《SCIAMACHY - the conjuring》chapter fifteen - ordinary
Silence engulfs the quivering family, it was truly not a daring sight to see. Lorraine earned a sense of comfort by clutching onto her daughter's arm, it helped create a sane feeling despite her mind clouding with insanity.
"Lia...stay close," She manage to utter, Ed detecting the frail strain on her voice. Outside the skies began to darken, and instead of silence, the air filled with the gentle pitter-patter of rain until heaving an arriving storm that thundered and roared.
The rain didn't help bringing the family a desperate sense of safety like it once held before, it only brought more conniving fear and cliche effect for what was about to arrive.
A sickening laugh echoed in the dead silent home, voices so rough and airy bringing them a thrill of nipping cold and spine tingling sensation, an all too familiar cackle. It vanished before they could even comprehend where it came from.
"I know I know, you belong to some-body new, but tonight you belong to me.
Although although, we're apart,...you're apart,...of my heart, and tonight you belong to me...-"
In the midst of their silence, began a song. The radio cackled and spit, fighting against the raging storms of frequency, before managing to throw out the next melody.
"Way down, along the stream...how sweet it will seem, once more...just.a.dream...in the moonlight.
Oh honey I know I know, with the dawn that you will be gone, but tonight you belong to me...-"
Eyes darting back and forth, a wave of unsettling emotions came down upon them. It felt as if the room slowly is eating them up in nothing but darkness and void, an empty shell of souls. The Warren's daughter could only whimper, for a child her age are a target to the nonliving.
She looked around, eyes landing on the corner of the room. Her brows furrowed trying to make sense of what was there, squinting from the un-ending void of darkness, and fingers gripping the couch. A light so vivid, given from the sky, made due for Lia as her eyes adjusted, she blinked fervently until she stopped to see.
And how she wished she didn't. A silhouette of nothing but of blank terror, it stood crippled but manage to stand tall, its bat like wings twitch and coiled, knife like fingers twirling in tease. Her tear brimmed eyes slowly reached up, blinking before making up a wide spread grin, showing nothing but blood dripping teeth.
Her face fell, eyes wide, hairs standing up along her arms, and mouth numb. Her small hand made way to Lorraine's warm ones, tightly gripping them to which it caught her mother's attention.
Lorraine felt the tight tug, her eyes left Ed and instead spun and face her daughter looking as pale as the lightning that struck again. Brows pulled together, she followed Lia's shaking finger, pointing to the vast empty corner...or so she thought-and settled her gaze warily. "...Oh my,---Ed..."
Lorraine managed to croak, despite the lump that started to form in her throat denying access for her to speak up. But Ed, who's spirit stayed calm, heard his wife barely whisper, gaining his attention as he turned and look.
All eyes were now directed at the visible terror, it snarled deep-wrenching their hearts with undeniable fear. Paralyzed to their spot, all they could do was sit and watch as it inched closer and closer until feeling the hot venom breath and seeing the wide, torn up grin glinting amongst the shadows.
Each second seemed to drag long, their shallow breaths quivering whenever they inhale, and it seemed to give more satisfaction for the devil. Its long, sharp, fingers reached for the child, its nail digging deep into her skin making her bleed. Lorraine snatched her daughter and place her behind her back, Lia clutched her bleeding arm and ghostly stare at the devil. Her eyes held nothing but horror, not a single bead of water trickled down her cheeks.
Ed reached for his neck, his fingers feeling the familiar silver chain, quickly pulled it out and show the blessed cross against the mimicking beast. "Per potentiam Domini induit me, ut te Diabolus damnant. Ego te ad inferos damnant!"
Chanting a latin prayer, Ed continued on doing so seeing as the creature coughed a sigh-seeming to weaken before chuckling, "Your 'god' won't help you," Its throat dry and rough but seemed to come in every corner of the house, "No one will!"
The devil's hand swayed high, a force so strong hit both the couple, making them gasp for air before hitting the wall with a loud crash. Ed groaned, prepping his elbows to get up but failed tremendously, he dragged his leg and tried to crawl to his wife who had not woken up. Ed heaved and put his wife's head on his lap, he could see Lorraine's crown dripping with blood but the pain was strong and his eyes started to shut.
"...Lia," He wheezed, squinting and fought the urge until he saw nothing but pure darkness. The last thing he saw was his own daughter getting dragged up the stairs, her screams muffled by the ringing of his ears.
A child should see the wonders of the world, how bright it actually is. But nothing seemed bright about the idea of seeing her parents, bleeding on the floor, while getting dragged by the devil itself. Nothing of it screams wonder.
She could hear the beast ripping through her bedroom door, then continued dragging the child not bothering the splinters that teared through her skin. Lia could only cry out in pain, hot tears pooled from her eyes but nonetheless did the creature considered to stop.
It had its hand up her neck, ready to strangle, slowly lifting her off the ground, and earning a heartily laugh. Lia wheezed and cough, her heart pounding against her chest, she tried prying its hands off of her but failed. Still, she tried.
