《Love Joshua》11. Бүдүүлэг юм
Түүнийг Ан Киюүн гэдэг. Тэр манай эсрэг талын Жэлүн ахлах сургуулийн 2 дугаар ангид суралцдаг. Жисү түүний араас гүйдэг.
Миний ганцаарчилсан чөлөөт үзүүлбэр 2дугаар байранд орсон. Харин Жисүгийнх нэгт. Түүнийг мундаг байсан гэж сонссон. Нэгт орохоос ч аргаггүй биз.
Түүнд сэтгэлээ илчилхэд намайг яагаад тоогоогүйг би одоо л ойлгосон тэр өөр нэгэнд хайртай. Гэвч тэр өөр нэгэний хамгийн гунигт үнэн бол тэр надтай ижилхэн нэртэй. Киюүн.
Тэр охин дуулдаг юм байлээ л дээ. Тэгээд л тэд хамт тэмцээнд их олон удаа явсан болохоор...
Хичээл завсарлан ангиас Сүёон гүйж гарч ирээд л намайг хүзүүгээр минь тэврээд авлаа.
Үсийг минь сэгсийлгэн орой тоглолт үзнэ гээд л бөөн баяр байгаа. Манай сургуулийн урлагийн наадмын шалгарсан үзүүлбэрүүд тоглолт хийдэг гэдгийг сонсоод намайг яасан гэж бодно! Зүгээр л эрүү салж унаад шороонд булагдчихсан.
Сүёон сайндаа ч бишээ надаар билетээ үнэгүй олуулчихсан болохоор одоо ингээд задартлаа инээж байхгүй юу.
Бид сургуулийн зоогийн газар орж ирэхэд Жисүгийн дээр цуг явж байсан 3 хөвгүүн Жисүтэй нийлээд 4үүлээ сууж байлаа. Мэдээж нөгөөх нь Жонхан.
Сүёон юмнуудаа захиалхаар явж би харин тэднээс холгүйхэн нэг ширээнд суун утсаа оролдож байв.
Тэгтэл ширээг минь хэн нэгэн тогшин
: 2 дугаар байр гэдэг үнэхээр боломжийн шүү. Гэж инээсээр өөдөөс минь харан суулаа.
Жонхан инээмсэглэсэн чигээр надруу одоо болтол ширтэж байсан бол Жисүгээс бусад 2 хөвгүүн нь "Вүү" гэж ам нийлүүлэн орилоход Жисү зүгээр л утсаараа оролдож байна.
Би: Мм тиймээ баярлалаа.
Жонхан: Гэхдээ би чамайг тийм сайн дуулдаг гэж мэдээгүй юм байна.
Би: Би дуулдаггүй байсан.
Жонхан: Тийм байх л даа. Дуулдаг байсан бол чи бид нартай хамт тэмцээнд явж арай эрт танилцах байсан байх. Чи ер нь яагаад дуулддаггүй байсан юм. Ийм сайхан хоолойг олны хүртээл болгохгүй байна гэдэг чинь гэмт хэрэг шүү. Манай нэг найз байдаг юм. Чи-
Жонханы тасралтгүй чалчсан яриаг Сүёоны чангахан хоолой зогсоолоо. Сүёонаа баярлалаа.
Сүёон: Юн Жонхан. Чалчхаа боль. Найзууд дээрээ очооч.
Жонхан: Муухай ааштай шүү манай Сүёон.
Сүёон: Би хэзээ танайх болцын битгий мөрөөд!
Жонхан: Ээе ээе за за. Явлаа. Орой цуг харина шүү.
Сүёон: Мм.
Сүёон бид хоёр сүү талхаа барьсаар сургуулийн хөл бөмбөгийн талбайн хажууд байдаг сандал дээр суун ярилцана. Удалгүй би бэлтгэлтэй болохоор явахаар босож Сүёон ангируугаа алхлаа.
Би тоглолт болох газарлуу алхаж байтал Жисү ч бас урдхан талд минь алхаж харагдана. Гэхдээ ганцаараа биш. Нөгөө Киюүний гараас атган "Хэзээ хариугаа өгөх юм"
Тоглолт аль хэдийнээ эхэлчихсэн. Нөгөө ангийн бүжиг болоод дуунууд тайзруу ээлжилж гарсаар цаг хугацаа хурдан өнгөрч байлаа.
Хөгжмийн багш намайг өрөөнөөс нь пик аваарай гэсэн тул өрөөрүү нь очин хаалгыг түлхтэл Жисү чихэвч зүүчихсэн дуугаа бэлдэж байхтай таарчихав. Нүдээ анин дуулж байсан тул би чимээгүйхэн л орж пикээ хайн багшийн шүүгээний шургуулгуудыг татаж байтал гэнэт л Жисүгийн хоолой гархаа больчихсонг анзаарлаа.
Гэсэн ч тоолгүй пикээ аван эргэж харахад Жисү яг миний араас ширтэж байсан бөгөөд намайг өөрлүү нь хартал амандаа
Бүдүүлэг юм.
Гэхийг нь би сонссон ч сонсоогүй мэт хаалгыг нь татан өрөөг орхилоо.
Түүний хэлсэн үг толгойд минь бууж яг уйлахад бэлэн байна.
