina" she whisper yells as if I am blind "she is married to that old man?! Why didn't you say me that?!" Still whisper yelling and mouthing she questions me and I awkwardly laugh at my guests who looks confused.

"Kinza she is his secretary" I mutter under my breath and her glare turn into a 'Oh'.

She awkwardly laughs and turns to look at them while squeezing her fingers but still being close to me as if she will fall if she does not stay close.

"I am kinza" she smiles at the old Man, not the real smile but a forced awkward one.

"I am Alam, it's nice meeting you. I wanted to meet Ayaan's family members one day and see now what a coincidence" he looks happier than he should be and kinza being the happy soul grins and nods.

"You can come to our home one day! Maybe with your wife" she invites him to which he does not decline but happily accepts it.

"I will, I need a reception party! You did not invite me in your wedding"—only if he knew kinza was also not invited in her wedding, he speaks as if he is disappointed and acting the total opposite of what he portrays himself in the meeting room. He does not act like an old buisnessman anymore but more like a kid who wants to know everything. We only reply with an 'inshallah soon'.

"This is my secretary's assistant, Zaina. Since he had works to handle, he left early. But meet her" he smiles at both the woman and oddly Zaina is not smiling like she should but more like glaring at kinza, looking all annoyed for some reason.

"Oh yeah I know—" before kinza could address her as her sister she interrupts "Nice to meet you, I am Zaina" my eyebrows jump up in confusion at her professional smile and the way she is acting like a stranger but my girl here is a better actor than anybody else. She first looked taken aback from her behaviour but that doesn't stop her from acting all cocky.

"Hello Maam, I am kinza, Ayaan Yusuf Khan's wife, Kinza Yusuf Khan" She grins at the girl who clicks her tongue, looking all annoyed.

"Bhabhi take a seat" I couldn't help but scoff at what they are trying to do. "husband come sit" she pats an empty place not before embarrassing me with that word that always does something to me when left from her lips.

I clear my throat feeling awkward but take a seat beside her. God what else more embarrassing is written in my fate for today?

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