《Evils Of The Sky (Io Shirai X Male OC)》Existence Debate


~With Carlo~

After talking to dad and telling him that I'll be up there right after my match, which he was okay with, surprisingly, I put on my mask after some time to cry my eyes out and went to the side, where my motorcycle was waiting for me.

Once I got on, Masami wanted to talk to me, so I took off my mask just so I can talk to her face to face.

カルロ、大丈夫ですか? (Carlo, are you okay?)

I looked down as I had to hide my tears.

ええ、私は元気です。 私の試合が次に稼働しているので、私のおじさんが殺されているので、私はまったく泣かないつもりです。 (Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just trying not to cry at all since my match is up next and my uncle's been killed.)

大丈夫です。 試合をやりたくない場合は、Hunterにそれをオフにするように言うつもりです。 (It's okay. If you don't want to do the match, I'll tell Hunter to call it off.)

いいえ。 私が今それを呼ぶなら、私はカリオンの目の臆病者として見られます。 マサミ、私はこの一致は何よりも一致したいです。 高校を卒業した後にリングに入ったので、レスリングが私の情熱でした。 私は私の人生の最大の試合に達することを私の心を曇らせるために私のおじさんの死を絶対に曇らせたくありません。 (No. I don't want it called off. If I call it off now, I'll be seen as a coward in Karrion's eyes. Masami, I want this match more than anything. Wrestling's been my passion since I stepped into the ring after graduating from High School. I don't want the death of my uncle to cloud my mind while I'm about to be in the biggest match of my life.)

She seemed to understand what I'm talking about, but in her eyes, Masami wanted to cry. I have to tell her something that makes me go insane inside my apartment while she's not over there.

マサミ、私を聞いてください。 私はあなたが周りではないときに毎日この毎日考えますが、それは私からこれを聞く時が來ました。 セクシャルハラスメントの非難されたときには十分に悪かったとき、これはすべて悪くなり、それをすべて悪くなります。 私はもう生きたいかどうかわからない。 世界が殘酷な場所である間、私は生きているよりずっとうれしいです。 私は私なしではより良いと思います。 私はしたいと思っていません (Masami, listen to me. I think about this everyday when you're not around, but it's time you hear this from me. Just when getting accused of sexual harassment was bad enough, this comes in and makes it all worse. I don't know if I wanna live anymore. Maybe I'm better off dead than alive while the world is a cruel place. I think it's better off without me. I don't think I want to—)

Just as I was about to say what I wanted to say, she punched me in my jaw. I was trying to run the pain off of my jaw but I couldn't. I was brushing like hell.

その文を終えなさい。 私はあなたをあえてしています。 (Finish that sentence. I-I fucking dare you.)

I turned around to see her almost at the edge of crying. It was a big mistake for me to do that and I immediately felt guilty.

マサミ、お願いします。 ごめんなさい。 (Masami, please. I'm so sorry.)

I put my head down and just started to shed tears.

私を見てください。 (Look at me.)


She pulled my face to hers as I couldn't believe what I was looking at.

あなたは排除する必要があり、私はあなたを責めないが、あなたはそのように話すべきではありません。 あなたはあなたの前にいたすべてのものを押して、あなたがあなた自身を殺したいと言うのを聞くために、それは私が泣きたいように感じさせるだけです。 あなたは私と一緒に地球上に屬しています。 私はあなたがあなた自身の人生を終わらせるためにあなたを大好きです。 それがあなたを傷つけている以上に私を傷つけるので自分自身を傷つけていると考えていない。 カルロをお願いします。 (You needed to vent and I don't blame you, but you shouldn't talk like that. You pushed through everything that was in front of you and to hear you say that you wanna kill yourself, it just makes me feel like I want to cry. You belong on the earth with me. I love you too much for you to end your own life. Don't even if think about hurting yourself because it hurts me more than it hurts you. Please, Carlo.)

She broke down crying and I had to hug her with all my strength to calm her down. Kaori was watching us and when Killswitch Engage came in to talk to us, Kaori signaled them to go away so we could have our moment together.

After some time with each other, I had to be ready for the match.

おじさんのためにこの試合に勝ちます。 あなたは私を聞く? (Win this match for your Uncle. You hear me?)

私はします。 (I will.)

We hugged again, and before she got off of my motorcycle, Masami said the most beautiful thing I've ever heard.

あなたがこれらのコントロールのような考えをさせたら、あなたがまったく持続しない人。 あなたがそこに出かけながら、大丈夫? (If you let thoughts like those control you, the person you are won't last at all. Remember that while you're out there, okay?)