Her conciousness slowly drifting off to nowhere but pain, her throat began to tighten and tighten preventing air from ever passing in. She could feel her lungs failing, she did not dare to look the creature in the eye. She had her eyes shut tight, momentarily opening them to let the tears that burden her from seeing clear, fall and land down her pale cheeks.
Blinking her eyes rapidly, letting in atleast a spec of vision, she lock gaze on the window and with everything within her and the tiny oxygen that hasn't left her body yet, she managed to cry.
It seems as though, time was becoming relevant for the couple. They laid silently, unmoving like the dead, as minutes seem to pass by without regard.
Lorraine was first to stir and wake, clutching her pounding head. Her palm met with a warm liquid that seemed to drip down her temple then continued round her ear, with a sense of what it is, Lorraine brought down her palm and focus her gaze on it. Thick blood coated her fingers, eyes widening at the sight, but she didn't have time bothering what it felt, she instead wiped it off on the hem of her clothes.
She shifted her gaze to the man, Ed. Her husband was knocked out cold, his back leaned against the wall and it seemed as though he wasn't that badly hurt. But Lorraine tend to otherwise, she brought her hand to his cheek, turning his head around for injuries but sighed when none was discovered.
"Ed...hon, wake up---" She croak, patting his face gently and to that Ed groaned and squint, "---w-wha-where's L-Lia?" He groaned again, sitting up properly while clutching his chest as if preventing the pain from spreading. He coughed and wheeze before scanning the room with furrowed brows.
Lorraine did the same, ignoring the pounding headache she was feeling and focused on looking for Lia. She stood, not before lending a hand to her husband and pulled him up, she tried shaking off that feeling but it crept faster than she expected. And soon, both parents panicked.
"Lia!---" Pacing around the room, Lorraine wanted to flip their house upside down just for her to see their daughter again, "Please...please...," She kept chanting, wishing that the child was just hiding somewhere waiting for them to come and take her to their arms.
Loosing a child was not on either one of the parents' bucket list, nor burying one either. And Lorraine restrained herself from thinking about the vision, she won't let that happen. Not in a million years, not in ever.
Ed stayed calm, despite the growing anxiety inside his head, he thought more precise of the situation. He watched as Lorraine kept looking at the spot she already looked into, as if their daughter would magically just be there and that they just missed her the first time, Ed hated seeing his wife like this.
The lightning seem to replicate an idea as Ed thought about something rather possible, he quickly paced up the stairs, Lorraine trailing behind, and stop in front of their daughter's room. It had a gaping hole, big enough to let them see what has been occurring inside. But before they could, the devil was quicker and blocked their entry way by using the massive wardrobe Lia has.
Ed tried pushing past, but to no avail, it did not budge one bit, "---dammnit!"
"W-where are you going?" Lorraine's eyes followed Ed, as he seemed to be in a hurry and quite had that determined look on his face, "I'm going to get a ladder," Lorraine's eyes held confusion but nonetheless, didn't question him further, she followed him down the stairs but stopped when she saw him held out his hand.
Within seconds, Ed emerged with a wooden ladder, carrying it outside while still with Lorraine following. Upon going outside, they immediately were drenched in nothing but cold rain water, ignoring the rumbling sounds of thunder and lightning. They had one thing on their mind, and one thing only.
Ed positioned the ladder, right as to where Lia's window was, and upon seeing this, Lorraine immediately knew what her husband was planning. He started to climb the wooden thing, not bothering the heavy rain that seemed to not be in their favor, he kept climbing but almost slipped making Lorraine cry.
From the outside, their house seemed quite rather small, but it was built tall and quite high and it wasn't helping that they were trying to reach their daughter's bedroom window. Finally steadying himself, Ed looked down only to find his wife following him up, "No, Lorraine don't---"
"But-" One look from Ed and she hesitantly climbed down, she still had that worried look on her face. Ed could only sigh, he was not loosing two important people in his life tonight, "Ed..."
He shifted his gaze, a soft tender smile evident on his lips, "I love you,"
Lorraine could only bite her lip, she kept her gaze on Ed who manage to break the window open with his elbows, the rain silencing the shatter of a thousand glass pieces, Lorraine could see him peering in and saw his mood shift.
Seeing his daughter getting strangled, almost close to passing out, made him see red, he hastily climb inside and manage to stand. But luck had other plans when he was slammed against the hard floor, and did a couple times until he was left groaning in sheer pain.
This turned the devil's attention to him, making its grasp loosen from Lia's bruised neck. Taking the quick opportunity, Lia manage to wriggle free from the beast's grasp and choke out a cough before heaving in generous amounts of air to fill her lungs. She quickly backed away from the sinister evil and felt helpless seeing her father raised high in the air and in turn trying to wriggle free from the devil's grasp.
The devil strangled him strong, making his body shake and quiver, his hand reached in his pockets and pulled out a certain wrinkled paper, he tried reading the words but his vision deteriorated and failed making out each of the letters. Soon, his grip on the paper loosened, and it fell on the floor making him cry out in both pain and agony.
