《Love Joshua》16. Байсан
Би Үжигийн YouTube хаягруу орж Жисүгийн дуулсан бүх дууг нь сонссон. Бурхан минь! Би уг нь түүнийг бодохоо больж өөр нэгэнд сэтгэл алдрах ёстой байсан юмсан. Тэгтэл би одоо ч Жисүг хайрласаар л байна.
Магадгүй би түүнийг хайрласаар л байх ёстой байх л даа.
Шөнөжин сонссон Жисүгийн дуунуудаа ахин чихэвчэндээ аялгуулан автобусны цонхоор хажуугын замруу ширтэн инээмсэглэнэ. Үнэндээ Жисү яг одоо хажуу талын минь суудал дээр цааш харан сууж байлаа.
Автобусанд миний хажуугын суудлаас өөр суудал байгаагүй тул Жисү эхэндээ зогсож байсан ч автобус гэнэт гэнэт тормозлоод байсан тул зүгээр л дэргэд минь чимээгүй суусан юм.
Автобус зогсож бид олон хүний дундуур чихэлдсээр буун би цүнхнийхээ оосорноос татсаар урд алхаж байлаа.
Жисү яг урдхан талд минь алхаж байна. Түүний дуулж буй хоолой чихэнд минь хадагдаж түүний бие яг урдхан талд минь цааш харан алхаж байгаа нь бурхан минь яг одоо намайг алаач! Үнэхээр их догдлол нэг дор авч ингэж хөл хүрэх газаргүй болгож байгаад дараа нь надаас юу хүсээв ээ та!
Би зүгээр л түүний араас ширтсээр явж байхад Жисү гэнэт л зогсон хурдтай эргэж харан би өөдөөс нь харан цочоод бөхийчихөөд хажуугаар нь зөрөх гэтэл тэр гараас минь атгалаа.
Ойрд яасан их гар атгаад байна даа энэ хүүхэд!?
Намайг өөрлүү нь эргэж харахад Жисү атгасан гарлуугаа харцаа шидсэн байх бөгөөд энэ яг л биднийг хосууд шиг мэдрүүлж байлаа.
Жисү харцаа дээшлүүлэн надруу хараад нэг талын минь чихэвчийг буулган
: Ярилцмаар байна.
Би түүнд хариу өгөлгүй нилээн удаан зогссон юм. Тэгтэл Жисү гарнаас атгасан чигээрээ урагш алхаж "Чи ярихгүй байсан ч болноо. Зүгээр л сонс. Явж байхдаа ярья тэгэхгүй бол хоцрох нь"
Сургууль хүртэл хэдий ойрхон яг л 3 алхам мэт санагдаж байсан ч Жисүгийн яриаг сонсож явах мөчид минь тэр л нэг давтамжтай явах Жисүгийн дуулж буй хоолой улам цааш алга болон бидний алхан явах зам яг л нэг нэг метрээр уртсах мэт мэдрэмж төрж байлаа. Миний ухаан санаа аль хэдийнээ Жисүгийн хэлсэн хэдхэн үгэнд хаа нэг тийшээ шидэгдэн агаарт хөвж байсан юм.
Жисү: Би уг нь чамайг сийндэе гэж сийндээгүй юм шүү. Яахав зүгээр л айсан юм. Өөрөө ч мэдэлгүй нэг охиний зүрхэнд 3 жил байсан гэхээр. Тэгээд тэр охин нь нэг л өдөр гэнэт л шууд сэтгэлээ илчилчихсэн гэхээр бүр л самгардсан гэх үү дээ?
Би: Худлаа яриад л. Чи өөр хүнд хайртхй байсан шүү дээ. Ан Киюүнд. Чи түүнд хайртай болохоор л миний сэтгэлийг хүлээж авъя гэж бодоогүй биз дээ.
Жисү: Байсан шүү дээ. Байсан.
Би: Тиймээ байсан.
Жисү: Тэгэхээр одоо бие биенийгээ буруугаар бодохоо болих уу? Бас орой цуг явах уу? Би орой pm бичнээ.
Би: Болж байна!
Бид бие биерүүгээ инээмсэглэсээр би ангируугаа орж Жисү дээш ангируугаа гарсан юм. Оройг хүлээж тэсэхгүй нь!