Би зүгээр л түүнд саад болохыг хүсээгүй шүү дээ...
Яагаад намайг байнга буруу ойлгох зүйл хийгээд байгаан бэ Сун Киюүн.
Ганц удаа ч болов зөв алхам хийгээч!
May Aien Have Mercy
He was a slave for life, born without a name. One of many, and yet few, that allowed the majority to live comfortably at the cost of their well being. Despite these circumstances, his kindness and righteousness knew no bounds. Not once had he resented the Gods or blamed destiny for his circumstances. Not once had he lost sight of what he believed in, no matter the cost he had to pay to do so. This was the man known by his peers as Mentor. Yet, even the ideals of such a man had one day begun to crumble under a cruel reality. An escape attempt ended in failure, resulting in a vicious punishment that led to the man's demise. He was finally able to welcome the sweet embrace of death, but fate was not done with him yet. Reincarnated into a different world, he was filled with hope for the future. Assuming it was his just reward and a chance for a new life, he set forth into the world, trying to reach towards a simple happiness, that could make him forget his past suffering. Alas, he didn't know how whimsical fate could be. As betrayal followed him with every step, he realized, time and time again, the shackles of his own destiny. Until at last, as he was faced with the injustices of his two lives, his ideals and hopes were broken beyond repair. Unwilling to restrain the accumulated hatred within him any longer, he'd finally unleashed it upon the world, where none would be spared from his hate-fueled vengeance against the world. Thus, if you dare follow Aien on his road of destruction, leave behind your morals, and witness the birth of a Demon.
8 868Tales of the Rebirth Apocalypse Emperor (BL)
Have you ever wondered how your life might have turned out differently had you made different choices or decisions along the way? Sometimes, life does give you a second chance. However, it is you who decide whether that second opportunity counts… This novel revolves around our main character, Chen Murong, who can accidentally go back in time even before the apocalypse period begins to change everything humankind has done. We will follow our MC and see how he and his family react to this second chance to ensure their family and the human race's survival. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current release schedule: 1 Chapter/week on Saturday + extra if I have more time on the weekday If you like my writing, please consider tipping/supporting me on: PayPal: paypal.me/AmateurAuthorPen Patreon: patreon.com/singlehamster I plan to have advanced chapters on Patreon in the future for you to read as well. However, as of now, there is no early access chapter. It is only a tip jar at the moment. That being said, your generous support will help me a lot and will stabilize the flow of chapters coming. This is just the start of my journey, and I hope to progress more with your help. I am also in the process of setting up my discord. Feel free to hop over to chat with me. 😊 I will give any notice, poll, artwork about my novel there in the future too! Discord: https://discord.gg/eMaxDuHvRP That's all. I hope to see you guys there! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Full background: The story situates in a universe called Gondola, where countless races from numerous worlds and realities are poured in. Our MC's original world, Blue planet (similar to Earth), went through an apocalypse period for ten years and has been pulled through this universe by mysterious force as one of the human race worlds. Unfortunately, the human race is one of the weakest and most feeble races of all Gondola races. However, their sheer number and several allies have helped them escape extinction so far. Regrettably, even though there are many ants, given a sufficient amount of time, the elephant will eventually be able to destroy them all. After 50 years of pointless struggle, almost all of the last remaining humans have been hunted down by some of the strongest undead races of the Gondola, the Skeletons, the Vampires, the Werewolves, and the Demons. The few remaining humans have been found and eradicated. Our MC, Chen Murong, a member of the last humanity group, can escape the hunt from undead races for fifty years. He finally dies under the claw of Lucifer, one of the emperor-rank demons from the undead race. However, he activates one of his time magic spells with his most precious space gemstone at the moment of his last breath. Through the spell, he wakes up alive, back in his home world, and returns to the year before the apocalypse period began.
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Life doesn't always go according to plan. For Samuel Caulfield, ex-Army Ranger and CIA contractor, the plan was kill, leave, and drink to forget. When his plans went off the rails, and he was cast with little intel to an unknown world full of Mages, Dragons, and Kings on the precipice of all-out war, he has to struggle with balancing uncomfortable emotions, nobility, and the horrors of a world at war.
Important News: After Chapter 146, I will be taking a 1 month break in order to catch up with some projects, I thank you once again for your support and reading my novel... I will return on August with new chapters! I WILL PUBLISH CHAPTERS ON MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS! This is CRIMSON_MZ. After realizing that my chapters were too long, I decided to publish short chapters for people who like to keep short and sweet. Same story but divided into shorter chapters and no volumes. ENJOY! The Borderland, a desert region located between two countries, two cultures and two rivals; This Region is full of mysteries and rich in“mana” (Natural Energy) a target for powerful individuals. Five Years ago, a tragedy hit the borderland with a massive earthquake and destroyed both cities completely,however, the most mysterious event was the disappearance of a certain family: The Vazquez. After witnessing a miracle, Alejandro Sanchez, a regular student at the Sun City International Highschool, a prestigious school where students from all over the world come to learn with high technology in the Western World. He decided to form “The Supernatural Investigation Society” to investigate what happened on that fateful night, however, after five years of investigation, he found no positive results leading to loss of all his friends.
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