わかりました。 ねえ。 (Okay. Hey.)

Before Masami walked away, I pulled her in for a very passionate kiss and hug. After we released, I looked into her beautiful brown eyes and reared up a bit.

私はただあなたをとても愛しています。 ごめんなさい私はあなたを傷つけました。 今夜は叔父のためだけではなく、それはあなたのためです。 (I just love you so much. I'm sorry I hurt you. Tonight is not just for my uncle, it's for you.)

オハールカルロ。 (Oh Carlo.)

She hugged me as I gave her a peck in her lips before going out there.

私もあなたを愛しています。 (I love you too.)

She went to the back as Karrion Kross entered with Scarlett and once they were done entering, Killswitch Engage started playing my theme and I put my mask on.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I revved the motorcycle and rode to the side where the band was playing. I rode in and everyone was surprised by the way I was riding into the arena.

Hey it's entering the place in style!

I got onto the stage to look out at the crowd and the ring with my opponent. On the outside, I was a tough SOB, but inside, I felt like I didn't want to do this because I just lost someone today and I wanted to go home and be with my family.


I had to do the match because Masami wanted me to and I wasn't going to let her down.

I went down to the ring slapping hands and crawling under the bottom rope and spread my arms out, trying to hype up the crowd while watching my ass. Kross was known for knocking people out before the bell rings, so I had Kaori tell him beforehand that if he's going to try to knock my ass out, I would know.

I took the trenchcoat off along with my mask and looked at Karrion dead in his eyes, daring him to make a move as the announcer was about to announce the match and the two of us.

The following contest is an Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch and it is for the NXT CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first, the challenger, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing at 217lbs, representing the Black Lotus Triad, "The Eye Of The Storm", CARLO DE LUCA!

I wasn't into hyping up the crowd some more because I know that if I even tried to command them attention, I'd be on my back seeing the lights.

And his opponent, being accompanied by Scarlett, he is NXT Champion, KARRION KROSS!

The crowd booed so loudly that he was smirking, not giving a shit. The ref held the title in the air, making people remember that this was a title match, but I didn't notice what the ref was wearing.

He was wearing a hazmat suit with a protective face shield to protect himself while Karrion was wearing almost the same as me, except black and red while I was wearing all black everything.

The ref rang the bell as we moved around the ring, daring each other to make a move.

Scared, Pesci?

You wish.

We locked each other up in grapples and we were so close to hitting each other to the barbed wire.

In case some fans don't know about the Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch is that we only have 20 minutes to beat each other up to beat the other before the ring explodes, so my strategy was to stay away from the ropes as far as possible.

Karrion tried to push me over to them, but I moved out of the way before he landed on them.

He was about to move away, but I dropkicked him to the barbed wire and...


The barbed wire exploded behind his back as he had trouble getting unstuck for a bit!

To be quite frank, I felt good making him feel that pain and that was something that he deserved after making me pass out from his Kross Jacket.

It gave me an opening to get as many weapons as I can get. I brought in a trash can wrapped in barbed wire and threw it in the ring, same with kendo sticks, some steel chairs, and a large black bag full of something, but it's not thumbtacks, glass, or a mixed bag of both weapons together, it was something much worse.

I went back in the ring to use a kendo stick and when he was standing up, I hit him on the head with it as he started stumbling around, trying not to stumble into the barbed wire.

I was going to hit him again, but I missed and I was so close to hitting the barbed wire with the stick! I was going to hit him below the belt since it's all legal, but he knew what was coming so I had to come up with a better game plan.

I stayed away from the barbed wire as I was going for an Insane Forearm, but he countered and threw to the barbed wire, but I stopped myself from disaster. He decided to try again, but to no avail because I threw Karrion to the barbed wire and...


It exploded on his torso, making puncture wounds on his chest and back. I know I'd have to go on it sometime, but I'd have to make sure that it happens when I'm weak and Karrion would have to use it to his advantage.

Sure enough, why did I speak?

I was going to use the barbed wire trash can on him, but he low blowed me, and...


The barbed wire exploded on my back and I felt blood coming down my lower back!

I was on the ground, he covered me, but I kicked out at 2.

He wasn't done though because I was fighting back with as much heart and strength as I could muster, making him feel the pain that I felt earlier tonight when my uncle passed.

I kept hitting his torso and I didn't give up. I made sure his ribs were broken and after once closed fist, I felt a rib break.

That's gonna give me some time to stay away from him as I try to come up with another game plan.

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