《Evils Of The Sky (Io Shirai X Male OC)》Might As Well


~With Carlo~

Since I passed out from the Kross Jacket, I've been rethinking about my strategy about going after the NXT Title in the future.

I knew I have to accept before it gets worse, but how can I? I just came back almost a month ago and now Hunter is pushing me this hard already? I don't know if I want to accept it. I feel conflicted.

While Masami was making breakfast, I had to shower and dress while she cooked.

I went out of my room and I saw that Kaori was still here.

こんにちは、あなたは起きています。 (Hey, you are awake.)

ええ、私は死んでいません。 (Yeah, I'm not dead.)

We laughed a bit before Masami shared me my breakfast.

ここであなたは行きます、カルロ。 (Here you go, Carlo.)

She gave me some cooked mushrooms, eggs, peppers, and bacon, which smelled good, I'm not gonna lie.

I took a bite and it was so good! The scramble was so delicious that there should be more for Kaori and Masami, but I assumed they ate.

あなたも食べなければなりませんあなたも知っていますか? (You have to eat too you know?)

こんにちは、私たちはあなたが起きる前に食べましたので大丈夫です。 (Hey, we ate before you were up so it's okay.)

大丈夫。 (Alright.)

あなたは言葉についてkarrionがあなたに言ったことを考えましたか? (Have you thought about the words Karrion said to you?)

私は持っています、そして物事を悪化させるためには、私は受け入れなければなりません。 (I have, and in order to make things not worse, I have to accept.)

しかし、カルロ、あなたは何が起こったのを見ました! 彼はあなたが亡くなった! (But, Carlo, you saw what happened! He made you pass out!)

ええ、それは何ですか? 私は彼よりもはるかに大きいレスラーに対処しました。 (Yeah, so what? I've dealt with wrestlers much bigger than him.)

それは物事を変えません! あなたが今彼の後に行くならば、彼はあなたとあなたの野心を失望させ続けるでしょう。 (That doesn't change a thing! If you go after him now, he'll continue to disrespect you and your ambitions.)

マサミ、私が彼を打つためだけに死ぬ必要があるならば、それで私は何かからバックダウンしないので、私が昨夜は亡くなった誰かからそれをしてください。 (Masami, if I have to die just to beat him, then so be it because I don't back down from anything, especially someone who made me pass out last night.)

I can see the nervousness in her eyes and I had to comfort her.

ねえ。 (Hey.)

I took both her hands and kissed them just to give her some reassurance about my decision.


あなたとカオリは私がそれらの告発に対して戦うのを助けたものであることを忘れないでください、しかし今回は私は一人で行う必要があります。 私があなたに関與しているならば、それはどんな良くもらえません。 ちょうど一度だけお願いします。 (Don't you forget that you and Kaori are the ones who helped me fight back against those accusations, but this time, I need to do this alone. If I have you two involved, it won't get any better. Please, just this once.)

She seemed to be tearing up and had to nod.

わかりました。 私たちはあなたに一人で行かせます、しかしあなたが來週それを受け入れるとき、私たちはあなたが彼を連れて行ってあなたが話すのを助けます。 (Okay. We'll let you do it alone, but when you accept it next week, we help you take him down and you talk.)

さて、覚えておいて、NXTで署名する前に日本に何が起こったのか、歴史はそれ自體を繰り返すかもしれないので注意しなければならないように。 (Okay, but remember, with what happened back in Japan before signing with NXT, history might repeat itself so we have to be careful.)

~Next Wednesday~

At Full Sail University, I was looking forward to saying that I accept his challenge, and since Takeover: Halloween Havoc is around the corner, I have a Deathmatch stipulation that would do wonders for me.

In the ring, he's with his real life wife Scarlett and he was going to speak.

I'm proud that I made Carlo De Luca pass out. He was such a coward that he deserved to be put down!

The crowd booed really loudly as I wanted to come out there and beat the ever-living shit out of him, but I won't be alone.

So I want Carlo to come out here and be in the ring with me face to face. Carlo, you better get your ass out here.

The lights went down as we slid into the ring with steel chairs. This was going to be a massacre, but it's what I wanted.

