《Love Joshua》11. Бүдүүлэг юм
Түүнийг Ан Киюүн гэдэг. Тэр манай эсрэг талын Жэлүн ахлах сургуулийн 2 дугаар ангид суралцдаг. Жисү түүний араас гүйдэг.
Миний ганцаарчилсан чөлөөт үзүүлбэр 2дугаар байранд орсон. Харин Жисүгийнх нэгт. Түүнийг мундаг байсан гэж сонссон. Нэгт орохоос ч аргаггүй биз.
Түүнд сэтгэлээ илчилхэд намайг яагаад тоогоогүйг би одоо л ойлгосон тэр өөр нэгэнд хайртай. Гэвч тэр өөр нэгэний хамгийн гунигт үнэн бол тэр надтай ижилхэн нэртэй. Киюүн.
Тэр охин дуулдаг юм байлээ л дээ. Тэгээд л тэд хамт тэмцээнд их олон удаа явсан болохоор...
Хичээл завсарлан ангиас Сүёон гүйж гарч ирээд л намайг хүзүүгээр минь тэврээд авлаа.
Үсийг минь сэгсийлгэн орой тоглолт үзнэ гээд л бөөн баяр байгаа. Манай сургуулийн урлагийн наадмын шалгарсан үзүүлбэрүүд тоглолт хийдэг гэдгийг сонсоод намайг яасан гэж бодно! Зүгээр л эрүү салж унаад шороонд булагдчихсан.
Сүёон сайндаа ч бишээ надаар билетээ үнэгүй олуулчихсан болохоор одоо ингээд задартлаа инээж байхгүй юу.
Бид сургуулийн зоогийн газар орж ирэхэд Жисүгийн дээр цуг явж байсан 3 хөвгүүн Жисүтэй нийлээд 4үүлээ сууж байлаа. Мэдээж нөгөөх нь Жонхан.
Сүёон юмнуудаа захиалхаар явж би харин тэднээс холгүйхэн нэг ширээнд суун утсаа оролдож байв.
Тэгтэл ширээг минь хэн нэгэн тогшин
: 2 дугаар байр гэдэг үнэхээр боломжийн шүү. Гэж инээсээр өөдөөс минь харан суулаа.
Жонхан инээмсэглэсэн чигээр надруу одоо болтол ширтэж байсан бол Жисүгээс бусад 2 хөвгүүн нь "Вүү" гэж ам нийлүүлэн орилоход Жисү зүгээр л утсаараа оролдож байна.
Би: Мм тиймээ баярлалаа.
Жонхан: Гэхдээ би чамайг тийм сайн дуулдаг гэж мэдээгүй юм байна.
Би: Би дуулдаггүй байсан.
Жонхан: Тийм байх л даа. Дуулдаг байсан бол чи бид нартай хамт тэмцээнд явж арай эрт танилцах байсан байх. Чи ер нь яагаад дуулддаггүй байсан юм. Ийм сайхан хоолойг олны хүртээл болгохгүй байна гэдэг чинь гэмт хэрэг шүү. Манай нэг найз байдаг юм. Чи-
Жонханы тасралтгүй чалчсан яриаг Сүёоны чангахан хоолой зогсоолоо. Сүёонаа баярлалаа.
Сүёон: Юн Жонхан. Чалчхаа боль. Найзууд дээрээ очооч.
Жонхан: Муухай ааштай шүү манай Сүёон.
Сүёон: Би хэзээ танайх болцын битгий мөрөөд!
Жонхан: Ээе ээе за за. Явлаа. Орой цуг харина шүү.
Сүёон: Мм.
Сүёон бид хоёр сүү талхаа барьсаар сургуулийн хөл бөмбөгийн талбайн хажууд байдаг сандал дээр суун ярилцана. Удалгүй би бэлтгэлтэй болохоор явахаар босож Сүёон ангируугаа алхлаа.
Би тоглолт болох газарлуу алхаж байтал Жисү ч бас урдхан талд минь алхаж харагдана. Гэхдээ ганцаараа биш. Нөгөө Киюүний гараас атган "Хэзээ хариугаа өгөх юм"
Тоглолт аль хэдийнээ эхэлчихсэн. Нөгөө ангийн бүжиг болоод дуунууд тайзруу ээлжилж гарсаар цаг хугацаа хурдан өнгөрч байлаа.
Хөгжмийн багш намайг өрөөнөөс нь пик аваарай гэсэн тул өрөөрүү нь очин хаалгыг түлхтэл Жисү чихэвч зүүчихсэн дуугаа бэлдэж байхтай таарчихав. Нүдээ анин дуулж байсан тул би чимээгүйхэн л орж пикээ хайн багшийн шүүгээний шургуулгуудыг татаж байтал гэнэт л Жисүгийн хоолой гархаа больчихсонг анзаарлаа.
Гэсэн ч тоолгүй пикээ аван эргэж харахад Жисү яг миний араас ширтэж байсан бөгөөд намайг өөрлүү нь хартал амандаа
Бүдүүлэг юм.
Гэхийг нь би сонссон ч сонсоогүй мэт хаалгыг нь татан өрөөг орхилоо.
Түүний хэлсэн үг толгойд минь бууж яг уйлахад бэлэн байна.
Би зүгээр л түүнд саад болохыг хүсээгүй шүү дээ...
Яагаад намайг байнга буруу ойлгох зүйл хийгээд байгаан бэ Сун Киюүн.
Ганц удаа ч болов зөв алхам хийгээч!