Never Die Twice
Now available on Amazon Kindle! Walter Tye is the best friend any adventurer needs. He is the smiling shopkeeper next to your local dungeon, the one who sells you these cheap healing potions. When you need information about a monster, Tye always knows. He wants to help; you can trust him.He is also the undead necromancer ruling said dungeon, getting paid to solve problems that he caused in the first place. But don't tell anyone that... Story sponsored by knightaether.
8 258The Vitaean Chronicles - Volume I: The Sanguine Prince
NOTE: Chapters 02 - 19 are currently slated for review and rewrite following the Conclusion of Act I. Please bear this in mind! When tragedy strikes Arcturus Valoura, he is ripped from his carefree existence and thrown into a world of politics and peril, where today's friend is tomorrow's foe. Bereft of the knowledge and skills needed to survive in his new reality, he will need to find his place within a realm that mixes magic and science in impossible ways. He will need to learn the secrets of the mysterious System that allows him to guide his potential for growth even as he struggles to unlock the powers needed to keep himself alive. In the darkest, and most desolate places of an ancient land he will have to find the answers to forbidden questions, and terrible secrets long purged from the histories of mankind. And in so doing, shake the very foundations of reality itself. Release Schedule: Tuesdays (I may post on off-days if I get a lot done). Advanced Chapters available on Patreon starting May 4th 2021. Discord Community: https://discord.gg/3tHKHAx7Ye The Vitaean Chronicles are a debut LitRPG High Fantasy series written with the intent of filling a niche I've yet to see filled anywhere else. This is my first novel of this kind, so please be patient with me. Throughout this story, I will endeavour to create an evolving and expansive narrative anchored around believable characters, compelling plotlines, and a consistent and sensible magic system. The purpose of this work is to create what I believe to be a relatively unique piece of fiction, drawing inspiration from many great stories that have come before from the likes of Tolkien, Jordan, Hertbert, Goodkind, Pratchett, Martin, and several others. My goal is not to create a masterpiece, but simply to create a story that someone can read and re-read with the same joy, same frustration, and same investment each time. This story will contain violence, politics, Shakespearian drama, tongue-in-cheek references, adult content, and well-crafted relationships of both platonic and romantic natures. I will not promise you will like every choice I make. I can only guarantee that I will do my best to create a story I, and you, can be proud of. As I progress, I will have room to incorporate fan-made characters for those interested in making their mark within the tapestry of this tale (with the customary disclaimer that they do so while waiving any rights to future profit, lol). Thank you to Royal Road for giving me the platform to do that, and thank you dear readers past, present, and future for choosing to come on this journey with me. Finally, just to cover myself: This work is Copyrighted to the Author herein known as 'Hannibal Forge', and recreation, distribution, or re-release of any material herein in a commercial or public capacity absent permission from the Author can and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the Law.
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The world we know might end in fire and smoke, but technology will allow us to rewrite history. A single ship captain decides to send a time machine back into the annals history and forever changes the course of human civilization. Earth: A Revised History focuses on showing historical events through a simplified lens of character conflicts and allowing the reader to experience these times where the world seemed on the brink of collapse.
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Lin Yang's dream of becoming a Cultivator like his brother, But the bitter reality was that at age 10, Lin Yang had participated in the cultivation test but failed because he had no talent for cultivation and had to forget his dream. But 5 years later, he summons a very unique rectangular-shaped spirit.
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Follow Jebedaih Walker as he begins his second life and explores the opportunites around him. This is a hobby for me, so I won’t be asking for money or other support. I’m sharing my enjoyment of writing in a community of writers I admire. Generally, chapters will be between 1-2K words, published on Tuesdays and Fridays. If I get more that 8 chapters in drafts I’ll release some as bonuses. If you can suffer without all the nice things RoyalRoad does for readers, then you may find content on my website that hasn't been published here. Content there may be going through revision before being posted here, but I know that won't stop you if I left a horrible cliff hanger. Please review my work (here) and share your opinon with me. Your feedback can improve my skill, and my enthusasim can only do so much!
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it is the year 2027 and the world's first VR-MMORPG is coming out. Jayson is lucky to be one of the 10,000 people selected to "Beta-Test" the game 2 months before it officially came out. He wants to explore the world, and if possible, become one of the best. He has two months to go strong before the rest of the world attempts to take a piee of the world for themselves. Follow him as he begins his new life. SPOILERS BELOW ARC 1-The Station After appearing in the "tutorial" part for his race, Jayson has to quickly become stronger and learn how to fend for himself. For now, life seems quite nice and cozy, but he has a lingering suspicion that something is wrong in all this.
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