The lights came back on and Kaori, Masami, and myself were in the ring as Masami took down Scarlett as Kaori hit Karrion with the chair on the back hurting him as I hit the chair into his face.

He was down and conscious, but it was what I wanted.

Ayane, Kallisto, hold him between the ropes!

Kaori and Masami then trapped Karrion between the ropes as I took his mic off the ground.

You want to try and make me pass out again? Then I'd like to see you try again because you locking me in that Kross Jacket last week just told me you're nothing but a little bitch!


Kaori gasped at that insult, but she knew it was for Karrion, not her, so she let it go.

Your girl, she can't save you this time because she won't be at ringside when you and I fight to our very last breath! You wanted me to challenge you for your title? Well I accept, but only you go through what match I want us to be in.

The crowd went quiet as Kaori and Masami were holding him down with the ropes trapping him. I did this match with Evil in Japan before I returned to NXT, but I want to take this match up a notch.

You wanted to have the match be known as doomsday for all of us, so I have an idea for that. How about you and I, at Takeover: Halloween Havoc, in an Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch?

No way.



You see Kross, I have the gun in my hand, and you're just another target for me to pull the trigger. You may be thinking "this is just plain old BS", but it's only just a matter of time before one of us is six feet under the fucking ground!

Masami looked confident in what I can do in these types of matches since the match I had with Evil, so she knows I can do it.

I'm hoping to hear from you, because the clock is ticking and I better get my answer next week. So Karrion Kross, tick tock.

I gestured Kaori and Masami to let go of Karrion and we walk to the back, sadistic smiles and all as our theme played.

We went to our locker room and as we started packing up for home, Masami wanted to talk to me.

あなたはこれをやりたいのですか? (Are you sure you want to do this?)

はい、私は確信です。 ハロウィーンの大恐怖が角の周りにあるので、なぜですか? (Yes I'm sure. Since Halloween Havoc's around the corner, why not?)

あなたは正しいですが、あなたの體はどうですか? あなたはそれを簡単に取るべきです! (You're right, but what about your body? You should take it easy!)

マサミ、私はいつもやるが、私は彼らが私を渡したときに何が起こるかについて何が起こり、謝罪しないのかについてのレッスンを教えたいです! クロスは私が何年も前にあったと思ったときにちょうど私が私を引き戻し、私は毎回たばこのように感じます! (Masami, I always do, but I want to teach Kross a lesson about what happens when they pass me out and don't apologize! Kross is such an asshole that just when I thought I was out of the hole I was into years ago, it pulls me back into it and I feel like shit every time!)

だからあなたはそれがそれに來たら死にたいと思っていますか (So you're willing to die if it comes to that?!)

それが私を殺すならば、私は素晴らしいキャリアを持っていました、しかし最も重要なことに、私は私のそばに素晴らしいガールフレンドを持っていました。 (If it does kill me, then I've had a great career, but most importantly, I've had an amazing girlfriend by my side.)

She was touched by what I said because if this match is my last, then I gotta make the most of it. I noticed she was tearing by the way I was just talking to her so I had to apologize immediately.

マサミ、私はあなたを脫いてすみません。 それは私がこのようなストレスを感じるときはいつでもそれがちょうどそれほど狂気に行きます。 (Masami, I'm sorry for going off on you. It's just that whenever I feel stress like this, I just go insane.)

She hugged me as I hugged back. I just need some time off after the match because of my life back home in New York.

大丈夫です。 あなたは強調しています 私はどのようにやってくるか、それはあなたと私だけですか? (It's okay. You're stressed out and I understand. How about I come over and it's just you and me?)

私はそのようにしたいです。 (I'd like that.)

を確認してください。 (Sure.)

We kissed as we went to our car and I drove Kaori and Masami to the hotel while I went back to my apartment.

Before I went to bed, I saw one more text from my girlfriend and she was so sweet.

私は今あなたのストレスが早くなるだろう今祈っています。 おやすみ。 あなたを愛しなさい。 (I'm praying right now your stress would ease up. Goodnight. Love you.) ❤️

I was touched by that and I had to send a text back.

ありがとうございます。 あなたも愛しています。 (Thanks. Love you too.) ❤️

I stopped texting and went to sleep for the next show.

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