To Become a Troll: A Monster Evolution Story
Thrust into the supernatural world of the deep forest, Paul finds himself in a situation where he could find himself prey to pretty much every other creature and animal around. If he's to survive, he must shed his weak form to grow stronger and survive. But the forest is full of creatures beyond human understanding, that act without the need for food or shelter and that seem to exist for the sole purpose of dragging humans to the bottom of a murky river. Is it really possible to kill such creatures when your only strength is physical prowess? --- A monster evolution story based on Swedish creature mythology. The focus will overwhelmingly be on the progression of the main character and his slow increase in strength. Although many of the creatures are based on Swedish creature mythology, I have taken creative liberties in order to ensure that evolution lines and the such are in line with the usual. The main thought I had when going into this is that I want to delay the "meeting a human" section as much as possible. My plan is to get him to endgame levels of strength before even sniffing the possibility of seeing a human. Whether I'm actually able to do this remains to be seen, but I'm holding my thumbs! Also, I'm aware that there are other troll evolution stories, but this is unrelated to them. They can do their stuff and I'll do mine, but this is in no way related to any of them. That said, hope you enjoy it!
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A cultivator signs a deal with a Dungeon for Immortality! He does gains immortality, but no one mentioned anything about becoming a floating rock?!? So how does our poor Floating rock with Memories of Immortal World survive in this dog eat dog world? Where Adventurers, bandits, criminals, thieves are out to earn some shiny coins and Monsters have decided that a pet dungeon is THE sign of ALPHA!! And did I mention Dragons? Yes the fire breathing lizards. Nope? Well adding another one to the ever growing collection of Dungeon Crystals owned by Dragons is nothing to mention about. So how does our crystal manage to survive, while dealing with hoardes of enemies who are out for his blood..Do crystals have blood? Follow the adventure of a poor little crystal as he grows strong enough to deal with two Gods, so he can protect his soul from annihilation. While his journey creates ripples both big and small affecting the very fate of that world. You never know the author might end the story with a sweet little apocalypse,s o he doesnt needs to deal with a good ending? Ohhhh...M back after leaving my previous story hanging. Dont worry will be getting to it soon. The story is inspired from The Cultivating Dungeon as i felt author misse dout a great deal by leaving Xianxia elements out. And finally, feel free to criticise. Ciao~
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2042-04-02 The Next Generation VRMMORPG will be released: Helheim Fallen!Sign up NOW and win the chance to be a beta-tester! Willow's life hasn't been easy. She was diagnosed as autistic at a young age and she's been on the 'enough to survive' track for all her life. The only place she feels normal is when she plays VRMMORPGs on the BASE platform with her guild and close friends.That is, until her best friend Violet gets a beta-invite for the new VRMMORPG Helheim Fallen and suddenly disappears.Now, Willow has to follow the clues Violet left behind to find her and save her. Willow has to face her biggest fears and struggles and accidentally stumbles into a dark side of the BASE platform that she never realised existed.Can she save Violet before more people go missing?
8 155The Book of Hickory
Now why did Hickory go and punch that Angel? Sure it spooked him, popping up right there at lunch, and yet, it wasn't fear that balled his hand into a fist - Cause wouldn't you? Wouldn't anyone - with a sick Ma at home, Da long dead, buried, all them prayers piling up on bruised knees, unanswered? Hickory was angry, all right. He was fierce, now - cause that Angel didn't show up to give no help, that Angel came by asking for it - with all that power just plain to see, the power to fix the world and all that ails it! And now look what poor Hickory has to do - to save the world? Now how is he supposed to do that when its taking near everything he's got - just to keep them chickens safe, Ma fed, and himself out of trouble - All he wanted was maybe just a dance with May, maybe a bit more, to hold her close? That she's sweet, now, a voice like an angel, but now she's over there lookin at him like he's more than a man. And that's not to say Hickory is bad, not all the time, not ever on purpose - just there are things a man has to - That drinking and fighting ain't wrong just as long as the chores are done proper first, that those parts of life that make it worth living ain't no sin, that loving a lady is proper and Hickory just has so much love to give! And May is special, right, sweet and soft, now she's sophisticated. That she wears her passion like a pearl necklace? That certainly Hickory would notice, naturally - that she's already spoken for, perhaps taken? That ever since Hickory came back, that all she can think about is swallowing - those strange feelings, because it wouldn't do, would it? For a Lady? But certainly she can worship him and still be seen with Weston Covanger? Because Weston needs May, that what happens in the Study is only half the battle, the Men's Business, and he's far too proud to settle for half of anything. That if he wants to move up the ranks of his family, to be more than a Covanger, to become the Covanger? He's going to need a woman in the Kitchen as well - he's going to need May. And if that seems a bit old fashioned? A bit too much like the Wild West? Well the West is starting to get wild again now that everyone starts to Drink. A different take on LitRPG where answers aren't given - they must be earned, discovered and fought for, one at a time. An orator style, a long read, filled with magic buildings, crafting, alchemy, but most of all - This is a story about the human spirit. About understanding what defines a person, their morals, their beliefs, and also faith when everything they understand becomes challenged - changed. So do they. People can change. They will. Just not always for the better, not always - sometimes. Sometimes that's enough. Sometimes that's even everything.
8 122Mcyt x Reader
Requests are currently open! How many fics I've written: •Dream: 4•George: 1•SapNap: 3•Wilbur: 5•Tommy: 2•Tubbo: 0•Fundy: 1•Jschlatt: 2•Karl: 4•Quackity: 1•Techno: 4•Jack: 0
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Just some cute short or long one-shots.Started: March 16, 2018Completed: July 7, 2018
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