Lorraine couldn't bare what she's feeling, her gut was telling her to follow it and she didn't hesitate so. Climbing up the moistened ladder, edging closer to the window, that's where she heard the struggling cries of pain from Ed.
She hastily went inside, cringing when she heard Ed shout in agony, her eyes darted from him to Lia who sat there wide eyed and unmoving. The poor child was stricken with intense fear and trauma, and Lorraine couldn't help but sob.
Her feet paced, but stopped once she notice some sort of paper, clean as white chalk, and stuck on the ground. She quickly grabbed it with her fingers before it manage to fly away with the breeze.
It was the same paper with Lia's scribbled writing, her eyes scanning the almost torn up parchment, breath hitching when she looked closer. Everything seemed to click then and there, she faced the devil with no fear now but just pure faith and hope.
Lorraine took up the courage to call the devil out, she had been strong her whole life and she wouldn't let the devil back her down now, especially how life has treated her with nothing but distant kindness.
"I am a child of God, His light protects me from the shadows of the devil, and no man nor evil can condemn me,"
The beast let out a defeaning cry, stopped its strangle on Ed to which he fell and gasp, all its attention was now on Lorraine and that look could send a thousand dead souls rise from the grave.
But still, Lorraine continued, "I am a child of God, His blood preciously covers me that no harm can inflict my soul, and no threat can conquer my mind,"
The devil inched closer, ignoring Lorraine's effective prayer. Saliva pooled its mouth, eyes glaring dangerously at Lorraine, and fingers inching on slicing the believer in half. Lorraine ignored Ed's pleading shout, her eyes only on the devil, she could feel its breath on her face as she shut her eyes and prayed once more.
"I am a child of God, His Spirit lending me help in conjuring the wicked, and taking them back to Hell,"
With that she opened her eyes and stare with utmost faith against the sins of hell. The devil ferociously screeched, raising its arms up ready to inflict pain, but Lorraine raced the beast to it, she held her rosary high and right, making the wicked cower in fear.
Lorraine was raised from the ground, a force so great it made her heave, it tightened around her waist making her levitate but that was not enough for a distraction. "Your name gives me dominion over you demon, and I do know your name!" She choked, glaring at the devil with disdain.
It scrunched in unsettling shivers, fear creeping up its horrifying face, but it settled and once more, growled.
"You are Beelphomet, symbol of Satan, avatar of gluttony, lord of the flies," Lorraine casted, not daring to back down now. She could see it weaken and cower into nothing but pure shadows of wickedness and terror.
"In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit," She preached, ready to end this all. For peace, for her family, for her daughter, forever, "---I condemn you back to hell!"
Lightning struck and thunder rolled while the devil disappeared into a cloud of ash and fire, never to be seen nor heard.
Lorraine landed with a thud with Ed quickly helping her up, she cried a sigh seeming to let out all the exhaustion from tonight's event. She could feel Ed kissing her temple, not minding the dried blood that stuck her skin, Lorraine looked up meeting the loving gaze of her husband, "We did it..."
Ed let out a small chuckle, before falling silent, his lips still stretched into a small smile, "No," He uttered, kissing Lorraine's temple once more and pulled her closer, "You did."
Seemingly enough, the clouds cleared, the birds sang, and the sun glowed, the conjuring was over.
Ed was placing the last new artifact, the glass jar. Careful not to make contact with it, he carefully place it on an empty spot in the top shelf, avoiding the other artifacts to make touch on any parts of his skin. He stopped to look at it, gave a satisfied nod and cautiously made his way out.
Hearing their vinyl play, the familiar song began to play reaching Ed's ears as he simply smiled and shut the museum door.
Turning round the corner, he stopped and admired his wife, adoringly tracing her fingers on the vinyl as the song played. Lorraine felt his presence and looked up, smiling brightly at the man she chose to marry, the man he met at a cinema, the man who believed in her.
She reached out her hand for him to take, as the song kept playing making memories fly through their minds and hearts.
"Take my hand, take my whole life too. For I can't help...falling in love with you.-"
Ed pulled her closer, waltzing along their living room and eyes glowing with an endless amount of love that seemed to seep out from both the couple's gazes.
They danced and laugh, not taking a single care on the world, hearts oozing with warmth for each other and a sense of deja vu settled in them.
Oh how time seemed to stop, Lia Warren watched her father extend his arm and let her mother twirl, smiling at their love that seemed to continuously grow over the years, and wished for a love like that someday.
"Like a river flows, surely to the sea, darling so it goes...some-things are meant to be.-"
The only daughter unconsciously stroke Winston's silky feathers, her eyes not darting off from her parents as they danced. The fluffed up chicken could only cluck as it too, seemed to enjoy the loving scene.
Lorraine drifted her gaze onto her daughter, the child had such light in her eyes that the mother's already soft smile seemed to extend a bit more.
Breaking off from Ed's arms, she approached her daughter, lifting her up and place the child on her hip, kissing her cheek tenderly while Ed came up behind and press a kiss onto her temple.
And as the song ends, their story continues on. A new adventure, a new case, a new trial, and a new chapter lies ahead.
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